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152 lines (105 loc) · 6.06 KB

Installation/Update & Uninstall


  • 64bit OS (starting with News 16.0.0)
  • PHP >= 8.0
  • Nextcloud (current stable version)
  • libxml >= 2.7.8

You also need some PHP extensions:

  • json
  • simplexml
  • xml
  • dom
  • curl
  • iconv

Supported Databases

  • PostgreSQL >= 10
  • MariaDB >= 10.2
  • MySQL >= 8.0
  • SQLite (discouraged)

Also see the Nextcloud documentation. Oracle is currently not supported by News.

Performance Notices


News and it's libraries require a writeable temporary directory used as cache. The base directory depends on your system. You can configure a custom directory if you want.

In most cases the base directory will be /tmp. News will create a folder news-$instanceID the instance ID is defined by Nextcloud.

Inside that folder a subfolder cache is created, inside this cache folder news and libraries will try to create cache directories for caching images, html and more.

You need to ensure that your web-server user can write to that directory.

Before you install/update the News app

Before you install the app do the following:

Then proceed to install the app either from an archive (zip/tar.gz) or clone it from the repository using git

Installing from the app store

This is the easiest solution: Simply go the apps page (section: "Multimedia") and enable the News app

Installing from archive

  • Go to the Nextcloud News GitHub releases page and download the latest release/archive to your server

  • The news.tar.gz file contains the compiled and signed app files, if you install from source you have to build the app on your own.

  • On your server, check if there is a folder called nextcloud/apps/news. If there is one, delete it.

  • Extract the downloaded archive to the nextcloud/apps/ folder.

  • Remove the version from the extracted folder (e.g. rename nextcloud/apps/news-4.0.3/ to nextcloud/apps/news/

  • If you are a version greater than or equal to 8.0.0 and downloaded the Source code zip or tar.gz, you need to install the JavaScript and PHP dependencies and compile the JavaScript first. On your terminal, change into the nextcloud/apps/news/ directory and run the following command (requires node >5.6, npm, curl, make and which):

      sudo -u www-data make  # www-data might vary depending on your distribution
  • Finally make sure that the nextcloud/apps/news directory is owned by the web server user

      sudo chown -R www-data:www-data nextcloud/apps/news  # www-data:www-data might vary depending on your distribution
  • Activate the News app in the apps menu

Installing from Git (development version)

Build Dependencies

These Dependencies are only relevant if you want to build the source code:

  • make

  • which

  • Node.js >= 6

  • npm

  • composer

  • The master branch will always be stable in conjunction with the latest master branch from Nextcloud

  • JavaScript and PHP libraries are not included anymore since 8.0.0 and will require you to run make after updating/installing the app

  • In your terminal go into the nextcloud/apps/ directory and then run the following command:

      git clone
      cd news
  • If you are using a stable Nextcloud release, stay with the latest git tag release which is running on your version. To get an overview over all existing tags run:

      git tag

You can switch to a release which will be supported on your installation by running:

  git checkout tags/TAG
  make  # if News version >= 8.0.0

For instance, to use the 5.2.8 release, run:

  git checkout tags/5.2.8
  • Activate the News app in the apps menu

To update the News app use change into the nextcloud/apps/news/ directory using your terminal and then run:

git pull --rebase origin master

Uninstall with cleanup

First uninstall the app via the web-interface or via occ:

./occ app:remove news

This currently does not remove any of the database tables. Data in your /tmp directory will be automatically deleted by the OS. If you changed the temporary directory for Nextcloud you need to check on your own.

Careful, this next part is only intended for admins, that know what they are doing.

To remove the tables from the DB we drop the tables of News. Your installation might have a different prefix than oc_ but it is the default in most installations. Connect to your DB and execute the commands. Don't forget to switch to the right database. For example in mysql: use nextcloud;

DROP TABLE oc_news_items;
DROP TABLE oc_news_feeds;
DROP TABLE oc_news_folders;

Then we remove the traces in the migrations table.

DELETE FROM oc_migrations WHERE app='news';

Next delete the app configuration.

DELETE FROM oc_appconfig WHERE appid = 'news';

And finally remove the jobs from the job table. The last two lines are only needed for older installations.

DELETE FROM oc_jobs WHERE class='OCA\\News\\Cron\\UpdaterJob';
DELETE FROM oc_jobs WHERE class='OCA\\News\\Cron\\Updater';
DELETE FROM oc_jobs WHERE argument='["OCA\\\\News\\\\Cron\\\\Updater","run"]';

Now nothing is left from News in your Nextcloud installation.