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File metadata and controls

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sess - simple EventSource subscription.

Lightweight (< 100 LOC) vanilla Javascript/DOM reactive mechanism proof of concept - text contents and inner HTML can be updated from server-side event stream messages, subscribing by element id or class name. The goal is to provide a fast mechanism whenever trivial updates to the DOM are required in small-footprint applications (watchdog sytems, embedded webservers, etc.), where the overhead and complexity of current reactive/stateful RIA frameworks (with many layers of components and functionality) is unjustified or even poses development/runtime obstacles.

Usage: Import script in whatever pages you require reactive elements and subscribe by invoking the sessInit method. Server-side methods or controllers should accept one connection per open page or session (initializing the EventSource URL with a unique id per page is a simple way to keep track, for example); whenever an attribute, content or HTML functionality update is in order, the server dispatches the element(s) update event message as a plain Json (root) data object, with the following fields:


  • id - text - required if updating an element by its id
  • className - text - required if updating elements by a class name
  • attributeName - text - required if updating a specific attribute value/contents of the element(s)
  • attributeValue - text - required if updating a specific attribute value/contents of the element(s)
  • appendAttrValue - text - optional, indicates whether to append the update to existing attribute values or replace them
  • html - text - (escaped HTML string) required if updating the HTML contents of the element(s)
  • appendHtml - text - optional, indicates whether to append the update to existing HTML contents or replace them
  • text - text - (escaped HTML string) required if updating the text contents of the element(s)
  • appendText - text - optional, indicates whether to append the update to existing text values or replace them

Some event message example variations:

Update single element's specific attribute by id and attribute name:

{data: {
    "id": "<element id>",
    "attributeName": "<name of the attribute to update>",
    "attributeValue": "<value to update/append with>",
    "appendAttrValue": "<text representing boolean>"

Update elements text contents by class name:

{data: {
    "className": "<class name>",
    "text": "<text to update/append with>",
    "appendText": "<text representing boolean>"

Update single element's HTML contents and replace a specific attribute (no attribute append indication), by id and attribute name:

{data: {
    "id": "<element id>",
    "html": "<escaped HTML string>",
    "appendHtml": "<text representing boolean>",
    "attributeName": "<name of the attribute to update>",
    "attributeValue": "<value to replace with>"

Server event message headers only need to declare the content type as text/event-stream and no cache control. An optional connection retry timeout in milliseconds can also be included in the message.

PHP server example - append a class name to an element's class attribute:

header('Content-Type: text/event-stream');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');

echo "retry: 2000\n";
echo "data: {"id": "emailInput", "attributeName": "class", "attributeValue": " inputMissingError", "appendAttrValue" : "true"}\n\n";

If EventSource is not supported (IE and Opera browsers: I'm looking at you), it reverts to a less-than-ideal but working polling mechanism. The server endpoint will have to account for these situations and expose a(n alternative) path/method that actively listens for the polling Ajax GET requests and replies with messages in the format described above whenever element updates are in order.

A minimal set of properties is initialized as a SESS object, which can be re-configured/replaced in every page:

  eventSourceURL: //server-side URL for update events - default is the **current URL**
                  //(if polling, the same URL will be used for the server calls)
  pollingInterval: //used only when EventSource is not supported - default is **1000 milliseconds**


  • implement proper element adapter
  • add minimal extensibility
  • production-ready code
  • proper documentation and a few webapp examples