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Extending pytest-mh

There are five main classes that are used by the pytest-mh plugin that give you access to remote hosts and provide you tools to build your own API that fulfills specific requirements.

By extending these classes, you can provide your own functionality and configuration options.

.. mermaid::
    :caption: Class relationship
    :align: center

    graph LR
        subgraph Lives for the whole pytest session
            MultihostConfig -->|creates| MultihostDomain
            MultihostDomain -->|creates| MultihostHost

        subgraph Lives only for single test case
            mh(mh fixture) -->|creates| MultihostRole
            MultihostRole -->|uses| MultihostHost
            MultihostRole -->|creates| MultihostUtility

In order to start using pytest-mh, you must provide at least your own::class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostConfig` to define what domain objects will be created and :class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostDomain` to associate hosts and roles with specific classes. It is recommended that you also extend the other classes as well to provide high-level API for your tests.


:class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostHost`, :class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostRole` and :class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostUtility` have setup and teardown methods that you can use to properly initialize the host and also to clean up after the test is finished.

By extending these classes, you can give test writers a well-defined, unified API that can automate several tasks and make sure the hosts are properly setup before the test starts and all changes are correctly reverted once the test is finished.

This makes it easier to write new tests and ensure that the tests start with a fresh setup every time.


:class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostConfig` is created by pytest-mh pytest plugin during pytest session initialization. It reads the given multihost configuration and creates the domain objects.

You must provide your own class that extends :class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostConfig` in order to use the plugin. Your class must override :attr:`~pytest_mh.MultihostConfig.id_to_domain_class` which creates your own :class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostDomain` object.

Optionally, you can override :attr:`~pytest_mh.MultihostConfig.TopologyMarkClass` and provide your own :class:`~pytest_mh.TopologyMark` class. With this, you can provide additional information to the topology marker as needed by your project.

class ExampleMultihostConfig(MultihostConfig):
    def TopologyMarkClass(self) -> Type[TopologyMark]:
        return ExampleTopologyMark

    def id_to_domain_class(self) -> dict[str, Type[MultihostDomain]]:
        Map domain id to domain class. Asterisk ``*`` can be used as fallback

        :rtype: Class name.
        return {"*": ExampleMultihostDomain}


:class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostDomain` is created by :class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostConfig` and it allows you to associate roles from your multihost configuration to your own hosts, roles, and Python classes to give them meaning.

class ExampleMultihostDomain(MultihostDomain[ExampleMultihostConfig]):
    def __init__(self, config: ExampleMultihostConfig, confdict: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        super().__init__(config, confdict)

    def role_to_host_class(self) -> dict[str, Type[MultihostHost]]:
        Map role to host class. Asterisk ``*`` can be used as fallback value.

        :rtype: Class name.
        return {
            "client": ClientHost,
            "ldap": LDAPHost,

    def role_to_role_class(self) -> dict[str, Type[MultihostRole]]:
        Map role to role class. Asterisk ``*`` can be used as fallback value.

        :rtype: Class name.
        return {
            "client": Client,
            "ldap": LDAP,


One :class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostHost` object is created per each host defined in your multihost configuration. Each host is created as an instance of a class that is determined by the role to host mapping in :meth:`~pytest_mh.MultihostDomain.role_to_host_class`.

This object gives you access to a SSH connection to the remote host. The object lives for the whole pytest session which makes it a good place to put functionality and data that must be available across all tests. For example, it can perform an initial backup of the host.

It provides two setup and teardown methods:

.. seealso::

    See `/example/lib/hosts/
    to see an example implementation of custom host.


Similar to :class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostHost`, one :class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostRole` object is created per each host defined in your multihost configuration. The difference between these two is that while :class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostHost` lives for the whole pytest session, :class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostRole` lives only for a single test run therefore the role objects are not shared between tests. Role objects are also available to you in your tests through pytest dynamic fixtures.

The purpose of the :class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostRole` object is to provide high level API for your project that you can use in your tests and to perform per-test setup and clean up. For this purpose, it provides setup and teardown methods that you can overwrite:

.. seealso::

    See `/example/lib/roles/
    to see an example implementation of custom role.


Role object can also contain instances of :class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostUtility` that can be used to share functionality between individual roles. A :meth:`~pytest_mh.MultihostUtility.setup` and :meth:`~pytest_mh.MultihostUtility.teardown` methods are automatically called after the role is setup and before the role teardown is executed.


:class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostUtility` also contains :meth:`~pytest_mh.MultihostUtility.setup_when_used` which is called only after the class is first used inside the test (after :meth:`~pytest_mh.MultihostUtility.setup`) and :meth:`~pytest_mh.MultihostUtility.teardown_when_used` which is called only if the class was used (before :meth:`~pytest_mh.MultihostUtility.teardown`).

This can be especially useful if the utility class is used only sporadically but the setup and teardown are quite expensive. In such case, you probably want to perform the setup and teardown only if the class was actually used in the test.

There are already some utility classes implemented in pytest-mh. See :mod:`pytest_mh.utils` for more information on them.

.. seealso::

    See `/pytest_mh/utils/
    to see an implementation of a utility class that gives you access to files
    and directories on the remote host.

    Each change that is made through the utility object (such as writing to a
    file) is automatically reverted (the original file is restored).


Topology controller can be assigned to a topology via @pytest.mark.topology or through known topology class. This controller provides various methods to control the topology behavior:

  • per-topology setup and teardown, called once before the first test/after the last test for given topology is executed
  • per-test topology setup and teardown, called before and after every test case for given topology
  • check topology requirements and skip the test if these are not satisfied

In order to use the controller, you need to inherit from :class:`~pytest_mh.TopologyController` and override desired methods. Each method can take any parameter as defined by the topology fixtures. The parameter value is an instance of a :class:`~pytest_mh.MultihostHost` object.

See :class:`~pytest_mh.TopologyController` for API documentation

class ExampleController(TopologyController):
    def skip(self, client: ClientHost) -> str | None:
        result =
            # Implement your requirement check here
            exit 1
            ''', raise_on_error=False)
        if result.rc != 0:
            return "Topology requirements were not met"

        return None

    def topology_setup(self, client: ClientHost):
        # One-time setup, prepare the host for this topology
        # Changes done here are shared for all tests

    def topology_teardown(self, client: ClientHost):
        # One-time teardown, this should undo changes from
        # topology_setup

    def setup(self, client: ClientHost):
        # Perform per-topology test setup
        # This is called before execution of every test

    def teardown(self, client: ClientHost):
        # Perform per-topology test teardown, this should undo changes
        # from setup
class ExampleController(TopologyController):
    # Implement methods you are interested in here

    "example", Topology(TopologyDomain("example", client=1)),
def test_example(client: Client):
class ExampleController(TopologyController):
    # Implement methods you are interested in here

class KnownTopology(KnownTopologyBase):
    EXAMPLE = TopologyMark(
        topology=Topology(TopologyDomain("example", client=1)),

def test_example(client: Client):

Setup and teardown

The following schema shows how individual setup and teardown methods of host, role, and utility objects are executed.

.. mermaid::
    :caption: Setup and teardown
    :align: center

    graph TD
        s([start]) --> hps(host.pytest_setup)

        subgraph run [ ]
            subgraph setup [Setup before test]
                hs(host.setup) --> cs(controller.setup) --> rs[role.setup]
                rs --> us[utility.setup]

            setup -->|run test| teardown

            subgraph teardown [Teardown after test]
                ut[utility.teadown] --> rt[role.teardown]
                rt --> ct(controller.teardown)
                ct --> ht(host.teardown)

        hps -->|run tests| cts(controller.topopology_setup) -->|run all tests for topology| run
        run -->|all tests for topology finished| ctt(controller.topology_teardown) -->|all tests finished| hpt(host.pytest_teardown)
        hpt --> e([end])

        style run fill:#FFF
        style setup fill:#DFD,stroke-width:2px,stroke:#AFA
        style teardown fill:#FDD,stroke-width:2px,stroke:#FAA