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Problems with multi-GPU MPI setup #1607

therooler opened this issue Oct 12, 2023 · 0 comments

Problems with multi-GPU MPI setup #1607

therooler opened this issue Oct 12, 2023 · 0 comments


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I'm trying to get NetKet to work with multiple GPUs and I'm running into some issues. All my code runs fine with MPI for multiple CPUs. However, I cannot get multiple GPUs to work.


Python 3.9.6

I'm on a cluster, with 2 GPUs with 2 tasks. My MPI distribution is CUDA enabled:

ompi_info --parsable --all | grep mpi_built_with_cuda_support:value

Running mpirun -n 2 python -m gives

mpi4py_available             : True
mpi4jax_available            : True
available_cpus (rank 0)      : 1
n_nodes                      : 2
mpi4py | MPI version         : (3, 1)
mpi4py | MPI library_version : Open MPI v4.0.3, package: Open MPI Distribution, ident: 4.0.3, repo rev: v4.0.3, Mar 03, 2020

I tested MPI4JAX with XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_PREALLOCATE=false MPI4JAX_DEBUG=1 mpirun -n 2 python and this code

# importing automatically initializes MPI with 
import os
from mpi4py import MPI

size = comm.Get_size()
rank = comm.Get_rank()
# set only one visible device
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = f"{rank}"

# force to use gpu
os.environ["JAX_PLATFORM_NAME"] = "gpu"

print('Hello from process %d of %d' % (rank, size))
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import mpi4jax

def foo(arr):
    arr = arr + rank
    arr_sum, _ = mpi4jax.allreduce(arr, op=MPI.SUM, comm=comm)
    return arr_sum

a = jnp.zeros((3, 3))
result = foo(a)

if rank == 0:

This works as intended:

Hello from process 0 of 2
Hello from process 1 of 2
r0 | ur5tvJRI | MPI_Allreduce with 9 items
r1 | g4gEXose | MPI_Allreduce with 9 items
r0 | ur5tvJRI | MPI_Allreduce done with code 0 (1.45e-01s)
r1 | g4gEXose | MPI_Allreduce done with code 0 (1.17e-03s)
[[1. 1. 1.]
 [1. 1. 1.]
 [1. 1. 1.]]

Note: without the XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_PREALLOCATE flag, I get

r0 | VwUSW798 | MPI_Allreduce with 9 items
cudaStreamSynchronize failed with the following error:
        Error 2 cudaErrorMemoryAllocation: out of memory--------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 1 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
with errorcode 0.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.
[warn] Epoll MOD(1) on fd 23 failed. Old events were 6; read change was 0 (none); write change was 2 (del); close change was 0 (none): Bad file descriptor

Now, as soon as I bring NetKet into the mix, things break. I currently have the MWE

import os

    from mpi4py import MPI

    rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()

    # set only one visible device
    os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = f"{rank}"
    # force to use gpu
    os.environ["JAX_PLATFORM_NAME"] = "gpu"

except ModuleNotFoundError:
    print("MPI disabled")
    rank = 0
import jax
import netket as nk

print(f"{rank} -> {jax.devices()}")

L = 4
alpha = 3
bias = True
nsamples = 100
hilbert = nk.hilbert.Spin(0.5, L)
model = nk.models.RBM(param_dtype=complex, alpha=alpha, use_hidden_bias=bias)
sampler = nk.sampler.MetropolisLocal(hilbert, n_chains=10)
phi = nk.vqs.MCState(sampler=sampler, model=model, n_samples=nsamples)

Executing XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_PREALLOCATE=false MPI4JAX_DEBUG=1 mpirun -n 2 python then gives the stacktrace:

0 -> [StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=0, process_index=0, slice_index=0), StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=1, process_index=0, slice_index=0)]
[StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=0, process_index=0, slice_index=0), StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=1, process_index=0, slice_index=0)]
1 -> [StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=0, process_index=0, slice_index=0), StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=1, process_index=0, slice_index=0)]
[StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=0, process_index=0, slice_index=0), StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=1, process_index=0, slice_index=0)]
r1 | IVZR2vbQ | MPI_Bcast -> 0 with 2 items
r0 | IZXUL4f9 | MPI_Bcast -> 0 with 2 items
[gra985:9629 :0:9629] Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault: invalid permissions for mapped object at address 0x2b771ac00100)
==== backtrace (tid:   9629) ====
 0 0x0000000000020243 ucs_debug_print_backtrace()  /tmp/ebuser/avx2/UCX/1.8.0/gcccorecuda-2020.1.114/ucx-1.8.0/src/ucs/debug/debug.c:653
 1 0x00000000000130f0 __funlockfile()  :0
 2 0x0000000000159433 __nss_database_lookup()  /cvmfs/
 3 0x0000000000015de9 uct_am_short_fill_data()  /tmp/ebuser/avx2/UCX/1.8.0/gcccorecuda-2020.1.114/ucx-1.8.0/src/uct/base/uct_iface.h:725
 4 0x0000000000015de9 uct_mm_ep_am_short()  /tmp/ebuser/avx2/UCX/1.8.0/gcccorecuda-2020.1.114/ucx-1.8.0/src/uct/sm/mm/base/mm_ep.c:333
 5 0x000000000003932b uct_ep_am_short()  /tmp/ebuser/avx2/UCX/1.8.0/gcccorecuda-2020.1.114/ucx-1.8.0/src/uct/api/uct.h:2424
 6 0x000000000003932b ucp_tag_eager_contig_short()  /tmp/ebuser/avx2/UCX/1.8.0/gcccorecuda-2020.1.114/ucx-1.8.0/src/ucp/tag/eager_snd.c:125
 7 0x000000000004b1ca ucp_request_try_send()  /tmp/ebuser/avx2/UCX/1.8.0/gcccorecuda-2020.1.114/ucx-1.8.0/src/ucp/core/ucp_request.inl:171
 8 0x000000000004b1ca ucp_request_send()  /tmp/ebuser/avx2/UCX/1.8.0/gcccorecuda-2020.1.114/ucx-1.8.0/src/ucp/core/ucp_request.inl:206
 9 0x000000000004b1ca ucp_tag_send_req()  /tmp/ebuser/avx2/UCX/1.8.0/gcccorecuda-2020.1.114/ucx-1.8.0/src/ucp/tag/tag_send.c:109
10 0x000000000004b1ca ucp_tag_send_nb()  /tmp/ebuser/avx2/UCX/1.8.0/gcccorecuda-2020.1.114/ucx-1.8.0/src/ucp/tag/tag_send.c:224
11 0x000000000000725f mca_pml_ucx_isend()  ???:0
12 0x00000000000ed8f1 ompi_coll_base_bcast_intra_generic()  ???:0
13 0x00000000000eea7f ompi_coll_base_bcast_intra_binomial()  ???:0
14 0x0000000000108d03 ompi_coll_tuned_bcast_intra_dec_fixed()  ???:0
15 0x000000000009f1fa MPI_Bcast()  ???:0
16 0x000000000000b223 __pyx_f_7mpi4jax_4_src_10xla_bridge_14mpi_xla_bridge_mpi_bcast()  /project/6019671/roeland/dwave/experiments/graham/mpi4jax/mpi4jax/_src/xla_bridge/mpi_xla_bridge.c:5260
17 0x000000000000cf19 __pyx_f_7mpi4jax_4_src_10xla_bridge_18mpi_xla_bridge_gpu_mpi_bcast_gpu()  /project/6019671/roeland/dwave/experiments/graham/mpi4jax/mpi4jax/_src/xla_bridge/mpi_xla_bridge_gpu.c:7245
18 0x000000000000cf19 __pyx_f_7mpi4jax_4_src_10xla_bridge_18mpi_xla_bridge_gpu_mpi_bcast_gpu()  /project/6019671/roeland/dwave/experiments/graham/mpi4jax/mpi4jax/_src/xla_bridge/mpi_xla_bridge_gpu.c:7245
19 0x00000000029cab9a xla::runtime::CustomCallHandler<(xla::runtime::CustomCall::RuntimeChecks)1, xla::runtime::CustomCall::FunctionWrapper<&xla::gpu::XlaCustomCallImpl>, xla::runtime::internal::UserData<xla::ServiceExecutableRunOptions const*>, xla::runtime::internal::UserData<xla::DebugOptions const*>, xla::runtime::CustomCall::RemainingArgs, xla::runtime::internal::Attr<std::basic_string_view<char, std::char_traits<char> > >, xla::runtime::internal::Attr<int>, xla::runtime::internal::Attr<std::basic_string_view<char, std::char_traits<char> > > >::call()
20 0x00000000029cb872 xla::gpu::XlaCustomCall()
[gra985:09629] *** Process received signal ***
[gra985:09629] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[gra985:09629] Signal code:  (-6)
[gra985:09629] Failing at address: 0x2f425f0000259d
[gra985:09629] [ 0] /cvmfs/[0x2b763b88d0f0]
[gra985:09629] [ 1] /cvmfs/[0x2b763b9fa433]
[gra985:09629] [ 2] /cvmfs/[0x2b76434e1de9]
[gra985:09629] [ 3] /cvmfs/[0x2b764347832b]
[gra985:09629] [ 4] /cvmfs/[0x2b764348a1ca]
[gra985:09629] [ 5] /cvmfs/[0x2b76425a325f]
[gra985:09629] [ 6] /cvmfs/[0x2b763c9ba8f1]
[gra985:09629] [ 7] /cvmfs/[0x2b763c9bba7f]
[gra985:09629] [ 8] /cvmfs/[0x2b763c9d5d03]
[gra985:09629] [ 9] /cvmfs/[0x2b763c96c1fa]
[gra985:09629] [10] /project/6019671/roeland/virtenvs/dwave/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mpi4jax-0.3.15.post2-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/mpi4jax/_src/xla_bridge/[0x2b76917c1223]
[gra985:09629] [11] /project/6019671/roeland/virtenvs/dwave/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mpi4jax-0.3.15.post2-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/mpi4jax/_src/xla_bridge/[0x2b7691adff19]
[gra985:09629] [12] /project/6019671/roeland/virtenvs/dwave/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jaxlib/[0x2b76769cab9a]
[gra985:09629] [13] /project/6019671/roeland/virtenvs/dwave/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jaxlib/[0x2b76769cb872]
[gra985:09629] [14] [0x2b765fffe63c]
[gra985:09629] *** End of error message ***
Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 9629 on node gra985 exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).

I've tried a bunch of things but I'm running out of ideas. Do you have any suggestions what to look for here?


@netket netket locked and limited conversation to collaborators Oct 12, 2023
@PhilipVinc PhilipVinc converted this issue into discussion #1608 Oct 12, 2023

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