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DRAFT Specification v0.0.1


0. Abstract defines the UCAN protocol used by and It inherits all the UCAN characteristics by just defining a specific set of capabilities and facts.


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

1. Introduction describes how our services leverage UCANs to decentralized authorization and access permissions using a specific capability scheme embedded in UCAN tokens.

The rest of this document outlines the storage scheme, the capabilities it supports and considerations that implementers might want to be aware of when implementing.

2. Terminology

Refer to UCAN Spec for general UCAN terminology. This document defines only term specific for

2.1 Service

A service is an entity that implements this spec, is able to serve as root issuer of tokens and validate them. Examples of complaint services are and

2.2 DID

DIDs in this document use the did:key method and may be referred to as did:user1, did:service for simplicity in examples and descriptions.

The actual representation is always as described in the did:key specification.

did-key-format := did:key:<mb-value>
mb-value       := z[a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]+

3. JWT Structure

The JWT header and payload structure in this document serves just a visual reference, the overall container remains the same as in the UCAN spec. For this document defines just the structure of the att claims.

3.1 Header

The header MUST include all of the following fields:

Field Type Description Required
alg String Signature algorithm Yes
typ String Type (MUST be "JWT") Yes
ucv String UCAN Semantic Version (v2.0.0) Yes

3.2 Payload

The payload MUST describe the authorization claims being made, who is involved, and its validity period.

Field Type Description Required
iss String Issuer DID (sender) Yes
aud String Audience DID (receiver) Yes
nbf Number Not Before UTC Unix Timestamp (valid from) No
exp Number Expiration UTC Unix Timestamp (valid until) Yes
nnc String Nonce No
fct Json[] Facts (asserted, signed data) No
prf String[] Proof of delegation (witnesses are nested UCANs) Yes
att Json[] Attenuations Yes

3.2.2 Attenuation

The REQUIRED att field contains a set of capabilities as defined in the Capability Scope.

For att MUST contain at least one storage capability.


"att": [
    "with": "storage://<did_aud>/<did_aud>",
    "can": "upload/IMPORT",

4. storage Capability

The storage capability represents the ownership and access to operations over storage resources in a Service.

4.1 Resource Pointer

The resource pointer MUST match the current proof scope. Meaning it will follow the UCAN chain of audiences.

When a Service issues a UCAN for did:user1 the resource will be storage://did:user-1, if user-1 issues a delegated UCAN to did:user-2 it MAY further restrict the scope of it by setting the resource to storage://did:user-1/did:user-2/.

When restricting, the issuer can OPTIONALLY add another path segment to the resource URI. Using audience DID will guarantee uniqueness, although it is not REQUIRED to be unique and could be anything i.e. storage://did:user-1/public.


// Ucan from service to user1

    "iss": "did:service"
    "aud": "did:user-1"
    "att": {
        "with": "storage://did:user-1"

// Ucan from user1 to user2

    "iss": "did:user-1"
    "aud": "did:user-2"
    "att": {
        "with": "storage://did:user-1/did:user-2"

// Ucan from user2 to service

    "iss": "did:user2"
    "aud": "did:service-did"
    "att": {
        "with": "storage://did:user-1/did:user-2"

4.2 Actions

4.2.1 Upload with all operations upload/*

The upload/* action allows access to ALL upload operations under the specified resource in the with field.

"att": [
    "with": "storage://did:user",
    "can": "upload/*",

4.2.2 Upload with import operation upload/IMPORT

The upload/IMPORT action allows access to importing a CARs under the specified resource in the with field.

"att": [
    "with": "storage://did:user",
    "can": "upload/IMPORT",
] upload/IMPORT Constraints

The upload/IMPORT action MUST support a OPTIONAL field mh to constrain an import by multihash.

A Service MAY use this multihash to perform integrity check.

"att": [
    "with": "storage://did:user",
    "can": "upload/IMPORT",

5. User Stories

Marketplace intermediary

Marketplace issues delegated restricted tokens to their users.

Access control

To limit to single upload session market can issue UCAN for DID for the session with short lifespan. Client app may perform multiple CAR uploads for that specific DID and throw the key once complete.

If UCAN expires user can request another UCAN to extend the session can be issued by marketplace.

This way maketplace can track specific uploads by DIDs.

further can limit by requesting upload specific UCANs and throw them away once upload is done.

  • expiry
  • upload session DIDs

  Note over Service,Marketplace: Service needs to know Marketplace
  Marketplace->>Service: Request UCAN for did:market
  Service->>Service: Signs UCAN for did:market
  Service->>Marketplace: UCAN for did:market <br>with full capabilities
  loop Every time UCAN expires
    Alice->>Marketplace: Request UCAN for did:alice
    Marketplace->>Marketplace: Signs UCAN for did:alice
    Marketplace->>Alice: Short lived UCAN for did:alice <br> with upload/IMPORT
  Alice->>Alice: Signs UCAN for did:service
  Alice->>Service: UCAN+Car
// UCAN for did:market
  "iss": "did:service",
  "aud": "did:marketplace",
  "exp": 1643905307, // 2 years into the future
  "att": {
      "with": "storage://did:marketplace",
      "can": "upload_v1/*"

// UCAN for did:alice
  "iss": "did:marketplace",
  "aud": "did:alice",
  "exp": 1643905307, // 15 mins into the future
  "att": {
      "with": "storage://did:marketplace/did:alice",
      "can": "upload_v1/IMPORT"

// UCAN for did:service
  "iss": "did:alice",
  "aud": "did:service",
  "exp": 1643905306, // =< 15 mins
  // call we skip this att since it can't be anything other than the previous ????
  "att": {
      "with": "storage://did:marketplace/did:user", // "with": "prf:*"
      "can": "upload_v1/IMPORT"                     // "can": "ucan/DELEGATE"
  "prf": [
      ucan_0, ucan_1

Marketplace intermidiates every upload by multihash


  Note over Service,Marketplace: Service needs to know Marketplace
  Marketplace->>Service: Request UCAN for did:market
  Service->>Service: Signs UCAN for did:market
  Service->>Marketplace: UCAN for did:market <br>with full capabilities
  Alice->>Marketplace: Request UCAN for did:alice <br> and a multihash
  Marketplace->>Marketplace: Signs UCAN for did:alice
  Marketplace->>Alice: UCAN for did:alice  with upload/IMPORT <br>constrained to a multihash
  Alice->>Alice: Signs UCAN for did:service
  Alice->>Service: UCAN+Car
// UCAN for did:market
  "iss": "did:service",
  "aud": "did:marketplace",
  "exp": 1643905307, // 2 years into the future
  "att": {
      "with": "storage://did:marketplace",
      "can": "upload_v1/*"

// UCAN for did:alice
  "iss": "did:marketplace",
  "aud": "did:alice",
  "att": {
      "with": "storage://did:marketplace/did:user",
      "can": "upload_v1/IMPORT",

// UCAN for did:service
  "iss": "did:user",
  "aud": "did:service",
  // call we skip this att since it can't be anything other than the previous ????
  "att": {
      "with": "storage://did:marketplace/did:user",
      "can": "upload_v1/IMPORT"


protect against replay if nonce is present and ttl is short like 24h+-