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Continuous integration

Having tests is nice. But tests are not useful unless you run them. And you'd ideally like to run them often. Continuous integration (CI) means that you have systems in place that automatically run the tests for you every time that changes are made to the software.

Here, we will use GitHub's built-in system for CI called GitHub Actions. The system is actually very flexible and can allow you to configure GitHub to run a variety of different operations triggered on a large range of events in your repository (including regularly scheduled "cron" jobs).

GitHub Actions works by reading configuration files that are stored in a special directory in your repository in .github/workflows. These files are written in the YAML markup language.

Here, we'll use a pre-configured workflow for Python packages and change it slightly for our purposes. GitHub allows you to edit files through the browser and we will use this capability to edit the pre-configured configuration to do what want it to do. To do so, we click through the Actions menu and choose the "Python Package" action. This will open the editor and allow us to tweak.

We'll tweak the following items:

  • The versions of Python tested: we'll use only 3.6 and 3.7. Remember that we set the software up to require version after 3.6
  • Install the software with python install. There are other ways to install software, but will not consider them here. For more on that, you can look here
  • Run pytest --doctest-modules geometry to emulate what we did locally.

In the end the configuration will look like this:

name: Python package

    branches: [ master ]
    branches: [ master ]


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        python-version: [3.6, 3.7]

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
    uses: actions/setup-python@v2
        python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
    - name: Install
    run: |
        python -m pip install --upgrade pip
        pip install pytest flake8
        python install
    - name: Lint with flake8
    run: |
        # stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
        flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
        # exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide
        flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
    - name: Test with pytest
    run: |
        pytest --doctest-modules geometry

Once the workflow is commited to the repository, this workflow is triggered and the steps in the configuration file are executed. Note that in addition to running our tests, this configuration runs flake8, which checks the code for its compliance with standards for formatting, and other best practices in how the code is constructed. Given feedback from the CI system, we might need to address some of these issues, before we can move on. But once the CI is all green, we can see how this works in practice. Consider what happens when a new piece of code is added.

Here, we will make a new branch, called new_test and add a test for the other function:

def calculate_circ(r):
    Calculates the circumference of a circle.

    r : float or array
        The radius of a single circle or multiple circles

    circ : float or array
        The calculated circumference/s

    >>> calculate_circ(1)
    circ = 2 * np.pi * r
    return circ

Let's commit this code and see what kind of feedback we get. We go through the process: commit the code, push it to GitHub and make a pull request. After a short while, we get our feedback back. We will also get an email telling us that the test failed. Fixing the code:

# snip

    >>> calculate_circ(1)

# snip

And committing then pushing the code to GitHub now fixes the CI. Once the CI is green, we can safely merge the PR. This pattern can save you a lot of pain. It is much better to prevent errors from being introduced in the first place, than to try fixing errors after they have already broken your software.

This is a good pattern to use yourself, but it becomes crucial when you are collaborating with others. This is because it lets you vet new additions by others in an automated manner. If you keep all of your code tested in this way, it will also tell you when a new contribution is breaking existing functionality of the software.