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File metadata and controls

122 lines (92 loc) · 4.95 KB


⚡️ Quick Setup + Deploy Option

Click the button below and it will help you create a new repo, create a new Netlify project, and deploy this Theme!

Deploy to Netlify

💫 Regular Setup

Cloning + Install Packages

  • Clone this repo with one of these options:

    • Click the 'Use this template' button at the top of the page
    • Via the command line:
      git clone
    • Or you can clone the theme straight from the Netlify CLI, using the netlify sites:create-template command in your terminal (learn more about this command here) to do the entire flow for you.

From there, you can install the project's dependencies by running:

npm install or yarn install

Finally, you can run your project locally with:

cd gatsby-sydney-ecommerce-theme/
npm start or yarn start

or, run it using the Netlify CLI with:

netlify run dev

Open your browser and visit http://localhost:5000, your project should now be running!

Project Structure

Here is a bit of an overview of the directory structure of the project:

Directory Description
src/components/ Stores reusable elements across the site. (e.g. BlogPreview element)
src/pages/ Stores routes for a user to go to based on each .js file and nested folder (e.g. src/pages/about.js creates a route /about in the web app)
src/helpers Stores mock data for the blog or product list and general utility functions.

Making changes to the Hero component

On the homepage of the website and a few other places, there is a full-width image component. We refer to this as the <Hero/> component. Here is a bit of an overview of what its API looks like:

  maxWidth='500px' // how big the image's maxumim should be
  image={'/banner1.png'} // the source location for the image
  title={'Essentials for a cold winter'} // the main text displayed
  subtitle={'Discover Autumn Winter 2021'} // text found below the main text
  ctaText={'shop now'} // the presented text for a user to click on
  ctaAction={goToShop} // the location the call-to-action text directs users

You can see it in action under src/pages/index.js or see the component in src/components/Hero/Hero.js.

Making content changes to the Header or Footer

The project contains a file named src/config.json. Inside of this file describes the content of the header links (headerLinks) as well as the footer links (footerLinks). For the header, each element in the array has a base structure of:

  "menuLabel": "The label that is given to a user",
  "menuLink": "The URL that this should take a user to"

If you want the menu item to have a dropdown, you can also add a category key with the value being an array of the categories and their containing elements, here's what the base could look like:

  "menuLabel": "The label that is given to a user",
  "menuLink": "The URL that this should take a user to",
  "category": [
      "categoryLabel": "Label you want the category to have",
      "submenu": [
          "menuLabel": "A label underneath the category",
          "menuLink": "The associated link to this label"

The footer works in a similar way. It assumes each element in the array has a heading and an array of associated links to direct folks to:

"footerLinks": [
      "subTitle": "Label of the column in the footer",
      "links": [
          "text": "Text to display to the user",
          "link": "URL of where to take the user to when clicked"

Next Steps with this theme

This project is intended to be extended by you! We wanted to make possible to replace parts of it with your own tools and data sources. If you're interested on a direction, you can refer to Matter's how to use section in this project or you may want to consider using Matter's toolset with their JAMM framework which includes some projects like:

  • BigCommerce for a headless e-commerce solution
  • Builder as a CMS for the blog articles or other content creation
  • Klaviyo for any email or SMS marketing automation