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Example Instructions

The yaml files in this example folder can be used to test out New Relic's Prometheus-based Kubernetes monitoring quickstart.

If you are using the newrelic-bundle chart:

If you're installing newrelic-prometheus-configurator as part of the Kubernetes integration package with the newrelic-bundle chart, use the values from newrelic-bundle-values.yaml to configure the chart bundle. For example, to upgrade an existing installation with just the required values:

curl -O
helm upgrade --reuse-values newrelic-bundle newrelic/nri-bundle -n newrelic -f newrelic-bundle-values.yaml

To add these values to a new installation, you can include them in your complete values.yaml file for the newrelic-bundle Helm chart. Or, if you're using the Helm command from the guided install wizard, you can add -f newrelic-bundle-values.yaml to the command to include those chart values with the new installation.

If you are using the newrelic-prometheus-configurator chart only:

  1. Deploy the following yamls. Note that if you already have KSM setup in your cluster, not all of these yamls will be necessary.
kubectl apply -f cluster-role.yaml
kubectl apply -f ksm-cluster-role-binding.yaml
kubectl apply -f ksm-cluster-role.yaml
kubectl apply -f ksm-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f ksm-service-account.yaml
kubectl apply -f ksm-service.yaml
  1. Modify the configurator-values.yaml file to add your cluster name and license key.

  2. Install the helm chart:

helm repo add newrelic-prometheus
helm upgrade --install newrelic newrelic-prometheus/newrelic-prometheus-agent -f configurator-values.yaml

Install the dashboard

Once the above is complete, install the Kubernetes Prometheus Quickstart dashboard and watch for data to appear.