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Usage and Overview

fastchunking provides efficient implementations for different string chunking algorithms, e.g., static chunking (SC) and content-defined chunking (CDC).

Static Chunking (SC)

Static chunking splits a message into fixed-size chunks.

Let us consider a random example message that shall be chunked:
>>> import os
>>> message = os.urandom(1024*1024)
Static chunking is trivial when chunking a single message:
>>> import fastchunking
>>> sc = fastchunking.SC()
>>> chunker = sc.create_chunker(chunk_size=4096)
>>> chunker.next_chunk_boundaries(message)
[4096, 8192, 12288, ...]
A large message can also be chunked in fragments, though:
>>> chunker = sc.create_chunker(chunk_size=4096)
>>> chunker.next_chunk_boundaries(message[:10240])
[4096, 8192]
>>> chunker.next_chunk_boundaries(message[10240:])
[2048, 6144, 10240, ...]

Content-Defined Chunking (CDC)

fastchunking supports content-defined chunking, i.e., chunking of messages into fragments of variable lengths.

Currently, a chunking strategy based on Rabin-Karp rolling hashes is supported.

As a rolling hash computation on plain-Python strings is incredibly slow with any interpreter, most of the computation is performed by a C++ extension which is based on the ngramhashing library by Daniel Lemire, see:

Let us consider a random message that should be chunked:
>>> import os
>>> message = os.urandom(1024*1024)

When using static chunking, we have to specify a rolling hash window size (here: 48 bytes) and an optional seed value that affects the pseudo-random distribution of the generated chunk boundaries.

Despite that, usage is similar to static chunking:
>>> import fastchunking
>>> cdc = fastchunking.RabinKarpCDC(window_size=48, seed=0)
>>> chunker = cdc.create_chunker(chunk_size=4096)
>>> chunker.next_chunk_boundaries(message)
[7475L, 10451L, 12253L, 13880L, 15329L, 19808L, ...]
Chunking in fragments is straightforward:
>>> chunker = cdc.create_chunker(chunk_size=4096)
>>> chunker.next_chunk_boundaries(message[:10240])
>>> chunker.next_chunk_boundaries(message[10240:])
[211L, 2013L, 3640L, 5089L, 9568L, ...]

Multi-Level Chunking (ML-*)

Multiple chunkers of the same type (but with different chunk sizes) can be efficiently used in parallel, e.g., to perform multi-level chunking [LS16].

Again, let us consider a random message that should be chunked:
>>> import os
>>> message = os.urandom(1024*1024)
Usage of multi-level-chunking, e.g., ML-CDC, is easy:
>>> import fastchunking
>>> cdc = fastchunking.RabinKarpCDC(window_size=48, seed=0)
>>> chunk_sizes = [1024, 2048, 4096]
>>> chunker = cdc.create_multilevel_chunker(chunk_sizes)
>>> chunker.next_chunk_boundaries_with_levels(message)
[(1049L, 2L), (1511L, 1L), (1893L, 2L), (2880L, 1L), (2886L, 0L),
(3701L, 0L), (4617L, 0L), (5809L, 2L), (5843L, 0L), ...]

The second value in each tuple indicates the highest chunk size that leads to a boundary. Here, the first boundary is a boundary created by the chunker with index 2, i.e., the chunker with 4096 bytes target chunk size.


Only the highest index is output if multiple chunkers yield the same boundary.


Chunk sizes have to be passed in correct order, i.e., from lowest to highest value.

[LS16]Dominik Leibenger and Christoph Sorge (2016). sec-cs: Getting the Most out of Untrusted Cloud Storage. arXiv:1606.03368