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122 lines (83 loc) · 3.78 KB

File metadata and controls

122 lines (83 loc) · 3.78 KB


guard-sass compiles your sass (and scss) files automatically when changed.


You will need to have guard to continue, so install it now!

Install the gem with:

gem install guard-sass

Add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'guard-sass'

And finally add a basic setup to your Guardfile with:

guard init sass


guard 'sass' do

Defaults to writing to 'css/' but this can be changed by setting the output option

guard 'sass', :output => 'styles' do

By default a file such as sass/forms/buttons.sass with the above guard file would be output to styles/forms/buttons.css because forms would be matched with the parentheses. This can be disabled by passing :shallow => true so that it would be written to styles/buttons.css instead.

guard-sass also has a short notation like guard-coffeescript, this let's you define an input folder (with an optional output folder) and the watcher is defined for you.

guard 'sass', :input => 'sass', :output => 'styles'
# or
guard 'sass', :input => 'stylesheets'

These are equivalent to

guard 'sass', :output => 'styles' do
  watch %r{^sass/(.+\.s[ac]ss)$}

guard 'sass' do
  watch %r{^stylesheets/(.+\.s[ac]ss)$}

With the Rails asset pipeline

With the introduction of the asset pipeline in Rails 3.1 there is no need to compile your Sass stylesheets with this Guard. However if you like to have instant validation feedback (preferably with a Growl notification) directly after you save a change, then you may want still use this Guard and just skip the generation of the output file:

guard 'sass', :input => 'app/assets/stylesheets', :noop => true

This give you a faster compilation feedback compared to making a subsequent request to your Rails application. If you just want to be notified when an error occurs you can hide the success compilation message:

guard 'sass', :input => 'app/assets/stylesheets', :noop => true, :hide_success => true


There following options can be passed to guard-sass:

:input => 'sass'                    # Relative path to the input directory.
                                    # A suffix `/(.+\.s[ac]ss)` will be added to this option.
                                    # default: nil

:output => 'css'                    # Relative path to the output directory.
                                    # default: the path given with the :input option

:notification => false              # Whether to display success and error notifications after finished.
                                    # default: true

:hide_success => true               # Disable successful compilation messages.
                                    # default: false

:shallow => true                    # Do not create nested output directories.
                                    # default: false

:style => :nested                   # Controls the output style.
                                    # Accepted options are :nested, :compact, :compressed and :expanded
                                    # default: :nested

:load_paths => ['sass/partials']    # Paths for sass to find imported sass files from.
                                    # default: all directories under current

:noop => true                       # No operation: Do not write output file
                                    # default: false

:debug_info_ => true                # File and line number info for FireSass.
                                    # default: false