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File metadata and controls

279 lines (258 loc) Β· 10.9 KB


✨ Buff your buffers navigation with pins πŸ“Œ

pinbuff.nvim is a lightweight plugin tailored for quick buffer navigation, leveraging the intuitive concept of pinning.

✨ Features

Essentially, the plugin provides a straightforward method for storing buffer handles (bufnr) in slots (inside lua table) and a method for jumping to bufnr stored in a slot. These actions are just wrappers for Neovim's API.
To put it simply, I press F1 - F4 for pinning the buffer in slots 1 - 4, and then I press Alt+1 - Alt+4 for jumping to those buffers.

πŸ“¦ Installation

  config = function()

πŸš€ Usage

For getting the described keymaps

-- Slot can also be a string. I use integers 1 - 4 in this example.
vim.keymap.set("n", "<F1>", require("pinbuff").setter(1))
vim.keymap.set("n", "<F2>", require("pinbuff").setter(2))
vim.keymap.set("n", "<F3>", require("pinbuff").setter(3))
vim.keymap.set("n", "<F4>", require("pinbuff").setter(4))
vim.keymap.set("n", "<M-1>", require("pinbuff").jumper(1))
vim.keymap.set("n", "<M-2>", require("pinbuff").jumper(2))
vim.keymap.set("n", "<M-3>", require("pinbuff").jumper(3))
vim.keymap.set("n", "<M-4>", require("pinbuff").jumper(4))

Additionally, for getting the interactive floating window

vim.keymap.set("n", "<F5>", require("pinbuff").open_float)

Telescope integration example

As you can see in the second gif, the buffers are pinned directly from Telescope's pickers. It is possible, because require("pinbuff").setter() has an optional second parameter, function get_bufnr. The default value is function vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf, which returns current buffer's bufnr.
Here is an example for Telescope's builtin pickers Find Files and Buffers

local function ff_bufload()
  local fname = require("telescope.actions.state").get_selected_entry()[1]
  local bufnr = vim.fn.bufadd(fname)
  vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("buflisted", true, { buf = bufnr })
  return bufnr

local function bufs_get_bufnr()
  return require("telescope.actions.state").get_selected_entry().bufnr

  pickers = {
    find_files = {
      mappings = {
        i = {
          ["<F1>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(1, ff_bufload),
          ["<F2>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(2, ff_bufload),
          ["<F3>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(3, ff_bufload),
          ["<F4>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(4, ff_bufload),
        n = {
          ["<F1>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(1, ff_bufload),
          ["<F2>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(2, ff_bufload),
          ["<F3>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(3, ff_bufload),
          ["<F4>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(4, ff_bufload),
    buffers = {
      mappings = {
        i = {
          ["<F1>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(1, bufs_get_bufnr),
          ["<F2>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(2, bufs_get_bufnr),
          ["<F3>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(3, bufs_get_bufnr),
          ["<F4>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(4, bufs_get_bufnr),
        n = {
          ["<F1>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(1, bufs_get_bufnr),
          ["<F2>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(2, bufs_get_bufnr),
          ["<F3>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(3, bufs_get_bufnr),
          ["<F4>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(4, bufs_get_bufnr),

Example for File Browser extension

local function fb_bufload()
  local entry = require("telescope.actions.state").get_selected_entry()
  if entry.is_dir then
    return nil
  local fname = entry[1]
  local bufnr = vim.fn.bufadd(fname)
  vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("buflisted", true, { buf = bufnr })
  return bufnr

  extensions = {
    file_browser = {
      mappings = {
        i = {
          ["<F1>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(1, fb_bufload),
          ["<F2>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(2, fb_bufload),
          ["<F3>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(3, fb_bufload),
          ["<F4>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(4, fb_bufload),
        n = {
          ["<F1>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(1, fb_bufload),
          ["<F2>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(2, fb_bufload),
          ["<F3>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(3, fb_bufload),
          ["<F4>"] = require("pinbuff").setter(4, fb_bufload),

lualine.nvim integration example

As you can see in the gifs, pinned buffer's corresponding slot is displayed in the status line. It is achieved with require("pinbuff").get_slot() function. Here is an example

local function get_pinned_slot()
  local slot = require("pinbuff").get_slot(vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf())
  return slot and slot or ""

  sections = {
    -- ...
    lualine_c = {
        padding = { left = 1, right = 0 },
        color = "StatusLineNC",
        icon = "",
        padding = { left = 3, right = 1 },
    -- ...

βš™οΈ API

Function Description
setter(slot, get_bufnr) Returns a function that calls get_bufnr and sets its value into the slot.
jumper(slot) Returns a function that jumps to the bufnr in the slot.
open_float() Opens an interactive floating window containing currently pinned buffers.
get_slot(bufnr) Returns the slot of the bufnr. Ignores unloaded buffers.
get_bufnr(slot) Returns the bufnr in the slot. Ignores unloaded buffers.

Floating window actions

Action Description
close Closes the window.
select Jumps to the pinned buffer in the current line's slot.
clear_current Clears current line's slot.
clear_all Clears all the slots.
swap_prev Swaps pinned buffer in the current line's slot with pinned buffer in the previous line's slot.
swap_next Swaps pinned buffer in the current line's slot with pinned buffer in the next line's slot.

πŸ”§ Configuration

pinbuff.nvim comes with the following defaults

  -- Returns a table of pairs `{str, hl}` to be displayed for the entry in the floating window.
  entry_line = function(slot, bufnr)
    local path_full = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr)
    local path_short = vim.fn.pathshorten(path_full, 2)
    local path_base = vim.fs.basename(path_full)
    local line = {
      { str = tostring(slot), hl = "PinBuffSlot" },
      { str = " -> ", hl = "PinBuffNonText" },
      { str = ("%3d: "):format(bufnr), hl = "PinBuffBufnr" },
      { str = ("%s "):format(path_base), hl = "PinBuffNormalFloat" },
      { str = ("(%s)"):format(path_short), hl = "PinBuffNonText" },
    return line

  -- Returns a `{config}` map for `nvim_open_win()`
  float_config = function(entries_count)
    local min_width = 40
    local min_height = 5
    local c = {}
    c.width = vim.fn.max({ vim.fn.round(vim.o.columns / 2), min_width })
    c.height = vim.fn.max({ entries_count, min_height })
    c.col = (vim.o.columns / 2) - c.width / 2
    c.row = ((vim.o.lines - vim.o.cmdheight) / 2) - c.height / 2 = "minimal"
    c.border = "rounded"
    c.relative = "editor"
    c.anchor = "NW"
    c.noautocmd = true
    return c

  -- map of `{name}: {value}` pairs for `nvim_set_option_value()`
  buf_opts = {},

  -- map of `{name}: {value}` pairs for `nvim_set_option_value()`
  win_opts = {
    wrap = false,
    scrolloff = 0,

  -- map of `{key}: {action}` pairs for interactive floating window
  -- Set the keymap to false to disable it, e.g. `["<ESC>"] = false`
  float_keymaps = {
    ["<CR>"] = "select",
    ["q"] = "close",
    ["Q"] = "close",
    ["<ESC>"] = "close",
    ["<C-c>"] = "close",
    ["x"] = "clear_current",
    ["X"] = "clear_all",
    ["K"] = "swap_prev",
    ["<M-k>"] = "swap_prev",
    ["J"] = "swap_next",
    ["<M-j>"] = "swap_next",

Custom entry_line example

Make floating window pretty with Nerd Fonts

Before After
before after

This example uses plenary.nvim and nvim-web-devicons

  win_opts = { winhl = "NormalFloat:Normal" }, -- to match border's bg
  entry_line = function(slot, bufnr)
    local path = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr)
    local filename = vim.fs.basename(path)
    local dir_rel = require("plenary.path")
      :make_relative(vim.fn.getcwd()) .. "/"
    local icon, icon_hl = require("nvim-web-devicons").get_icon(path)
    local line = {
      { str = "β€’ ", hl = "PinBuffNonText" },
      { str = (" %s  "):format(tostring(slot)), hl = "PinBuffSlot" },
      { str = ("σ°―‚ %3d   "):format(bufnr), hl = "PinBuffBufnr" },
      icon and { str = icon .. " ", hl = icon_hl } or {},
      { str = dir_rel, hl = "PinBuffNonText" },
      { str = filename, hl = "PinBuffNormalFloat" },
    return line

🌈 Highlight groups

These groups are used to highlight entries inside the floating window

Highlight Description
PinBuffNormalFloat Links to NormalFloat
PinBuffNonText Links to NonText
PinBuffSlot Links to Keyword
PinBuffBufnr Links to PinBuffNonText