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Reduce data ingest
Kubernetes integration
Understand and use data
New Relic's Kubernetes integration: How to install and activate the integration, and what data is reported.

Reduce data ingest [#reducedataingest]

Our charts support setting an option to reduce the amount of data ingested at the cost of granularity. To enable it, set global.lowDataMode to true in the nri-bundle chart.

lowDataMode affects four specific components of the nri-bundle chart outlined below.

New Relic Infrastructure

If lowDataMode is enabled, the default scrape interval changes from 15s to 30s. You can also specify a custom value for it using config.interval, which will take preference over lowDataMode.

Prometheus Agent Integration

If lowDataMode is enabled, the metrics that are prefixed with the following are excluded by default as they're already collected and used by the New Relic Kubernetes Integration.

- kube_
- container_
- machine_
- cadvisor_

New Relic Logging

If lowDataMode is enabled, Labels and Annotations are not included in the logs forwarded to New Relic. This reduces the overall data ingest into New Relic.

The following fields are retained: cluster_name, container_name, namespace_name, pod_name, stream, message and log.

Low Data Mode Log Example

The following log record contains all the attributes typically captured by the New Relic Logs Kubernetes plugin:

    "cluster_name": "api-test",
    "kubernetes": {
      "annotations": {
        "": "eks.privileged"
      "container_hash": "fryckbos/test@sha256:5b098eaf3c7d5b3585eb10cebee63665b6208bea31ef31a3f0856c5ffdda644b",
      "container_image": "fryckbos/test:latest",
      "container_name": "newrelic-logging",
      "docker_id": "134e1daf63761baa15e035b08b7aea04518a0f0e50af4215131a50c6a379a072",
      "host": "ip-192-168-17-123.ec2.internal",
      "labels": {
        "app": "newrelic-logging",
        "": "newrelic-logging",
        "controller-revision-hash": "84db95db86",
        "pod-template-generation": "1",
        "release": "nri-bundle"
      "namespace_name": "nrlogs",
      "pod_id": "54556e3e-719c-46b5-af69-020b75d69bf1",
      "pod_name": "nri-bundle-newrelic-logging-jxnbj"
    "message": "[2021/09/14 12:30:49] [ info] [engine] started (pid=1)\n",
    "plugin": {
      "source": "kubernetes",
      "type": "fluent-bit",
      "version": "1.8.1"
    "stream": "stderr",
    "time": "2021-09-14T12:30:49.138824971Z",
    "timestamp": 1631622649138

This is how the previous log record would look like after enabling lowDataMode:

    "cluster_name": "api-test",
    "container_name": "newrelic-logging",
    "namespace_name": "nrlogs",
    "pod_name": "nri-bundle-newrelic-logging-jxnbj",
    "message": "[2021/09/14 12:30:49] [ info] [engine] started (pid=1)\n",
    "stream": "stderr",
    "timestamp": 1631622649138

New Relic Pixie Integration [#nr-pixie-integration]

If lowDataMode is enabled, the newrelic-pixie integration performs heavier sampling on Pixie spans and reduces the collection interval from 10 seconds to 15 seconds.

lowDataMode settings:


The default settings for these parameters and others can be found in the newrelic-pixie-integration Github repo.

To take full advantage of New Relic's kubernetes integration, you'll need a free New Relic account. If you haven't already, create yours below to start monitoring your data today.