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Next.js SSG example

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app, with a couple of modifications to make sidepix work.

How to run

Export the site and serve it:

$ yarn export && yarn serve

There are two pages:

Images will be processed in development mode, too. Just reload until they're generated and cached.

$ yarn dev

Notable configuration

Make PictureConf available to the processing server

sidepix's optimization server needs to import a PictureConf object at runtime, so we have to compile it separately from Next.js's bundles.

Add a build-conf script to package.json:

"build-conf": "tsc --skipLibCheck src/components/PictureConf.ts --outDir conf",
"build": "yarn build-conf && next build",

Strip Node.js code from the frontend bundle

In next.config.js:

webpack: (config, { defaultLoaders }) => {
    test: /node_modules\/sidepix\/.*\.js$/,
    use: defaultLoaders.babel,

  return config;

Wait for optimization jobs to complete before exporting

Call sidepix-wait after next build:

"build": "yarn build-conf && next build && sidepix-wait",

Handle SSR

In a custom server server.ts:

if (pathname?.startsWith('/media/')) {
  await waitImage('public' + pathname);

await handle(req, res, parsedUrl);

Call the custom server instead of next dev or next start:

"dev": "yarn build-conf && yarn build-custom-server && node server.js",
"start": "NODE_ENV=production node server.js",