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The retry package provides a retry mechanism. This is useful for retrying operations that may fail due to transient errors.

Do function

The Do function will retry an operation until it succeeds or the strategy determines that the operation should no longer be retried.

// Do retries the provided function according to the provided strategy, until
// the context is canceled or the function returns nil.
func Do(ctx context.Context, strategy Strategy, fn func() error, opts ...DoOption) error

ctx is the context to use for the retry operation. If the context is canceled, the retry operation will stop.

strategy is the strategy to use for retrying the operation. The strategy receives the most recent error returned by the function and returns a duration to wait before retrying the operation. If the strategy returns a negative duration, the retry operation will stop, and the most recent error will be returned.

fn is the function to retry. If the function returns nil, the retry operation will stop. If the function returns an error, the strategy will be used to determine how long to wait before retrying the operation.

opts are options to use for the retry operation.

Do options

The following options are available:

  • OnRetryAttempt specifies a function to call after each retry attempt. The function receives the most recent error returned by the function and the number of attempts that have been made. If the function returns an error, the retry operation will stop and the error will be returned. Otherwise, the retry operation will continue.

    func OnRetryAttempt(fn func(attempt int, err error) error) DoOption
  • OnRetry specifies a function to call after each retry. The function receives the most recent error returned by the function. If the function returns an error, the retry operation will stop and the error will be returned. Otherwise, the retry operation will continue.

    func OnRetry(fn func(err error) error) DoOption


The Strategy interface is used to determine how long to wait before retrying an operation.

// Strategy is a retry strategy.
type Strategy interface {
	// Next returns the duration to wait before the next retry. It is passed
	// the error returned by the last attempt. It returns a negative duration
	// to stop retrying.
	Next(err error) time.Duration

You can implement any retry strategy you want by implementing the Strategy interface. The retry package provides a few strategies that you can use.


The Exponential strategy will wait an exponentially increasing amount of time between retries. The initial time to wait is the "base interval," which is multiplied by a fixed factor after every retry. A maximum interval can be specified, which will cap the amount of time to wait between retries. In addition, a maximum number of attempts can be specified, which will cap the total number of retries.

// Exponential returns a retry strategy that uses exponential backoff.
func Exponential(opts ...StrategyOption) Strategy

The Exponential strategy supports the following options:

  • WithBaseInterval (default 100 milliseconds)
  • WithFactor (default 2)
  • WithMaxAttempts (default unlimited)
  • WithMaxInterval (default 10 seconds)


The Linear strategy will wait a linearly increasing amount of time between retries. The initial time to wait is the "base interval," which is increased by a fixed amount after every retry. A maximum interval can be specified, which will cap the amount of time to wait between retries. In addition, a maximum number of attempts can be specified, which will cap the total number of retries.

// Linear returns a retry strategy that uses linear backoff.
func Linear(opts ...StrategyOption) Strategy

The Linear strategy supports the following options:

  • WithBaseInterval (default 100 milliseconds)
  • WithIncrement (default 100 milliseconds)
  • WithMaxAttempts (default unlimited)
  • WithMaxInterval (default 10 seconds)


The Fixed strategy will wait a fixed amount of time between retries. A maximum number of attempts can be specified, which will cap the total number of retries. Fixed is a special case of Linear with an increment of 0.

// Fixed returns a linear retry strategy with an increment of 0.
func Fixed(opts ...StrategyOption) Strategy

The Fixed strategy supports the following options:

  • WithBaseInterval (default 100 milliseconds)
  • WithMaxAttempts (default unlimited)

Strategy Options

A StrategyOption is used to configure a strategy. Not all strategies support all options. If an option is not supported, it will be ignored and bug.Bug will be called.

// StrategyOption is an option for a Strategy.
type StrategyOption func(Strategy)


The WithBaseInterval option specifies the base interval for a strategy. The base interval is the amount of time to wait before the first retry. This can be any non-negative duration. For Exponential strategies, it must be strictly positive.

func WithBaseInterval(d time.Duration) StrategyOption


The WithFactor option specifies the factor for a strategy. The factor is used to increase the amount of time to wait between retries. This can be any number greater than or equal to 1.

func WithFactor(f float64) StrategyOption


The WithIncrement option specifies the increment for a strategy. The increment is used to increase the amount of time to wait between retries. This can be any non-negative duration.

func WithIncrement(d time.Duration) StrategyOption


The WithMaxAttempts option specifies the maximum number of attempts for a strategy. The maximum number of attempts is the total number of retries. This can be any integer. Negative values mean there is no maximum number of attempts.

func WithMaxAttempts(n int) StrategyOption


The WithMaxInterval option specifies the maximum interval for a strategy. The maximum interval is the maximum amount of time to wait between retries. This can be any duration. Negative values mean there is no maximum interval. For convenience, WithNoMaxInterval is provided as a synonym for WithMaxInterval with a negative value.

func WithMaxInterval(d time.Duration) StrategyOption


The WithNoMaxInterval option specifies that there is no maximum interval for a strategy. This is a synonym for WithMaxInterval with a negative value.

func WithNoMaxInterval() StrategyOption

Specifying a timeout

Timeout is not implemented with any option. Instead, set a timeout or deadline on the context passed to Do.


The implementation of HTTPGet serves as a simple example.

// HTTPGet is a convenience function that performs an HTTP GET request with
// the given URL and returns the response body. It retries the request according
// to the provided strategy, until the context is canceled or the request
// succeeds. "Success" is defined as any response with a non-5xx status code.
// The caller is responsible for closing the response body.
func HTTPGet(ctx context.Context, url string, strategy Strategy, opts ...DoOption) (*ht.Response, error) {
	var resp *ht.Response
	err := Do(ctx, strategy, func() error {
		resp, err := ht.Get(url)
		return status.HTTPError(resp, err)
	}, opts...)
	return resp, err