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NGINX Gateway Fabric Helm Chart


This chart deploys the NGINX Gateway Fabric in your Kubernetes cluster.


Installing the Gateway API resources


The Gateway API resources from the standard channel must be installed before deploying NGINX Gateway Fabric. If they are already installed in your cluster, please ensure they are the correct version as supported by the NGINX Gateway Fabric - see the Technical Specifications.

kubectl apply -f

If you are running on Kubernetes 1.23 or 1.24, you also need to install the validating webhook. To do so, run:

kubectl apply -f


The validating webhook is not needed if you are running Kubernetes 1.25+. Validation is done using CEL on the CRDs. See the resource validation doc for more information.

Installing the Chart

Installing the Chart from the OCI Registry

To install the latest stable release of NGINX Gateway Fabric in the nginx-gateway namespace, run the following command:

helm install ngf oci:// --create-namespace -n nginx-gateway

ngf is the name of the release, and can be changed to any name you want. This name is added as a prefix to the Deployment name.

If the namespace already exists, you can omit the optional --create-namespace flag. If you want the latest version from the main branch, add --version 0.0.0-edge to your install command.

To wait for the Deployment to be ready, you can either add the --wait flag to the helm install command, or run the following after installing:

kubectl wait --timeout=5m -n nginx-gateway deployment/ngf-nginx-gateway-fabric --for=condition=Available

Installing the Chart via Sources

Pulling the Chart

helm pull oci:// --untar
cd nginx-gateway-fabric

This will pull the latest stable release. To pull the latest version from the main branch, specify the --version 0.0.0-edge flag when pulling.

Installing the Chart

To install the chart into the nginx-gateway namespace, run the following command.

helm install ngf . --create-namespace -n nginx-gateway

ngf is the name of the release, and can be changed to any name you want. This name is added as a prefix to the Deployment name.

If the namespace already exists, you can omit the optional --create-namespace flag.

To wait for the Deployment to be ready, you can either add the --wait flag to the helm install command, or run the following after installing:

kubectl wait --timeout=5m -n nginx-gateway deployment/ngf-nginx-gateway-fabric --for=condition=Available

Custom installation options

Service type

By default, the NGINX Gateway Fabric helm chart deploys a LoadBalancer Service.

To use a NodePort Service instead:

helm install ngf oci:// --create-namespace -n nginx-gateway --set service.type=NodePort

To disable the creation of a Service:

helm install ngf oci:// --create-namespace -n nginx-gateway --set service.create=false

Upgrading the Chart


See below for instructions on how to configure delayed termination if required for zero downtime upgrades in your environment.

Upgrading the Gateway Resources

Before you upgrade a release, ensure the Gateway API resources are the correct version as supported by the NGINX Gateway Fabric - see the Technical Specifications.:

To upgrade the Gateway CRDs from the Gateway API repo, run:

kubectl apply -f

If you are running on Kubernetes 1.23 or 1.24, you also need to update the validating webhook. To do so, run:

kubectl apply -f

If you are running on Kubernetes 1.25 or newer and have the validating webhook installed, you should remove the webhook. To do so, run:

kubectl delete -f

Upgrading the CRDs

Helm does not upgrade the NGINX Gateway Fabric CRDs during a release upgrade. Before you upgrade a release, you must pull the chart from GitHub and run the following command to upgrade the CRDs:

kubectl apply -f crds/

The following warning is expected and can be ignored:

Warning: kubectl apply should be used on resource created by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply.

Upgrading the Chart from the OCI Registry

To upgrade the release ngf, run:

helm upgrade ngf oci:// -n nginx-gateway

This will upgrade to the latest stable release. To upgrade to the latest version from the main branch, specify the --version 0.0.0-edge flag when upgrading.

Upgrading the Chart from the Sources

Pull the chart sources as described in Pulling the Chart, if not already present. Then, to upgrade the release ngf, run:

helm upgrade ngf . -n nginx-gateway

Configure Delayed Termination for Zero Downtime Upgrades

To achieve zero downtime upgrades (meaning clients will not see any interruption in traffic while a rolling upgrade is being performed on NGF), you may need to configure delayed termination on the NGF Pod, depending on your environment.


When proxying Websocket or any long-lived connections, NGINX will not terminate until that connection is closed by either the client or the backend. This means that unless all those connections are closed by clients/backends before or during an upgrade, NGINX will not terminate, which means Kubernetes will kill NGINX. As a result, the clients will see the connections abruptly closed and thus experience downtime.

  1. Add lifecycle to both the nginx and the nginx-gateway container definition. To do so, update your values.yaml file to include the following (update the sleep values to what is required in your environment):

             - /usr/bin/gateway
             - sleep
             - --duration=40s # This flag is optional, the default is 30s
             - /bin/sleep
             - "40"
  2. Ensure the terminationGracePeriodSeconds matches or exceeds the sleep value from the preStopHook (the default is 30). This is to ensure Kubernetes does not terminate the Pod before the preStopHook is complete. To do so, update your values.yaml file to include the following (update the value to what is required in your environment):

    terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 50


More information on container lifecycle hooks can be found here and a detailed description of Pod termination behavior can be found in Termination of Pods.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the release ngf:

helm uninstall ngf -n nginx-gateway
kubectl delete ns nginx-gateway
kubectl delete crd

These commands remove all the Kubernetes components associated with the release and deletes the release.

Uninstalling the Gateway Resources

Warning: This command will delete all the corresponding custom resources in your cluster across all namespaces! Please ensure there are no custom resources that you want to keep and there are no other Gateway API implementations running in the cluster!

To delete the Gateway API CRDs from the Gateway API repo, run:

kubectl delete -f

If you are running on Kubernetes 1.23 or 1.24, you also need to delete the validating webhook. To do so, run:

kubectl delete -f


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the NGINX Gateway Fabric chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default Value
nginxGateway.image.repository The repository for the NGINX Gateway Fabric image.
nginxGateway.image.tag The tag for the NGINX Gateway Fabric image. edge
nginxGateway.image.pullPolicy The imagePullPolicy for the NGINX Gateway Fabric image. Always
nginxGateway.lifecycle The lifecycle of the nginx-gateway container. {}
nginxGateway.extraVolumeMounts Extra volumeMounts for the nginxGateway container. {}
nginxGateway.gatewayClassName The name of the GatewayClass for the NGINX Gateway Fabric deployment. nginx
nginxGateway.gatewayControllerName The name of the Gateway controller. The controller name must be of the form: DOMAIN/PATH. The controller's domain is
nginxGateway.kind The kind of the NGINX Gateway Fabric installation - currently, only Deployment is supported. deployment
nginxGateway.config The dynamic configuration for the control plane that is contained in the NginxGateway resource See nginxGateway.config section
nginxGateway.readinessProbe.enable Enable the /readyz endpoint on the control plane. true
nginxGateway.readinessProbe.port Port in which the readiness endpoint is exposed. 8081
nginxGateway.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds The number of seconds after the Pod has started before the readiness probes are initiated. 3
nginxGateway.replicaCount The number of replicas of the NGINX Gateway Fabric Deployment. 1
nginxGateway.leaderElection.enable Enable leader election. Leader election is used to avoid multiple replicas of the NGINX Gateway Fabric reporting the status of the Gateway API resources. true
nginxGateway.leaderElection.lockName The name of the leader election lock. A Lease object with this name will be created in the same Namespace as the controller. Autogenerated
nginxGateway.securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation Some environments may need this set to true in order for the control plane to successfully reload NGINX. false
nginxGateway.productTelemetry.enable Enable the collection of product telemetry. true
nginxGateway.gwAPIExperimentalFeatures.enable Enable the experimental features of Gateway API which are supported by NGINX Gateway Fabric. Requires the Gateway APIs installed from the experimental channel. false
nginx.image.repository The repository for the NGINX image.
nginx.image.tag The tag for the NGINX image. edge
nginx.image.pullPolicy The imagePullPolicy for the NGINX image. Always Is NGINX Plus image being used false
nginx.usage.secretName The namespace/name of the Secret containing the credentials for NGINX Plus usage reporting.
nginx.usage.serverURL The base server URL of the NGINX Plus usage reporting server.
nginx.usage.clusterName The display name of the Kubernetes cluster in the NGINX Plus usage reporting server.
nginx.usage.insecureSkipVerify Disable client verification of the NGINX Plus usage reporting server certificate. false
nginx.lifecycle The lifecycle of the nginx container. {}
nginx.extraVolumeMounts Extra volumeMounts for the nginx container. {}
terminationGracePeriodSeconds The termination grace period of the NGINX Gateway Fabric pod. 30
tolerations The tolerations of the NGINX Gateway Fabric pod. []
nodeSelector The nodeSelector of the NGINX Gateway Fabric pod. {}
affinity The affinity of the NGINX Gateway Fabric pod. {}
serviceAccount.annotations The annotations for the ServiceAccount used by the NGINX Gateway Fabric deployment. {} Name of the ServiceAccount used by the NGINX Gateway Fabric deployment. Autogenerated
service.create Creates a service to expose the NGINX Gateway Fabric pods. true
service.type The type of service to create for the NGINX Gateway Fabric. Loadbalancer
service.externalTrafficPolicy The externalTrafficPolicy of the service. The value Local preserves the client source IP. Local
service.annotations The annotations of the NGINX Gateway Fabric service. {}
service.ports A list of ports to expose through the NGINX Gateway Fabric service. Update it to match the listener ports from your Gateway resource. Follows the conventional Kubernetes yaml syntax for service ports. [ port: 80, targetPort: 80, protocol: TCP, name: http; port: 443, targetPort: 443, protocol: TCP, name: https ]
metrics.disable Disable exposing metrics in the Prometheus format. false
metrics.port Set the port where the Prometheus metrics are exposed. Format: [1024 - 65535] 9113 Enable serving metrics via https. By default metrics are served via http. Please note that this endpoint will be secured with a self-signed certificate. false
extraVolumes Extra volumes for the NGINX Gateway Fabric pod. []