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245 lines (174 loc) · 6.43 KB

File metadata and controls

245 lines (174 loc) · 6.43 KB

Architecture Notes


The swagger-http-router projects aims to make creating well documented and highly customizable REST APIs a breeze.

By relying on the Swagger/OpenAPI format to declare a new endpoint, this project forces documentation before code.

It also is highly customizable since based on the dependency injection with inversion of control pattern allowing you to override or wrap its main constituents.

Architecture Overview

The HTTP transaction flow is very simple. First, we have a HTTPServer that handles requests an serve responses (the httpServer service). Then, the httpTransaction transform the NodeJS requests into raw serialazable ones (raw objects with no methods nor internal states).

Then the router (httpRouter) deal with that request to test which handler need to be run by comparing the method/path couple with the Swagger/OpenAPI operations declarations.

Once found, it simply runs the right handler with the Swagger/OpenAPI parameters value filled from the serializable request. The handler simply have to return a serializable response object in turn.

If any error occurs within this process, than the errorHandler is responsible for providing the now lacking response object based on the error it catch. And that's it, you have your REST API.

We have no middleware concept here. Instead, every handler is a simple function taking an object and returning another one. It makes those objects very easily composable (in a functional programming sense).

You may add global wrappers to change every handlers input/output on the fly or add a local wrapper specifically to one of a few handlers.

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HTTP Router

The httpRouter service is responsible for handling the request, validating it and wiring the handlers response to the actual HTTP response.

It is very opiniated and clearly diverges from the current standards based on a middlewares/plugins approach.

Here, the single source of truth is your API definition. No documentation, no route.

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HTTP Server

The httpServer service is responsible for instanciating the httpServer and handling its start/shutdown.

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Request body

According to the Swagger/OpenAPI specification there are two kinds of requests:

  • validated contents: it implies to buffer their content and parse them to finally validate it. In that case, we provide it as a plain JS object to the handlers.
  • streamable contents: often used for large files, those contents must be parsed and validated into the handler itself.

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For performance reasons, the validators are created once for all at startup from the API definition.

One could argue that it would have been better for performances to generate the code statically. This is true. It may be done later but it won't change the way it works so, moving fast for now but keeping it in mind.

Also, looking closely to Prepack that could improve significantly this project performances with close to no time costs: facebookarchive/prepack#522 (comment)

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HTTP Transactions

The httpTransaction service create a new transaction for every single HTTP request incoming. It helps ensuring each request receives a response and avoid idle requests via a configurable timeout.

It is also a convenient abstraction of the actual request/response between the router and the NodeJS world. A common need is to fake the HTTP method for backward compatibility with old browsers/proxies by using the X-HTTP-Method-Override header.

You could simply do this by wrapping this service like so:

import { initHTTPTransaction } from 'swagger-http-router';
import { wrapInitializer } from 'knifecycle/dist/util';

export const initHTTPTransactionWithMethodOverride =
  wrapInitializer(async (services, httpTransaction) => {
  return async (...args) => {
    const [request, transaction] = httpTransaction(...args);

    return [{
      method: request.headers['x-http-method-override'] ?
        request.headers['x-http-method-override'].toLowerCase() :
      headers: Object.keys(req.headers)
          headerName =>
          'x-http-method-override' === headerName
        .reduce((newHeaders, headerName) => {}, {
          newHeaders[headerName] = req.headers[headerName];
          return newHeaders;
    }, httpTransaction];
}, initHTTPTransaction);

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New Transaction

The idea is to maintain a hash of each pending transaction. To do so, we create a transaction object that contains useful informations about the transaction and we store it into the TRANSACTIONS hash.

Each transaction has a unique id that is either generated or picked up in the Transaction-Id request header. This allows to trace transactions end to end with that unique id.

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Transaction start

Once initiated, the transaction can be started. It basically spawns a promise that will be resolved to the actual response or rejected if the timeout is reached.

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Transaction errors

Here we are simply casting and logging errors. It is important for debugging but also for ending the transaction properly if an error occurs.

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Transaction end

We end the transaction by writing the final status and headers and piping the response body if any.

The transaction can till error at that time but it is too late for changing the response status so we are just logging the event. This could be handled with HTTP trailers but the lack of client side support for now is preventing us to use them.

Once terminated, the transaction is removed from the TRANSACTIONS hash.

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