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184 lines (153 loc) · 7.65 KB

File metadata and controls

184 lines (153 loc) · 7.65 KB


  • A code generator that generates Go structs from Elasticsearch mapping.json.
  • Types for the Elasticsearch field data types, such like a date string to a time.Time, or a geo point type that can be unmarshaled from every 6 variants of representations.


# ./genestype --help
Usage of ./genestype:
  -c string
        path to config file.
        see definition of
  -m string
        path to mapping.json.
        You can use one that can be fetched from '<index_name>/_mapping',
        or one that you've sent when creating index.
  -o string
        path to output generated code.
        More than 2 distinct mappings should not be generated to the same directory
        because it possibly creates helper functions / types depending on the config and the mapping.
        defaults to stdout. (default "--")
  -p string
        package name of generated code.

see ./generator/test/testdata for example mappings and options. see example of generated in ./generator/test

You can also use the generator module directly.

var optionFile, mappingFile io.Reader
var outputFile io.Writer

var generateOpt generator.GeneratorOption
if err := json.NewDecoder(optionFile).Decode(&generateOpt); err != nil {

bin, err := io.ReadAll(mappingFile)
if err != nil {
generateOpt.Mapping, err = eshelper.GetMapping(bin)
if err != nil {

generateOpt.GenerateTypeName = generator.ChainFieldName

f := jen.NewFilePath(*packagePath)

if err := f.Render(outputFile); err != nil {


The Elasticsearch is complex enough to sometimes confuse people when they are trying to create / consume JSON documents it stores, needing a code generator and helper types.

For an overview of the Elasticsearch, see here and here.

The Elasticsearch is a popular distributed data store which analyzes the JSON documents clients have stored, and provides great search functionality over them.

While it can operate on schema-less way, it also allows users to set mapping on indices, through which you can define and optionally fixate the shape of JSON documents partially or fully.

Surprisingly, all fields of input JSON objects are allowed to be any of undefined | null | T | (null | T)[]. More surprisingly it also accepts nested array of T (T[][]) like [1, 2, 3, [4, 5]], which will behave as if it were flattened (i.e. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) in the search context.

Moreover, some of field data types need special handling.

  • Boolean accepts false, "false", "" as false values. true, "true" as true values.
  • Date and Date Nanoseconds vary their stringified data format on basis of corresponding "format" field in mapping. If "format" is blank or includes "epoch_millis" or "epoch_second" the field also accepts JSON number as milliseconds or seconds since the epoch respectively.
  • Geo Point and Geo Shape has multiple representations. Both support GeoJSON and Well-Known Text. For historical reasons, GeoPoint supports additionally 4 more formats, 6 different formats in total.
  • Object and Nested define sub objects of input JSON documents. Objects are hierarchical in nature.

Generating and/or consuming documents sometimes are confusing:

  • You can store {"kwd":"foo"} for an index set up with mapping {"properties":{"kwd":{"type":"keyword"}}}.
  • At same time it also could be {"kwd":["foo","bar"]}.
  • As your service grows, you might find that storing multiple values to "kwd" is more suitable for your use case.
  • Or otherwise, it could happen when more than 2 different apps are writing to the same index.
  • At least those 2 variants are legal for the mapping.

Problem: This does not fit Go's conventional approach.

Conventional Go way is to use statically defined structures.

Go has a native unmarshaling method to parse serialized JSON documents to structs. However unmarshaling multiple types of data source into a single Go type is not done automatically. The user code must explicitly handle them.

Helper types

The module fielddatatype hosts helper types for those types marshal / unmarshal into multiple formats.

  • AggregateMetricDouble* kind types are all variants of the aggregated_metric_double field data type.
    • The code generator selects an appropriate one for a mapping.
  • Boolean, BooleanStr is a bool based type that is unmarshaled from true / false / "true" / "false" / "" and marshal into boolean literal or string of "true" | "false" respectively.
  • GeoPoint can be unmarshaled from all 6 possible formats and marshals into 1 selected format, {"lat":123,"lon":456}
  • GeoShape accepts 2 possible formats as source. It marshal into GeoJSON format delegating behavior to
  • The estime package is a collection of functions that helps the code generator to parse the DateTimeFormatter formats and generate time.Time-based types that understand all possible date format defined in the mapping.
    • DateTimeFormatter defines optional section tokens, [ and ]. The estime package internally use the optionalstring sub package to break down optional section to all possible strings. For example, ab[c[d]] into abcd, abc and ab.
    • Since Go defines its specific tokens for time layout. 2006 or 06 for year, 15 for hours and so on. The estime package converts Java time layout tokens into Go std layout tokens if and only if Go has counterparts for them.
      • It drops support for number of tokens including G(era), Q/q(quarter-of-year), w(week-of-week-based-year) and W(week-of-month).
    • With this package, the code generator generates time.Time-based types.

The Code generator

The code generator finally generates Go struct for easier generation / consumption of JSON documents stored in a (cluster of) Elasticsearch instance(s).

  • It generates plain and raw types.
  • Raw types accept all possible field data.
    • Namely, undefined | null | T | (null| T)[]
  • Plain types are the application defined type.
    • When invoking the code generator, the user can pass configuration file.
    • The configuration file defines which field are to store single value (T), multiple values([]T), required(Tor []T) or optional(*T or *[]T).
  • It generates date format on basis of its mapping definition.
    • If format for the field is empty or a single built-in format, it uses pre-generated types to reduce generated code.

Future updates may optimize behavior.