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Transactions page: Find specific performance problems
APM UI pages
APM's Transactions page shows app, browser, or other transaction details, average response time, and throughput as requests per minute or CPU usage.

import apmDropdown from 'images/apm_screenshot-crop_dropdown.webp'

import apmTransactionSummary from 'images/apm_screenshot-crop_transaction-summary.webp'

import apmTransactionDetailTab from 'images/apm_screenshot-crop_transaction-detail-tab.webp'

import apmChartSelector from 'images/apm_screenshot-crop_chart-selector.webp'

import apmApmHighTransaction from 'images/apm_screenshot-crop_apm-high-transaction.webp'

APM's Transactions page helps you identify transactions that may be good candidates for fine-tuning performance problems or resolving errors. This page lists the selected app's transaction Requests, the top twenty transactions by percent of wall-clock time, and relevant throughputs (requests per minute or rpm).

For non-web transactions (such as message processing, background tasks, and other processes and jobs that do not handle web requests), this page shows charts of CPU and memory usage.

Types of transactions [#tx_types]

To get a high-level overview of all your applications and services, use our [entity explorer](/docs/new-relic-one/use-new-relic-one/ui-data/new-relic-one-entity-explorer).

Depending on your selected application, the Transactions page may include a dropdown you can use to select from the types of transactions available. New Relic measures processing time by type of request (web transaction or non-web transaction). This may include:

  • Web: App server requests
  • Non-web: Other requests (operations, background tasks, etc.)

The Transactions page also may include links to transaction traces and key transactions. The types of information available will depend on your selected app and the type of request (web or non-web).

Wall-clock time [#wall_clock_time]

Wall-clock time measures "real-time elapsed" during a specific transaction. For example, let's say you're an engineer responsible for managing the checkout experience on an ecommerce site. You'd like to understand how long it takes for a customer to add an item to their cart. The transaction took 15 seconds to complete but one minute in the real world or on the "wall clock" for the customer. This discrepancy in time could be because the function had to wait for network calls or other inputs and outputs, and that waiting time isn't considered in the system's transaction time. New Relic uses wall-clock time for all the transactions and then sums that value across all of the transactions.

In the above example, imagine that when a customer adds an item to their cart, the host has to make two requests to complete this work. One of these functions might take 3 seconds to complete, and the other takes 2 seconds, but because they occur simultaneously, the customer only had to wait 3 seconds. Because of this parallel work, you may see percentages over 100. For example, 100% would indicate that the execution time across all selected transactions equals the time expended when recording wall-clock time.

View transactions [#tx_viewing]

To view information about your app's transaction requests:

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. If applicable: To change which available types of transactions appear, select the Type.
  3. Select the sort order, or keep the default.
  4. Select the type of view as a chart (default), histogram, or percentile, if available.
  5. To view additional details, use any of the transaction drill-down functions.
  6. To add a chart to a dashboard, mouse over the chart, then select the Add to a dashboard link that appears below it.

If a chart's background is light red, this indicates a time period when an alert condition's Critical threshold has been breached. To view the incident details in alerts, click the chart.

For more information, see the documentation about managing your dashboard.

Use drill-down functions [#tx_functions]

Use any of New Relic's standard user interface functions to drill down into detailed information. The Transactions page has additional drill-down functions.

Screenshot showing the dropdown that allows you to choose other transaction types.

If the <DNT>**Type**</DNT> dropdown appears above list of transactions, you can select your choice of transaction type. The available types depend on what transactions your application uses.

<Collapser id="sort-definitions" title="Select the type of performance measurement (Sort)"

The <DNT>**Sort**</DNT> dropdown above the transaction list allows you to review transactions according to different measurements. This helps you identify good candidates for performance tuning or fixing errors.

You can sort by:

      <th style={{ width: "200px" }}>
        <DNT>**Sort option**</DNT>


        Most time consuming (default)

        Highest percentage of the app's total time used.

        This measures which transactions consumed the most time in total. This is calculated by multiplying the number of times the transaction is called by the time the transaction took to complete. A transaction could be short, but if it is frequently called, it would appear at the top of this ranking.

        Slowest average response time

        Slowest individual transactions for the time period as averaged.

        This measures the slowest types of transaction. A transaction could be called only a few times, but if it is one of the longest transactions to finish, it would appear at the top of this ranking.

        Apdex most dissatisfying

        Transactions with the highest percentages of user dissatisfaction levels for the response time of your web apps and services ([Apdex](/docs/apm/new-relic-apm/apdex/apdex-measuring-user-satisfaction)).

        The [dissatisfaction level](/docs/apm/new-relic-apm/apdex/view-your-apdex-score#apdex-dissat) is the difference between a perfect Apdex score (1.0) and your app's `apdex_t` ("tolerating") score, based on your [Apdex settings](/docs/apm/new-relic-apm/apdex/change-your-apdex-settings). Transactions that have the highest (worst) percentages appear at the top of this ranking.

        Highest throughput

        This measures the amount of [throughput](/docs/using-new-relic/welcome-new-relic/getting-started/glossary#throughput), in operation requests per minute or <DNT>**rpm**</DNT>. (For web throughput, requests per minute is sometimes called pages per minute or <DNT>**ppm**</DNT>.) Transactions that have the highest number of requests per minute appear at the top of this ranking.

<Callout variant="tip">
  Depending on the transaction type you choose, different sort options may be available.

<Collapser id="tx-summary" title="Mouse over summary information about a transaction"


To quickly view key pieces of information about the transaction, mouse over its name on the list.

<Collapser id="tx-details" title="Select detailed information about a transaction"

  alt="Transaction details tab"

To view detailed information, select a transaction from the list, then select <DNT>**App performance**</DNT> or <DNT>**Historical performance**</DNT>. You can also [view transaction traces](/docs/traces/viewing-transaction-traces).

<Collapser id="chart-views" title="View transaction data in different visual formats"

  alt="Screenshot showing selectors to change the chart."

The <DNT>**Transaction**</DNT> page's <DNT>**Top 20 transactions**</DNT> chart and a selected transaction's <DNT>**App performance**</DNT> window include options to view data as a:

* [Chart](/docs/using-new-relic/user-interface-functions/view-your-data/select-chart-views)
* [Histogram](/docs/using-new-relic/user-interface-functions/view-your-data/histograms-view-data-distribution)
* [Percentile](/docs/using-new-relic/user-interface-functions/view-your-data/percentiles-compare-ranked-data)

  In addition, from the <DNT>**Breakdown**</DNT> table for a selected transaction, you can select the link to show or hide all segments of the breakdown data.

<Collapser id="browser-data" title="Show corresponding browser request data"

In order to view browser information, you must [install the browser agent](/docs/new-relic-browser/browser-settings). Then, to view corresponding [browser request](/docs/browser/new-relic-browser/additional-standard-features/page-views-understanding-your-sites-popularity) data, use either of these options:

* Select the <DNT>**Browser drill-down**</DNT> link if available.
* Go to <DNT>**[ > All capabilities]( > Browser > (select an app) > Page views**</DNT>.

<Collapser id="breakdown-table" title="Identify transaction segments with high call counts or time"

  alt="Transaction segment with high call time count colorization"

In a transaction's <DNT>**Breakdown table**</DNT>, the <DNT>**Avg calls (per txn)**</DNT> column may include colorized segment values. These indicate instrumented segments that have exceeded thresholds.

* <Icon
    style={{color: 'yellow'}}
  Yellow: Segment time is more than 10% of total transaction time and call count is higher than 10.
* <Icon
    style={{color: 'red'}}
  Red: Segment time is more than 10% of total transaction time and call count is higher than 20.

Additional functions [#more_tx_functions]

Here are some additional functions for the Transactions page's selected transaction.

    <DNT>**Do this...**</DNT>
    Change the <DNT>**Type**</DNT> to <DNT>**Other transactions**</DNT> (or a specific type listed), then select a specific transaction.

    The <DNT>**Transactions**</DNT> page shows the top five transactions for this selection by [wall-clock time](#wall_clock_time), CPU usage, and memory usage.

    Track a transaction that is important to your business

    Select the transaction's name, then select [<DNT>**Track as key transaction**</DNT>](/docs/apm/transactions/key-transactions/introduction-key-transactions).

    View transaction trace details

    A [transaction trace](/docs/using-new-relic/welcome-new-relic/getting-started/glossary#transaction-trace) is a complete picture of a single transaction.

    1. From the <DNT>**Transactions**</DNT> page, select the [transaction trace](/docs/apm/transactions/transaction-traces/introduction-transaction-traces).
    2. [Select the view](/docs/apm/transactions/transaction-traces/introduction-transaction-traces#find-view) for <DNT>**Summary**</DNT>, <DNT>**Trace details**</DNT>, or <DNT>**Database queries**</DNT>, if available.
    3. To expand the transaction trace to full screen view, select the full screen <Icon style={{color: '#4392AA'}} name="fe-maximize-2"/>
    4. To return to the <DNT>**Transactions**</DNT> page: Next to the transaction trace's name, select the back arrow.

    Examine logs for trace details

    If you are using our [logs in context](/docs/logs/logs-context/configure-logs-context-apm-agents/) feature, you can see any logs that are linked to your traces.

    1. From the <DNT>**Transactions**</DNT> page, click on a trace to go to the trace details page.
    2. From the trace details page, click <DNT>**See logs**</DNT>.
    3. To view details related to an individual log message, click directly on the message.

    Add or view transaction segments

    * To add segments to a transaction, use [custom instrumentation](/docs/apm/agents/manage-apm-agents/agent-data/custom-instrumentation/).
    * To view the segments of a specific transaction, use [transaction traces](/docs/apm/transactions/transaction-traces/introduction-transaction-traces).

    View reports

    You can also use the [Web transactions analysis report](/docs/apm/reports/other-performance-analysis/web-transactions-analysis-report) for web transactions and the [Background jobs analysis report](/docs/apm/reports/other-performance-analysis/background-jobs-analysis-report) for non-web transactions to compare the amount of time spent in throughput, total time in the transaction, average time to execute it, and Apdex score as applicable.

    Delete all transaction traces

    <Callout variant="caution">
      If you select [<DNT>**Delete all traces**</DNT>](/docs/traces/deleting-transaction-traces), you cannot recover them.
**If you want to...**
View transactions for operations and other background tasks