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Releases: newrelic/newrelic_microsoft_sqlserver_plugin

Version 2.0.1

20 Sep 00:24
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Included Bug Fixes:

  • Communication with the New Relic service is now done through HTTPS
  • Proxy settings should now properly work when set through the 'newrelic.json' file

Version 2.0.0

15 May 20:47
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Introducing support for the New Relic Platform Installer, a command line tool that allows users to easily download, configure and manage Platform plugins. Also, several improvements to logging, proxy setting and stability bug fixes.

Bug fixes and migrating to new SDK layer

26 Feb 22:34
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Fixing an issue where sockets would get stale after outages, and migrating the binding layer to a new SDK format which helps make fewer REST calls, takes less memory and provides a more readable experience for developers.

File I/O Metric bug fixes

12 Dec 05:57
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This release fixes an issue some users were seeing where the File I/O metrics for SQL Server were not being properly reported as Delta values.

Proxy Support #2

24 Sep 18:52
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After some testing, the proxy support in release 1.0.9 work in some but not all scenarios. The proxy support has been rewritten and tested to work in the environments we are targeting. The proxy is now configured in one place similarly to the New Relic .NET Agent:

<!-- Proxy settings for connecting to the New Relic service. -->
<!-- If a proxy is used, the host attribute is required.

    host - The proxy server host name.
    port - The proxy server port (optional - defaults to 8080).
    user - The username used to authenticate with the proxy server (optional).
    password - The password used to authenticate with the proxy server (optional).
    domain - The domain used to authenticate with the proxy server (optional).
    useDefaultCredentials - 'true' or 'false. Uses the credentials of the account running the plugin (optional - defaults to false).
                            If specified, 'user' and 'password' are ignored.

<proxy host="hostname" />

Please let us know if you have any problems with your proxy or preparing the configuration file for your environment.

Also, this release fixes an 'Invalid column name' bug that a few of you were seeing.

Pre-release of 1.0.10 with different proxy implementation

15 Sep 19:25
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Changes the implementation and configuration for proxy support. The proxy is now configured in one place similarly to the New Relic .NET Agent:

<!-- Proxy settings for connecting to the New Relic service. -->
<!-- If a proxy is used, the host attribute is required.

    host - The proxy server host name.
    port - The proxy server port (optional - defaults to 8080).
    user - The username used to authenticate with the proxy server (optional).
    password - The password used to authenticate with the proxy server (optional).
    domain - The domain used to authenticate with the proxy server (optional).
    useDefaultCredentials - 'true' or 'false. Uses the credentials of the account running the plugin (optional - defaults to false).
                            If specified, 'user' and 'password' are ignored.

<proxy host="hostname" />

Proxy Support

09 Sep 18:20
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The plugin now supports authenticated and unauthenticated proxy configurations. The has all of the details for setting the configuration. If you are upgrading your config, please review the app.deploy.config for the full context for the settings.

If you have any questions or issues, please submit them at

Better summary metrics, improved logging, simpler installation

01 Sep 18:50
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  • Fix for error with 'SQL CPU Usage' when default connection settings for ANSI_WARNINGS, ANSI_PADDING, ANSI_NULLS, QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, and CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL are off.
  • Removes Page Life Expectancy summary metric, replaced by Page Life Threat.This metric ranges from 0-100% with 100% being bad. Very bad. Chose a default BAD value of 300 seconds for Page Life Expectancy. Approaching and passing this value yields a 100% threat.
  • Replaced Recompile summary metric with RecompileMaximums. Users can now set alerts for this metric.
  • Improving SQL logging for supportability.
    • Moved verbose SQL logging into a method for re-use.
    • Added step to SqlServerEndpoint to query the details of the SQL server and details about each database it will report metrics on.
    • Fixed error reporter that incorrectly reported the process as a Windows service when it is merely run from the command line.
  • Added commented-out proxy options in NewRelic.Microsoft.SqlServer.Plugin.exe.config, to support users who need this configuration option.
  • Change installer default account from LocalService to LocalSystem.
  • Automatically start the service after successful installation.

Improved logging and user experience

03 Aug 11:20
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  • Fixed SQL Server config confirmation query.
  • Improving the SQL error reporting to be easier to read for the user.
  • Added user name and interactive mode to the logs to make support easier.
  • Changed --collect-only argument to --test or -t because it conveys the meaning better and is easier to type. The --collect-only arg is still supported, but not documented.
  • Generally cleaned up the logging messages to help the user understand what is happening.
  • Improving instructions to verify the Windows service is running successfully.

Improved logging and error messages; bug fixes

21 Jul 22:47
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  • Improved start up logging and cleaner format in the console
  • Fixed issue with locked logging files when running from an Adminstrator prompt
  • Added Troubleshooting step in
  • Friendly errors with advice for common problems, visible in the console
  • Created a new log file for Windows service activities (install, uninstall, start, stop)
  • Added new error log for more detailed output separate from the SqlMonitor log and console
  • Tweak to CPU query to prevent negative numbers