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executable file
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.. index::  syntax (HOC)

HOC Syntax

HOC was the original programming language supported by NEURON. NEURON may also be programmed in Python.

.. index::  comments





Comments are similar in style to C++. Enclose any text in /.../ (but do not nest them). The rest of a line after // is a comment.
.. index::  expression


An expression has a double precision value. It usually appears as the right hand side of an assignment statement. An expression may be a number, variable, function call, or combination of simpler expressions.

The ways in which expressions can be combined are listed below in order of precedence. e stands for any expression, v stands for any variable and operators are left associative except for assignment operators which are right associative.

e*e e/e e%e
multiplication, division, modulus
e+e e-e
addition, subtraction
e==e e!=e e<e e<=e e>e e>=e

logical equal, unequal, less than, less than or equal, greater than, greater than or equal. These expressions have the numerical value 1 (true) or 0 (false). The expression is considered true if it is within :data:`float_epsilon` of being mathematically exact.

Special logical expressions of the form objref1 == objref2 (and obj != obj) are also allowed and return 1 (0) if the object references label the same object. This makes the former comparison idiom using :func:`object_id` obsolete. Logical expressions of the strdef1 == strdef2 cannot be directly compared because of parser consistency reasons. However obj1.string1 == obj2.string2 will return true if the strings are identical in the sense of :func:`strcmp` .

Logical and. Both expressions are always evaluated. A subexpression is considered false if it is within :data:`float_epsilon` of 0 and true otherwise. If the entire expression is true its value is 1.
Logical or. Both expressions are always evaluated. A subexpression is considered false if it is within :data:`float_epsilon` of 0 and true otherwise. If the entire expression is true its value is 1.
v=e v+=e v-=e v*=e v/=e
assignment. others are equivalent to v = (v + e), v = (v - e), v = (v * e), v = (v / e), respectively.
.. seealso::

  .. index::  statement





{stmt stmt ...stmt}

A statement is something executable that does not have a value, eg. for loops, procedure calls, or a compound statement between braces. An expression may be used anywhere a statement is required.


i = 0   //initialize i
j = 0   //initialize j
if(vec.x[i] <= 10 && i < vec.size()){   //In the parentheses is an expression:
                                        //if the value of the ith element in vec
                                        //is less than or equal to 10, and
                                        //if i is an index within vec
                                        //Between the braces is/are statement(s):
        vec1.x[j] = vec.x[i]
        i = i+1                         //increment i by 1
        j = j+1                         //increment j by 1
} else{
                                        //Here is also a statement
        i = i+1                         //simply go to the next element of vec

Statements exist between the braces following the if and else commands. The parentheses after the if command contain an expression.

.. index::  proc


:samp:`proc {name}() stmt`
Introduce the definition of a procedure. A procedure does not return a value. You should always try to distill your programs into small, manageable procedures and functions.


proc printsquare() {local x
   x = $1
   print x*x

prints the square of 5.

Procedures can also be called within other procedures. The code which produces the interactive examples for the :class:`Random` class contains procedures for both creating the buttons which allow you to select parameters as well as for creating the histograms which appear on the screen.

.. index::  func


:samp:`func {name}() {{stmt1, stmt2, stmt3...}}`
Introduce the definition of a function. A function returns a double precision value.


 func tan() {
        return sin($1)/cos($1)

creates a function tan() which takes one argument (floating point or whole number), and contains one statement.

.. index::  obfunc


:samp:`obfunc {name}() {{ statements }}`
Introduce the definition of a function returning an objref


obfunc last() { // arg is List
        return $o1.object($o1.count - 1)
.. seealso::
    :ref:`localobj <keyword_localobj>`, :ref:`return <keyword_return>`

.. index::  iterator


iterator name() stmt
Define a looping construct to be used subsequently in looping over a statement.


iterator case() {local i
        for i = 2, numarg() {           //must begin at 2 because the first argument is
                                        //in reference to the address
                $&1 = $i                //what is at the address will be changed
                *iterator_statement*    //This is where the iterator statement will
                                        //be executed.

In this case

for case (&x, 1,2,4,7,-25) {
        print x                 //the iterator statement

will print the values 1, 2, 4, 7, -25

The body of the for name(..) statement is executed in the same context as a normal for statement. The name is executed in the same context as a normal procedure but should use only variables local to the iterator.

.. index::  arguments


Arguments to functions and procedures are retrieved positionally. $1, $2, $3 refer to the first, second, and third scalar arguments respectively.

If "i" is declared as a local variable, $i refers to the scalar argument in the position given by the value of i. The value of i must be in the range {1...numarg()}.

The normal idiom is

for i=1, numarg() {print $i}

Scalar arguments use call by value so the variable in the calling statement cannot be changed.

If the calling statement has a '&' prepended to the variable then it is passed by reference and must be retrieved with the syntax $&1, $&2, ..., $&i. If the variable passed by reference is a one dimensional array then $&1 refers to the first (0th) element and index i is denoted $&1[i]. Warning, NO array bounds checking is done and the array is treated as being one-dimensional. A scalar or array reference may be passed to another procedure with &$&1. To save a scalar reference use the :class:`Pointer` class.

Retrieval of strdef arguments uses the syntax: $s1, $s2, ..., $si. Retrieval of objref arguments uses the syntax: $o1, $o2, ..., $oi. Arguments of type :ref:`strdef <keyword_strdef>` and objref use call by reference so the calling value may be changed.


func mult(){
        return $1*$2

defines a function which multiplies two arguments. Therefore mult(4,5) will return the value 20.

proc pr(){
        print $s3
        print $1*$2
        print $o4

defines a procedure which first prints the string defined in position 3, then prints the product of the two numbers in positions 1 and 2, and finally prints the pointer reference to an object in position 4.

For a string 's' which is defined as s = "hello", and an objref 'r', pr(3,5,s,r) will return


assuming r refers to the first graph.

.. seealso::
    :ref:`func`, :ref:`proc`, :ref:`objref`, :ref:`strdef <keyword_strdef>`, :class:`Pointer`, :func:`numarg`, :func:`argtype`

.. function:: numarg

        ``n = numarg()``

        Number of arguments passed to a user written hoc function.

    .. seealso::
        :ref:`arguments`, :func:`argtype`

.. function:: argtype

        ``itype = argtype(iarg)``

        The type of the ith arg. The return value is 0 for numbers, 1 for objref,
        2 for strdef, 3 for pointers to numbers, and -1 if the arg does not exist.

    .. seealso::
        :ref:`arguments`, :func:`numarg`