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Linux from scratch

This documentation is a derivative of "Linux From Scratch" by Gerard Beekmans, used under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. This documentation is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 by Kazutoshi Noguchi.

Computer instructions may be extracted from the book under the MIT License.

Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Preparing the host system

$LFS変数を設定・新しい パーティションをマウント

export LFS=$HOME/Dropbox/lfsroot
mkdir -pv "$LFS"


mkdir -v $LFS/sources
cd $LFS/sources
aria2c -c -i wget-list
#wget --input-file=wget-list --continue --directory-prefix=$LFS/sources
md5sum -c md5sums

Final Preparations

Creating the $LFS/tools Directory, Adding the LFS User, Setting Up the Environment, About SBUs

umask 022
mkdir -pv $LFS/tools
[[ $(uname -m) = x86_64 ]] && mkdir -v $LFS/tools/lib && ln -sv lib $LFS/tools/lib64 #64bit only


sudo mkdir -pv $LFS/{dev,proc,bin,etc,lib,sbin,usr,tmp,var/tmp}
sudo mount -v --bind /dev $LFS/dev
sudo mount -vt devpts devpts $LFS/dev/pts -o gid=5,mode=620
sudo mount -vt proc proc $LFS/proc
sudo mount -v --rbind /bin $LFS/bin
sudo mount -v --rbind /usr $LFS/usr
sudo mount -v --rbind /lib $LFS/lib
if [[ -e /lib32 ]]; then
    sudo mkdir -pv $LFS/lib32
    sudo mount -v --rbind /lib32 $LFS/lib32
if [[ -e /libx32 ]]; then
    sudo mkdir -pv $LFS/libx32
    sudo mount -v --rbind /libx32 $LFS/libx32
if [[ -e /lib64 ]]; then
    sudo mkdir -pv $LFS/lib64
    sudo mount -v --rbind /lib64 $LFS/lib64
sudo mount -v --rbind /sbin $LFS/sbin
sudo chmod -v 1777 $LFS/tmp
sudo chmod -v 1777 $LFS/var/tmp
if [[ -e /etc/alternatives ]]; then
  sudo mkdir -pv $LFS/etc/alternatives
  sudo mount -v --rbind /etc/alternatives $LFS/etc/alternatives

cat << EOF | sudo tee $LFS/etc/passwd
bin:x:1:1:Legacy User:/dev/null:/bin/false
daemon:x:6:6:Legacy User:/dev/null:/bin/false
nobody:x:65534:65534:Unprivileged User:/dev/null:/bin/false
lfs:x:$(id -u):$(id -g):LFS:/tmp:/bin/bash

cat << EOF | sudo tee $LFS/etc/group
lfs:x:$(id -g)

sudo chroot --userspec=$(id -u):$(id -g) "$LFS" env -i \
    HOME=/tmp \
    TERM=$TERM \
    PS1='\u:\w\$ ' \
    LFS_TGT=x86_64-lfs-linux-gnu \
    LFS_TGT32=i686-lfs-linux-gnu \
    PATH=/tools/bin:/bin:/usr/bin \
    MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)" \
    /bin/bash --login +h

About the Test Suites

  1. コアツールチェーンのテストは特に重要
  2. Temporary Systemのツールはすぐに捨てるのでテストはしない
  3. ptyが足りないとgccとbinutilsのテストが失敗する
  4. たまにテストが失敗することがある。ビルドログと 比較して問題がないか確認

Temporary System

binutils 2.31.1 (pass 1)

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/binutils-2.31.1.tar.xz
cd binutils-2.31.1
mkdir -v build-pass1
cd build-pass1
../configure --prefix=/tools            \
             --with-sysroot=/           \
             --with-lib-path=/tools/lib:/tools/lib32 \
             --target=${LFS_TGT}        \
             --disable-nls              \
ld/ld-new --verbose | grep SEARCH_DIR | tr -s ' ;' \\012
ld/ld-new -melf_i386 --verbose | grep SEARCH_DIR | tr -s ' ;' \\012
make install

gcc-8.2.0 (pass 1)

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/gcc-8.2.0.tar.xz
cd gcc-8.2.0
tar -xf /sources/mpfr-4.0.1.tar.xz
mv -v mpfr-4.0.1 mpfr
tar -xf /sources/gmp-6.1.2.tar.xz
mv -v gmp-6.1.2 gmp
tar -xf /sources/mpc-1.1.0.tar.gz
mv -v mpc-1.1.0 mpc

/usr/includeをinclude search pathから削除し、/tools/libのダイナミックリンカを使うようにする

for file in gcc/config/{linux,i386/linux{,64}}.h
  cp -uv $file{,.orig}
  sed -e 's@/lib\(64\)\?\(32\)\?/ld@/tools&@g' \
      -e 's@/usr@/tools@g' $file.orig > $file
  echo '
#define STANDARD_STARTFILE_PREFIX_1 "/tools/lib/"
#define STANDARD_STARTFILE_PREFIX_2 ""' >> $file
  touch $file.orig

64bitライブラリのディレクトリをlib, 32bitライブラリのディレクトリをlib32に変更

case $(uname -m) in
    sed -e '/m64=/s/lib64/lib/' \
        -e '/m32=/s@m32=.*@m32=../lib32@'  \
        -i.orig gcc/config/i386/t-linux64


mkdir -v build-pass1
cd build-pass1
../configure                                       \
    --target=$LFS_TGT                              \
    --prefix=/tools                                \
    --with-glibc-version=2.11                      \
    --with-sysroot=/                               \
    --with-newlib                                  \
    --without-headers                              \
    --with-local-prefix=/tools                     \
    --with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include \
    --disable-nls                                  \
    --disable-shared                               \
    --disable-decimal-float                        \
    --disable-threads                              \
    --disable-libatomic                            \
    --disable-libgomp                              \
    --disable-libmpx                               \
    --disable-libquadmath                          \
    --disable-libssp                               \
    --disable-libvtv                               \
    --disable-libstdcxx                            \
    --enable-languages=c,c++                       \
    --enable-multilib                              \
make install
x86_64-lfs-linux-gnu-gcc -E -Wp,-v - </dev/null
x86_64-lfs-linux-gnu-gcc -m32 -E -Wp,-v - </dev/null
x86_64-lfs-linux-gnu-gcc -print-multi-os-directory
x86_64-lfs-linux-gnu-gcc -m32 -print-multi-os-directory

Linux-4.19.11 API Headers

The Linux kernel needs to expose an Application Programming Interface (API) for the system's C library (Glibc in LFS) to use. This is done by way of sanitizing various C header files that are shipped in the Linux kernel source tarball.

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/linux-4.19.11.tar.xz
cd linux-4.19.11

Make sure there are no stale files embedded in the package:

make mrproper

Now extract the user-visible kernel headers from the source. They are placed in an intermediate local directory and copied to the needed location because the extraction process removes any existing files in the target directory.

make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=dest headers_install
cp -rv dest/include/* /tools/include

Glibc-2.28 (32bit)

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/glibc-2.28.tar.xz
cd glibc-2.28
patch -p1 < /sources/glibc-2.28-fhs-1.patch
mkdir -v build32
cd build32
CC="$LFS_TGT-gcc -m32"                   \
CXX="$LFS_TGT-g++ -m32"                  \
AR="$LFS_TGT-ar"                         \
NM="$LFS_TGT-nm"                         \
READELF="$LFS_TGT-readelf"               \
../configure                             \
      --prefix=/tools                    \
      --host=$LFS_TGT32                  \
      --build=$(../scripts/config.guess) \
      --libdir=/tools/lib32              \
      --enable-kernel=3.2                \
      --with-headers=/tools/include      \
      libc_cv_forced_unwind=yes          \
      libc_cv_c_cleanup=yes              \
make install
ln -s ../lib32/ /tools/lib/

At this point, it is imperative to stop and ensure that the basic functions (compiling and linking) of the new toolchain are working as expected. To perform a sanity check, run the following commands:

echo 'int main(){}' > /tmp/dummy.c
$LFS_TGT-gcc -m32 -o /tmp/dummy /tmp/dummy.c
readelf -l /tmp/dummy | grep ': /tools'

If everything is working correctly, there should be no errors, and the output of the last command will be of the form:

[Requesting program interpreter: /tools/lib/]

Glibc-2.28 (64bit)

cd /tmp/glibc-2.28
mkdir -v build64
cd build64
../configure                             \
      --prefix=/tools                    \
      --host=$LFS_TGT                    \
      --build=$(../scripts/config.guess) \
      --enable-kernel=3.2                \
      --with-headers=/tools/include      \
      libc_cv_forced_unwind=yes          \
make install

At this point, it is imperative to stop and ensure that the basic functions (compiling and linking) of the new toolchain are working as expected. To perform a sanity check, run the following commands:

echo 'int main(){}' > /tmp/dummy.c
$LFS_TGT-gcc -o /tmp/dummy /tmp/dummy.c
readelf -l /tmp/dummy | grep ': /tools'

If everything is working correctly, there should be no errors, and the output of the last command will be of the form:

[Requesting program interpreter: /tools/lib64/]

Libstdc++ from GCC-8.2.0

cd /tmp/gcc-8.2.0
mkdir -pv build-libstdc++/64
cd build-libstdc++/64
../../libstdc++-v3/configure        \
    --host=$LFS_TGT                 \
    --prefix=/tools                 \
    --disable-nls                   \
    --disable-libstdcxx-threads     \
    --disable-libstdcxx-pch         \
make install

binutils-2.31.1 (pass 2)

cd /tmp/binutils-2.31.1
mkdir -v build-pass2
cd build-pass2
CC=$LFS_TGT-gcc                \
AR=$LFS_TGT-ar                 \
RANLIB=$LFS_TGT-ranlib         \
../configure                   \
    --prefix=/tools            \
    --disable-nls              \
    --disable-werror           \
    --with-lib-path=/tools/lib:/tools/lib32 \
    --with-sysroot             \
ld/ld-new --verbose | grep SEARCH_DIR | tr -s ' ;' \\012
ld/ld-new -melf_i386 --verbose | grep SEARCH_DIR | tr -s ' ;' \\012
make install

Now prepare the linker for the “Re-adjusting” phase in the next chapter:

make -C ld clean
make -C ld LIB_PATH=/usr/lib:/usr/lib32
cp -v ld/ld-new /tools/bin

gcc-8.2.0 (pass 2)

Our first build of GCC has installed a couple of internal system headers. Normally one of them, limits.h, will in turn include the corresponding system limits.h header, in this case, /tools/include/limits.h. However, at the time of the first build of gcc /tools/include/limits.h did not exist, so the internal header that GCC installed is a partial, self-contained file and does not include the extended features of the system header. This was adequate for building the temporary libc, but this build of GCC now requires the full internal header. Create a full version of the internal header using a command that is identical to what the GCC build system does in normal circumstances:

cd /tmp/gcc-8.2.0
cat gcc/limitx.h gcc/glimits.h gcc/limity.h > \
  `dirname $($LFS_TGT-gcc -print-libgcc-file-name)`/include-fixed/limits.h

(Once again, change the location of GCC's default dynamic linker to use the one installed in /tools.) (If building on x86_64, change the default directory name for 64-bit libraries to “lib:) (As in the first build of GCC it requires the GMP, MPFR and MPC packages. Unpack the tarballs and move them into the required directory names:)

mkdir -v build-pass2
cd build-pass2
CC=$LFS_TGT-gcc                                    \
CXX=$LFS_TGT-g++                                   \
AR=$LFS_TGT-ar                                     \
RANLIB=$LFS_TGT-ranlib                             \
../configure                                       \
    --prefix=/tools                                \
    --with-local-prefix=/tools                     \
    --with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include \
    --enable-languages=c,c++                       \
    --disable-libstdcxx-pch                        \
    --disable-bootstrap                            \
    --disable-libgomp                              \
    --enable-default-pie                           \
    --enable-default-ssp                           \
    --enable-multilib                              \
make install

As a finishing touch, create a symlink. Many programs and scripts run cc instead of gcc, which is used to keep programs generic and therefore usable on all kinds of UNIX systems where the GNU C compiler is not always installed. Running cc leaves the system administrator free to decide which C compiler to install:

ln -sv gcc /tools/bin/cc

At this point, it is imperative to stop and ensure that the basic functions (compiling and linking) of the new toolchain are working as expected. To perform a sanity check, run the following commands:

echo 'int main(){}' > dummy.c
cc dummy.c
readelf -l a.out | grep ': /tools'
cc -m32 dummy.c
readelf -l a.out | grep ': /tools'

If everything is working correctly, there should be no errors, and the output of the last command will be of the form:

[Requesting program interpreter: /tools/lib64/]
[Requesting program interpreter: /tools/lib/]


This package and the next two (Expect and DejaGNU) are installed to support running the test suites for GCC and Binutils and other packages. Installing three packages for testing purposes may seem excessive, but it is very reassuring, if not essential, to know that the most important tools are working properly. Even if the test suites are not run in this chapter (they are not mandatory), these packages are required to run the test suites in Chapter 6.

Note that the Tcl package used here is a minimal version needed to run the LFS tests. For the full package, see the BLFS Tcl procedures.

Prepare Tcl for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/tcl8.6.8-src.tar.gz
cd tcl8.6.8
cd unix
./configure --prefix=/tools

Build the package:


Install the package:

make install

Make the installed library writable so debugging symbols can be removed later:

chmod -v u+w /tools/lib/

Install Tcl's headers. The next package, Expect, requires them to build.

make install-private-headers

Now make a necessary symbolic link:

ln -sv tclsh8.6 /tools/bin/tclsh


cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/expect5.45.4.tar.gz
cd expect5.45.4

First, force Expect's configure script to use /bin/stty instead of a /usr/local/bin/stty it may find on the host system. This will ensure that our test suite tools remain sane for the final builds of our toolchain:

cp -v configure{,.orig}
sed 's:/usr/local/bin:/bin:' configure.orig > configure

Now prepare Expect for compilation:

./configure --prefix=/tools       \
            --with-tcl=/tools/lib \

Build the package:


Install the package:

make SCRIPTS="" install


Prepare DejaGNU for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/dejagnu-1.6.1.tar.gz
cd dejagnu-1.6.1
./configure --prefix=/tools

Build and install the package:

make install

To test the results, issue:

make check


cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/m4-1.4.18.tar.xz
cd m4-1.4.18

First, make some fixes required by glibc-2.28:

sed -i 's/IO_ftrylockfile/IO_EOF_SEEN/' lib/*.c
echo "#define _IO_IN_BACKUP 0x100" >> lib/stdio-impl.h

Prepare M4 for compilation:

./configure --prefix=/tools

Compile the package:


Install the package:

make install


cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/ncurses-6.1.tar.gz
cd ncurses-6.1

First, ensure that gawk is found first during configuration:

sed -i s/mawk// configure

Prepare Ncurses for compilation:

./configure --prefix=/tools \
            --with-shared   \
            --without-debug \
            --without-ada   \
            --enable-widec  \

The meaning of the configure options:


This ensures that Ncurses does not build support for the Ada compiler which may be present on the host but will not be available once we enter the chroot environment.


This tells Ncurses to install its header files into /tools/include, instead of /tools/include/ncurses, to ensure that other packages can find the Ncurses headers successfully.


This switch causes wide-character libraries (e.g., to be built instead of normal ones (e.g., These wide-character libraries are usable in both multibyte and traditional 8-bit locales, while normal libraries work properly only in 8-bit locales. Wide-character and normal libraries are source-compatible, but not binary-compatible.

Compile the package:


Install the package:

make install


Prepare Bash for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/bash-4.4.18.tar.gz
cd bash-4.4.18
./configure --prefix=/tools --without-bash-malloc

The meaning of the configure options:


This option turns off the use of Bash's memory allocation (malloc) function which is known to cause segmentation faults. By turning this option off, Bash will use the malloc functions from Glibc which are more stable.

Compile the package:


Install the package:

make install

Make a link for the programs that use sh for a shell:

ln -sv bash /tools/bin/sh


Prepare Bison for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/bison-3.0.5.tar.xz
cd bison-3.0.5
./configure --prefix=/tools

Compile the package:


Install the package:

make install


The Bzip2 package does not contain a configure script. Compile and test it with:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz
cd bzip2-1.0.6
patch -p1 < /sources/bzip2-1.0.6-install_docs-1.patch

Install the package:

make PREFIX=/tools install


Prepare Coreutils for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/coreutils-8.30.tar.xz
cd coreutils-8.30
./configure --prefix=/tools --enable-install-program=hostname

The meaning of the configure options:


This enables the hostname binary to be built and installed – it is disabled by default but is required by the Perl test suite.

Compile the package:


Compilation is now complete. As discussed earlier, running the test suite is not mandatory for the temporary tools here in this chapter. To run the Coreutils test suite anyway, issue the following command:

make RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes check

The RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes parameter tells the test suite to run several additional tests that are considered relatively expensive (in terms of CPU power and memory usage) on some platforms, but generally are not a problem on Linux.

Install the package:

make install


Prepare Diffutils for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/diffutils-3.6.tar.xz
cd diffutils-3.6
./configure --prefix=/tools

Compile the package:


Compilation is now complete. As discussed earlier, running the test suite is not mandatory for the temporary tools here in this chapter. To run the Diffutils test suite anyway, issue the following command:

make check

Install the package:

make install


Prepare File for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/file-5.34.tar.gz
cd file-5.34
./configure --prefix=/tools

Compile the package:


Compilation is now complete. As discussed earlier, running the test suite is not mandatory for the temporary tools here in this chapter. To run the File test suite anyway, issue the following command:

make check

Install the package:

make install


cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/findutils-4.6.0.tar.gz
cd findutils-4.6.0

First, make some fixes required by glibc-2.28:

sed -i 's/IO_ftrylockfile/IO_EOF_SEEN/' gl/lib/*.c
sed -i '/unistd/a #include <sys/sysmacros.h>' gl/lib/mountlist.c
echo "#define _IO_IN_BACKUP 0x100" >> gl/lib/stdio-impl.h

Prepare Findutils for compilation:

./configure --prefix=/tools

Compile the package:


Compilation is now complete. As discussed earlier, running the test suite is not mandatory for the temporary tools here in this chapter. To run the Findutils test suite anyway, issue the following command:

make check

Install the package:

make install


Prepare Gawk for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/gawk-4.2.1.tar.xz
cd gawk-4.2.1
./configure --prefix=/tools

Compile the package:


Compilation is now complete. As discussed earlier, running the test suite is not mandatory for the temporary tools here in this chapter. To run the Gawk test suite anyway, issue the following command:

make check

Install the package:

make install


For our temporary set of tools, we only need to build and install three programs from Gettext.

Prepare Gettext for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/gettext-
cd gettext-
EMACS="no" ./configure --prefix=/tools --disable-shared

The meaning of the configure option:


This prevents the configure script from determining where to install Emacs Lisp files as the test is known to hang on some hosts.


We do not need to install any of the shared Gettext libraries at this time, therefore there is no need to build them.

Compile the package:

make -C gnulib-lib
make -C intl pluralx.c
make -C src msgfmt
make -C src msgmerge
make -C src xgettext

As only three programs have been compiled, it is not possible to run the test suite without compiling additional support libraries from the Gettext package. It is therefore not recommended to attempt to run the test suite at this stage.

Install the msgfmt, msgmerge and xgettext programs:

cp -v src/{msgfmt,msgmerge,xgettext} /tools/bin


Prepare Grep for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/grep-3.1.tar.xz
cd grep-3.1
./configure --prefix=/tools

Compile the package:


Compilation is now complete. As discussed earlier, running the test suite is not mandatory for the temporary tools here in this chapter. To run the Grep test suite anyway, issue the following command:

make check

Install the package:

make install


cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/gzip-1.9.tar.xz
cd gzip-1.9

First, make some fixes required by glibc-2.28:

sed -i 's/IO_ftrylockfile/IO_EOF_SEEN/' lib/*.c
echo "#define _IO_IN_BACKUP 0x100" >> lib/stdio-impl.h

Prepare Gzip for compilation:

./configure --prefix=/tools

Compile the package:


Compilation is now complete. As discussed earlier, running the test suite is not mandatory for the temporary tools here in this chapter. To run the Gzip test suite anyway, issue the following command:

make check

Install the package:

make install


cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/make-4.2.1.tar.bz2
cd make-4.2.1

First, work around an error caused by glibc-2.27:

sed -i '211,217 d; 219,229 d; 232 d' glob/glob.c

Prepare Make for compilation:

./configure --prefix=/tools --without-guile

The meaning of the configure option:


This ensures that Make-4.2.1 won't link against Guile libraries, which may be present on the host system, but won't be available within the chroot environment in the next chapter.

Compile the package:


Compilation is now complete. As discussed earlier, running the test suite is not mandatory for the temporary tools here in this chapter. To run the Make test suite anyway, issue the following command:

make check

Install the package:

make install


Prepare Patch for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/patch-2.7.6.tar.xz
cd patch-2.7.6
./configure --prefix=/tools

Compile the package:


Compilation is now complete. As discussed earlier, running the test suite is not mandatory for the temporary tools here in this chapter. To run the Patch test suite anyway, issue the following command:

make check

Install the package:

make install


Prepare Perl for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/perl-5.28.0.tar.xz
cd perl-5.28.0/
sh Configure -des -Dprefix=/tools -Dlibs=-lm -Uloclibpth -Ulocincpth

The meaning of the Configure options:


This is a combination of three options: -d uses defaults for all items; -e ensures completion of all tasks; -s silences non-essential output.

-Uloclibpth amd -Ulocincpth

These entries undefine variables that cause the configuration to search for locally installed components that may exist on the host system.

Build the package:


Although Perl comes with a test suite, it would be better to wait until it is installed in the next chapter.

Only a few of the utilities and libraries need to be installed at this time:

cp -v perl cpan/podlators/scripts/pod2man /tools/bin
mkdir -pv /tools/lib/perl5/5.28.0
cp -Rv lib/* /tools/lib/perl5/5.28.0


Prepare Sed for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/sed-4.5.tar.xz
cd sed-4.5
./configure --prefix=/tools

Compile the package:


Compilation is now complete. As discussed earlier, running the test suite is not mandatory for the temporary tools here in this chapter. To run the Sed test suite anyway, issue the following command:

make check

Install the package:

make install


Prepare Tar for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/tar-1.30.tar.xz
cd tar-1.30
./configure --prefix=/tools

Compile the package:


Compilation is now complete. As discussed earlier, running the test suite is not mandatory for the temporary tools here in this chapter. To run the Tar test suite anyway, issue the following command:

make check

Install the package:

make install


Prepare Texinfo for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/texinfo-6.5.tar.xz
cd texinfo-6.5
./configure --prefix=/tools

Compile the package:


Compilation is now complete. As discussed earlier, running the test suite is not mandatory for the temporary tools here in this chapter. To run the Texinfo test suite anyway, issue the following command:

make check

Install the package:

make install


Prepare Util-linux for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/util-linux-2.32.1.tar.xz
cd util-linux-2.32.1
./configure --prefix=/tools                \
            --without-python               \
            --disable-makeinstall-chown    \
            --without-systemdsystemunitdir \
            --without-ncurses              \

The meaning of the configure option:


This switch disables using Python if it is installed on the host system. It avoids trying to build unneeded bindings.


This switch disables using the chown command during installation. This is not needed when installing into the /tools directory and avoids the necessity of installing as root.


This switch disables using the ncurses library for the build process. This is not needed when installing into the /tools directory and avoids problems on some host distros.


On systems that use systemd, the package tries to install a systemd specific file to a non-existent directory in /tools. This switch disables the unnecessary action.


Setting this environment variable prevents adding unneeded features that may be available on the host. Note that the location shown for setting this environment variable is different from other LFS sections where variables are set preceding the command. This location is shown to demonstrate an alternative way of setting an environment variable when using configure.

Compile the package:


Install the package:

make install


Prepare Xz for compilation:

cd /tmp
tar -xf /sources/xz-5.2.4.tar.xz
cd xz-5.2.4
./configure --prefix=/tools

Compile the package:


Compilation is now complete. As discussed earlier, running the test suite is not mandatory for the temporary tools here in this chapter. To run the Xz test suite anyway, issue the following command:

make check

Install the package:

make install


The steps in this section are optional, but if the LFS partition is rather small, it is beneficial to learn that unnecessary items can be removed. The executables and libraries built so far contain about 70 MB of unneeded debugging symbols. Remove those symbols with:

strip --strip-debug /tools/lib/* /tools/lib32/*
/usr/bin/strip --strip-unneeded /tools/{,s}bin/*

These commands will skip a number of files, reporting that it does not recognize their file format. Most of these are scripts instead of binaries. Also use the system strip command to include the strip binary in /tools.

Take care not to use --strip-unneeded on the libraries. The static ones would be destroyed and the toolchain packages would need to be built all over again.

To save more, remove the documentation:

rm -rf /tools/{,share}/{info,man,doc}

Remove unneeded files:

find /tools/{lib,libexec} -name \*.la -delete

At this point, you should have at least 3 GB of free space in $LFS that can be used to build and install Glibc and Gcc in the next phase. If you can build and install Glibc, you can build and install the rest too.

Unbind host system

sudo umount $LFS/dev/pts $LFS/dev $LFS/proc $LFS/bin $LFS/sbin $LFS/usr $LFS/lib
sudo rmdir $LFS/dev $LFS/proc $LFS/bin $LFS/sbin $LFS/usr $LFS/lib
if [[ -e /lib32 ]]; then
    sudo umount -l $LFS/lib32
    sudo rmdir $LFS/lib32
if [[ -e /libx32 ]]; then
    sudo umount -l $LFS/libx32
    sudo rmdir $LFS/libx32
if [[ -e /lib64 ]]; then
    sudo umount -l $LFS/lib64
    sudo rmdir $LFS/lib64
sudo rm -rf $LFS/tmp $LFS/var/tmp
sudo rmdir $LFS/var
if [[ -e /etc/alternatives ]]; then
  sudo umount -l $LFS/etc/alternatives
  sudo rmdir $LFS/etc/alternatives
sudo rm $LFS/etc/passwd
sudo rm $LFS/etc/group
sudo rmdir $LFS/etc

Changing ownership


The commands in the remainder of this book must be performed while logged in as user root and no longer as user lfs. Also, double check that $LFS is set in root's environment.

Currently, the $LFS/tools directory is owned by the user lfs, a user that exists only on the host system. If the $LFS/tools directory is kept as is, the files are owned by a user ID without a corresponding account. This is dangerous because a user account created later could get this same user ID and would own the $LFS/tools directory and all the files therein, thus exposing these files to possible malicious manipulation.

To avoid this issue, you could add the lfs user to the new LFS system later when creating the /etc/passwd file, taking care to assign it the same user and group IDs as on the host system. Better yet, change the ownership of the $LFS/tools directory to user root by running the following command:

sudo chown -R root:root $LFS/tools

Installing Basic System Software

Creating Directories

Mode Directory Description
/bin -> usr/bin Legacy location of essential command binaries
0700 /boot Static files of the boot loader
/dev Device files
/etc Host-specific system configuration
/etc/opt Configuration for /opt
/home User home directories
/lib -> usr/lib Legacy location of shared libraries and kernel modules
/lib32 -> usr/lib32 Legacy location of 32-bit shared libraries
/lib64 -> usr/lib Legacy location of 64-bit shared libraries
/media Mount point for removable media
/mnt Mount point for mounting a filesystem temporarily
/opt Add-on application software packages
0555 /proc Kernel and process information virtual filesystem
0700 /root Home directory for the root user
/run Data relevant to running processes (tmpfs)
1777 /run/lock lock files
1777 /run/shm Temporary files
/sbin -> usr/bin Legacy location of essential system binaries
/srv Data for services provided by this system
0555 /sys Kernel and system information virtual filesystem
1777 /tmp Temporary files (tmpfs)
/usr Operating System Resources
/usr/bin Binaries
/usr/include Header files included by C programs
/usr/lib 64-bit libraries and kernel modules
/usr/lib32 32-bit libraries
/usr/lib64 -> lib Legacy location of 64-bit shared libraries
/usr/local Local hierarchy
/usr/local/bin Local binaries
/usr/local/etc Host-specific system configuration for local binaries
/usr/local/games Local game binaries
/usr/local/include Local C header files
/usr/local/lib 64-bit local libraries
/usr/local/lib32 32-bit local libraries
/usr/local/man Local online manuals
/usr/local/sbin Local system binaries
/usr/local/share Local architecture-independent hierarchy
/usr/local/share/man Local online manuals
/usr/local/share/misc Local miscellaneous architecture-independent data
/usr/local/src Local source code
/usr/pkg Packages
/usr/sbin -> bin Legacy location of non-vital system binaries
/usr/share Architecture-independent data
/usr/share/man Online manuals
/usr/share/misc Miscellaneous architecture-independent data
/var Variable data
/var/cache Application cache data
/var/lib Variable state information
/var/lib/misc Miscellaneous state data
/var/local Variable data for /usr/local
/var/lock -> ../run/lock Legacy location of lock files
/var/log Log files and directories
/var/opt Variable data for /opt
/var/run -> ../run Legacy location of data relevant to running processes
/var/spool Application spool data
/var/spool/cron cron and at jobs
1777 /var/tmp Temporary files preserved between system reboots
  • I'll use /usr/lib/<package-name> instead of /usr/libexec.
  • If a C preprocessor is installed, /lib/cpp must be a reference to it, for historical reasons.
sudo mkdir -pv $LFS/{dev,etc/opt,home,media,mnt,opt,run,srv}
sudo mkdir -pv $LFS/usr/{,local/}{bin,include,lib,lib32,share/{man,misc}}
sudo mkdir -pv $LFS/usr/pkg
sudo mkdir -pv $LFS/usr/local/{etc,games,man,sbin,src}
sudo mkdir -pv $LFS/var/{cache,lib/misc,local,log,opt,spool/cron}
sudo install -dv -m 0700 $LFS/{boot,root}
sudo install -dv -m 0555 $LFS/{proc,sys}
sudo install -dv -m 1777 $LFS/tmp $LFS/var/tmp
sudo ln -sv usr/bin $LFS/bin
sudo ln -sv usr/lib $LFS/lib
sudo ln -sv usr/lib32 $LFS/lib32
sudo ln -sv usr/lib $LFS/lib64
sudo ln -sv usr/bin $LFS/sbin
sudo ln -sv bin $LFS/usr/sbin
sudo ln -sv lib $LFS/usr/lib64
sudo ln -sv ../run/lock $LFS/var/lock
sudo ln -sv ../run $LFS/var/run

Creating Initial Device Nodes

sudo mknod -m 666 $LFS/dev/null c 1 3
sudo mknod -m 666 $LFS/dev/zero c 1 5
sudo mknod -m 666 $LFS/dev/full c 1 7
sudo mknod -m 666 $LFS/dev/random c 1 8
sudo mknod -m 666 $LFS/dev/urandom c 1 9
sudo mknod -m 666 $LFS/dev/tty c 5 0
sudo chown -v 0:5 $LFS/dev/tty
sudo ln -sv /proc/self/fd/0 $LFS/dev/stdin
sudo ln -sv /proc/self/fd/1 $LFS/dev/stdout
sudo ln -sv /proc/self/fd/2 $LFS/dev/stderr
sudo ln -sv /proc/self/fd $LFS/dev/fd
sudo ln -sv /proc/kcore $LFS/dev/core
sudo mkdir -v $LFS/dev/pts
sudo ln -sv ../run/shm $LFS/dev/shm
sudo ln -sv pts/ptmx $LFS/dev/ptmx
sudo mknod -m 600 $LFS/dev/console c 5 1

Mounting Virtual Kernel File Systems

sudo mount -vt proc proc $LFS/proc
sudo mount -vt sysfs sysfs $LFS/sys
sudo mount -vt tmpfs -o nodev,nosuid,noexec,mode=0755 tmpfs $LFS/run
sudo install -dv -m 1777 $LFS/run/shm
sudo install -dv -m 1777 $LFS/run/lock
sudo mount -vt tmpfs -o nodev,nosuid none $LFS/tmp
sudo mount -vt devpts devpts $LFS/dev/pts -o gid=5,mode=620

The meaning of the mount options for devpts:


This ensures that all devpts-created device nodes are owned by group ID 5. This is the ID we will use later on for the tty group. We use the group ID instead of a name, since the host system might use a different ID for its tty group.


This ensures that all devpts-created device nodes have mode 0620 (user readable and writable, group writable). Together with the option above, this ensures that devpts will create device nodes that meet the requirements of grantpt(), meaning the Glibc pt_chown helper binary (which is not installed by default) is not necessary.

Entering the Chroot Environment

#export LFS=...
#umask 022
CFLAGS="-O2 -march=native -pipe -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fstack-clash-protection -fno-plt -fexceptions -fasynchronous-unwind-tables"
sudo chroot "$LFS" /tools/bin/env -i \
    HOME=/root                  \
    TERM="$TERM"                \
    PS1='(lfs chroot) \u:\w\$ ' \
    PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/tools/bin \
    MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)"      \
    LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,now" \
    /tools/bin/bash --login +h

The meaning of CFLAGS:

Flag Effect
-O2 Turn on optimizations. Using -O3 is not recommended because it can slow down a system and break several packages.
-march=native Tunes the generated code for the machine running the compiler. Generated code may not run on older CPU.
-pipe Run compiler and assembler in parallel. This can improve compilation performance.
-Werror=format-security Turn on warnings about insecure format functions usage and treat them as errors.
-fstack-protector-strong Enable stack buffer overflow checks.
-fstack-clash-protection Generate code to prevent stack clash style attacks.
-fno-plt Generate more efficient code by eliminating PLT stubs and exposing GOT loads to optimizations.
-fexceptions Provide exception unwinding support for C programs. This also hardens cancellation handling in C programs.
-fasynchronous-unwind-tables Required for support of asynchronous cancellation and proper unwinding from signal handlers.

The meaning of CPPFLAGS:

Flag Effect
-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 Enable buffer overflow detection in various functions.
-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS Enable lightweight assertions in the C++ standard library, such as bounds checking for the subscription operator on vectors.

The meaning of LDFLAGS:

Flag Effect
-O1 Optimize a hash table of symbols
--sort-common Sort the common symbols by alignment. This is to prevent gaps between symbols due to alignment constraints.
--as-needed Eliminate unneeded dependencies.
-z relro Turn several sections read-only before turning over control to the program. This prevents some GOT (and .dtors) overwrite attacks.
-z now During program load, all dynamic symbols are resolved, allowing for the complete GOT to be marked read-only (due to -z relro above). This prevents GOT overwrite attacks.

Creating Essential Files and Symlinks

Some programs use hard-wired paths to programs which do not exist yet. In order to satisfy these programs, create a number of symbolic links which will be replaced by real files throughout the course of this chapter after the software has been installed:

ln -sv /tools/bin/{bash,cat,dd,echo,ln,pwd,rm,stty} /bin
ln -sv /tools/bin/{env,install,perl} /usr/bin
ln -sv /tools/lib/{,.1} /usr/lib
ln -sv /tools/lib/libstdc++.{a,so{,.6}} /usr/lib
ln -sv /tools/lib32/{,.1} /usr/lib32
ln -sv /tools/lib32/libstdc++.{a,so{,.6}} /usr/lib32
for lib in blkid lzma mount uuid
    ln -sv /tools/lib/lib$* /usr/lib
ln -svf /tools/include/blkid    /usr/include
ln -svf /tools/include/libmount /usr/include
ln -svf /tools/include/uuid     /usr/include
install -vdm755 /usr/lib/pkgconfig
for pc in blkid mount uuid
    sed 's@tools@usr@g' /tools/lib/pkgconfig/${pc}.pc \
        > /usr/lib/pkgconfig/${pc}.pc
ln -sv bash /bin/sh

The purpose of each link:


Many bash scripts specify /bin/bash.


This pathname is hard-coded into Glibc's configure script.


The path to dd will be hard-coded into the /usr/bin/libtool utility.


This is to satisfy one of the tests in Glibc's test suite, which expects /bin/echo.


The path to install will be hard-coded into the /usr/lib/bash/ file.


The path to ln will be hard-coded into the /usr/lib/perl5/5.28.0/<target-triplet>/ file.


Some configure scripts, particularly Glibc's, have this pathname hard-coded.


The path to rm will be hard-coded into the /usr/lib/perl5/5.28.0/<target-triplet>/ file.


This pathname is hard-coded into Expect, therefore it is needed for Binutils and GCC test suites to pass.


Many Perl scripts hard-code this path to the perl program.


Glibc needs this for the pthreads library to work.


This is needed by several tests in Glibc's test suite, as well as for C++ support in GMP.


These links prevent utilities from acquiring an unnecessary reference to the /tools directory.


Many shell scripts hard-code /bin/sh.

Historically, Linux maintains a list of the mounted file systems in the file /etc/mtab. Modern kernels maintain this list internally and exposes it to the user via the /proc filesystem. To satisfy utilities that expect the presence of /etc/mtab, create the following symbolic link:

ln -sv /proc/self/mounts /etc/mtab

In order for user root to be able to login and for the name “root” to be recognized, there must be relevant entries in the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files.

Create the /etc/passwd file by running the following command:

cat >/etc/passwd <<'EOS'
bin:x:1:1:Legacy User:/dev/null:/bin/false
daemon:x:2:2:Legacy User:/dev/null:/bin/false
nobody:x:65534:65534:Unprivileged User:/dev/null:/bin/false

The purpose of each user:

User Purpose
root Administrative user with all appropriate privileges
bin Legacy User ID (LSB requires)
daemon Legacy User ID (LSB requires)
nobody Unprivileged User, NFS anonymous UID, Kernel overflow UID

Create the /etc/group file by running the following command:

cat >/etc/group <<'EOS'

The purpose of each group:

Group Purpose
root Administrative user with all appropriate privileges
bin Legacy Group (LSB)
daemon Legacy Group (LSB)
kmem /dev/mem, /dev/kmem, /dev/port (eudev)
tape Tape devices (eudev)
tty TTY devices (eudev, devpts)
disk Other block devices (eudev)
lp Parallel port devices (eudev)
dialout Serial port devices (eudev)
audio Sound card group (eudev)
video Video devices (eudev)
cdrom Optical disk drives (eudev)
input Video capture devices, 2D/3D hardware acceleration, framebuffer (eudev)
kvm KVM virtual machine (eudev)
utmp Login logs (/run/utmp, /var/log/lastlog, /var/log/wtmp, /var/log/btmp)
nobody Unprivileged Group / NFS anonymous GID / Kernel overflow GID

To remove the “I have no name!” prompt, start a new shell. Since a full Glibc was installed in Chapter 5 and the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files have been created, user name and group name resolution will now work:

exec /tools/bin/bash --login +h

The login, agetty, and init programs (and others) use a number of log files to record information such as who was logged into the system and when. However, these programs will not write to the log files if they do not already exist. Initialize the log files and give them proper permissions:

touch /var/log/{btmp,lastlog,faillog,wtmp}
chgrp -v utmp /var/log/lastlog
chmod -v 664  /var/log/lastlog
chmod -v 600  /var/log/btmp

The /var/log/wtmp file records all logins and logouts. The /var/log/lastlog file records when each user last logged in. The /var/log/faillog file records failed login attempts. The /var/log/btmp file records the bad login attempts.

Note: The /run/utmp file records the users that are currently logged in. This file is created dynamically in the boot scripts.

Install Packaging Helper

Package stripping script:

install -D /dev/stdin /usr/pkg/packaging-helpers-0.0.1/usr/bin/strip-pkg <<'EOS'
# This file contains code from Pacman:
#   Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Pacman Development Team <>
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program.  If not, see <>.

set -euo pipefail

#-- Options to be used when stripping binaries. See `man strip' for details.
#-- Options to be used when stripping shared libraries. See `man strip' for details.
#-- Options to be used when stripping static libraries. See `man strip' for details.

usage() {
    echo "Usage: $0 [OPTION]... PACKAGE_ROOT"
    echo "Strip debugging information from the package."
    echo "  -k, --keep-debug=PATTERN Keep the debugging symbols for files matching PATTERN in separate files"
    echo "      --help               Show this message and exit"

opt="$(getopt -n "$0" -o k: --long keep-debug:,help -- "$@")"
eval set -- "$opt"

while true; do
    case "$1" in
            shift 2
            exit 1
            echo "internal error" >&2
            exit 1

if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
    echo "$0: missing operand" >&2
    echo "Try '$0 --help' for more information." >&2
    exit 1


while read -rd '' binary; do
    case "$(file -bi "$binary")" in
        *application/x-sharedlib*)  # Libraries (.so)
        *application/x-archive*)    # Libraries (.a)
            case "$binary" in
                *.ko)           # Kernel module
        *application/x-executable*) # Binaries
        *application/x-pie-executable*)  # Relocatable binaries
            continue ;;

    for pattern in "${keeppatterns[@]}"; do
        if [[ ${binary##*/} = $pattern ]]; then

    if [[ $keep -ne 0 ]]; then

        mkdir -pv "$debugdir"

        echo objcopy --only-keep-debug "$binary" "$debugfile"
        objcopy --only-keep-debug "$binary" "$debugfile"

    echo strip $strip_flags "$binary"
    strip $strip_flags "$binary"

    if [[ $keep -ne 0 ]]; then
        echo objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink="$debugfile" "$binary"
        objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink="$debugfile" "$binary"
done < <(find "$pkgroot" -type f -print0)

Package man and info pages compression script

install -D /dev/stdin /usr/pkg/packaging-helpers-0.0.1/usr/bin/compressdoc <<'EOS'
# Compress man and info pages in the package.
# This file contains code from Pacman:
#   Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Pacman Development Team <>
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program.  If not, see <>.

set -euo pipefail

if (( $# != 1 )); then
    echo "Usage: $0 PACKAGE_ROOT" >&2
    exit 1

cd "$1"


declare -A files
while read -rd ' ' inode; do
    read file
    (find ${MAN_DIRS[@]} -type l 2>/dev/null || true) |
    while read -r link ; do
        if [[ "${file}" -ef "${link}" ]] ; then
            rm -f "$link" "${link}.gz"
            if [[ ${file%/*} = ${link%/*} ]]; then
            echo "ln -s -- $target ${link}.gz"
            ln -s -- "$target" "${link}.gz"
    if [[ ! -v files[$inode] ]]; then
        echo "gzip -9 -n -f $file"
        gzip -9 -n -f "$file"
        rm -f "$file"
        echo "ln ${files[$inode]}.gz ${file}.gz"
        ln "${files[$inode]}.gz" "${file}.gz"
        echo "chmod 644 ${file}.gz"
        chmod 644 "${file}.gz"
done < <(find ${MAN_DIRS[@]} -type f \! -name "*.gz" \! -name "*.bz2" \
    -exec stat -c '%i %n' '{}' + 2>/dev/null)

Install the package:

cp -rsv /usr/pkg/packaging-helpers-0.0.1/* /

Linux-4.20.7 API Headers

The Linux kernel needs to expose an Application Programming Interface (API) for the system's C library (Glibc in LFS) to use. This is done by way of sanitizing various C header files that are shipped in the Linux kernel source tarball.

cd /var/tmp
tar -xf /sources/linux-4.20.7.tar.xz
cd linux-4.20.7

Make sure there are no stale files and dependencies lying around from previous activity:

make mrproper

Now extract the user-visible kernel headers from the source. They are placed in an intermediate local directory and copied to the needed location because the extraction process removes any existing files in the target directory. There are also some hidden files used by the kernel developers and not needed by LFS that are removed from the intermediate directory.

make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=dest headers_install
find dest/include \( -name .install -o -name ..install.cmd \) -delete
mkdir -pv /usr/pkg/linux-api-headers-4.20.7/usr/include
cp -rv dest/include/* /usr/pkg/linux-api-headers-4.20.7/usr/include

Install the package:

cp -rsv /usr/pkg/linux-api-headers-4.20.7/* /


Package Man-pages by running:

cd /var/tmp
tar -xf /sources/man-pages-4.16.tar.xz
cd man-pages-4.16
make DESTDIR=/usr/pkg/man-pages-4.16 install

Compress man pages:

compressdoc /usr/pkg/man-pages-4.16

Install the package:

cp -rsv /usr/pkg/man-pages-4.16/* /


cd /var/tmp
tar -xf /sources/glibc-2.28.tar.xz
cd glibc-2.28

Some of the Glibc programs use the non-FHS compilant /var/db directory to store their runtime data. Apply the following patch to make such programs store their runtime data in the FHS-compliant locations:

patch -Np1 -i /sources/glibc-2.28-fhs-1.patch

First create a compatibility symlink to avoid references to /tools in our final glibc:

ln -sfv /tools/lib/gcc /usr/lib

Remove a file that may be left over from a previous build attempt:

rm -fv /usr/include/limits.h

The Glibc documentation recommends building Glibc in a dedicated build directory:

mkdir -v build
cd       build

Specify configuration parameters:

cat <<'EOS' > configparms

The meaning of configuration parameters:


Change the location of libraries.


Change the location of the dynamic linker.

sbindir=/usr/bin rootsbindir=/usr/bin

Change the location of programs.

Prepare Glibc for compilation:

GLIBC_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g -fdebug-prefix-map=$(cd .. && pwd)=."
CC="gcc -isystem /usr/lib/gcc/$(../scripts/config.guess)/$(gcc --version | sed -n 's/^gcc (.*) \([[:digit:].]*\)/\1/p')/include -isystem /usr/include" \
CFLAGS=$GLIBC_CFLAGS                                \
CXXFLAGS=$GLIBC_CFLAGS                              \
../configure --prefix=/usr                          \
             --disable-werror                       \
             --enable-kernel=3.2                    \
             --enable-stack-protector=strong        \
             --enable-stackguard-randomization      \
             --enable-bind-now                      \
             --enable-static-pie                    \
             --libdir=/usr/lib                      \

The meaning of the options and new configure parameters:

CC="gcc -isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/$(gcc --version | sed -n 's/^gcc (.*) \([[:digit:].]*\)/\1/p')/include -isystem /usr/include" \

Setting the location of both gcc and system include directories avoids introduction of invalid paths in debugging symbols.


This disables fortify. Fortify breaks glibc libraries.

GLIBC_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g -fdebug-prefix-map=$(cd .. && pwd)=." CFLAGS=$GLIBC_CFLAGS CXXFLAGS=$GLIBC_CFLAGS

`-g` enables debugging information generation.
`-fdebug-prefix-map=$(cd .. && pwd)=.` removes paths to source code directory in the debug information.


This option disables the -Werror option passed to GCC. This is necessary for running the test suite.


This option increases system security by adding extra code to check for buffer overflows, such as stack smashing attacks.


This option strengthen stack smashing protector by randomizing the stack canary.


This changes the location of the libexec directory from its default of /usr/libexec to /usr/lib/glibc.


This configures Glibc to use the `-z now` linker option.


This option enables support for building static PIE executables.


Change the location of libraries.


Use `/usr/lib` instead of `/usr/libexec`

Compile libraries without fortify and linker flag -z,now. -z now breaks the dynamic loader silently.

echo "build-programs=no" >> configparms
LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS/,-z,now/} make

Re-enable fortify for programs:

sed -i "/build-programs=/s/no/yes/" configparms
echo "CPPFLAGS-config += -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" >> configparms

Compile programs:


Remove all compiler/linker flags in preparation to run test-suite because some flags (-fno-plt, -fexceptions, -Wl,-z,now) break the test suite.

echo "CPPFLAGS-config =" >> configparms
echo "CFLAGS =" >> configparms
echo "CXXFLAGS =" >> configparms

Run the test suite:

! LDFLAGS= TIMEOUTFACTOR=3 make check | grep "^FAIL:" | grep -v "inet/tst-idna_name_classify\|stdlib/test-bz22786"

Install the dynamic loader configuration. Though it is a harmless message, the install stage of Glibc will complain about the absence of /etc/

By default, the dynamic loader (/lib/ searches through /lib and /usr/lib for dynamic libraries that are needed by programs as they are run. However, if there are libraries in directories other than /lib and /usr/lib, these need to be added to the /etc/ file in order for the dynamic loader to find them.

Create the configuration file by running the following:

mkdir -pv /usr/pkg/glibc-2.28/etc/
cat > /usr/pkg/glibc-2.28/etc/ << 'EOS'

include /etc/*.conf

Fix the generated Makefile to skip an unneeded sanity check that fails in the LFS partial environment:

sed '/test-installation/s@$(PERL)@echo not running@' -i ../Makefile

Package glibc:

make DESTDIR=/usr/pkg/glibc-2.28 install

Create a symlink for LSB compliance.

ln -sv /usr/pkg/glibc-2.28/usr/lib/

Create the configuration file and runtime directory for nscd:

cp -v ../nscd/nscd.conf /usr/pkg/glibc-2.28/etc/nscd.conf
mkdir -pv /usr/pkg/glibc-2.28/var/cache/nscd

Next, install the locales that can make the system respond in a different language. None of the locales are required, but if some of them are missing, the test suites of future packages would skip important testcases.

Individual locales can be installed using the localedef program. E.g., the first localedef command below combines the /usr/share/i18n/locales/cs_CZ charset-independent locale definition with the /usr/share/i18n/charmaps/UTF-8.gz charmap definition and appends the result to the /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive file. The following instructions will install the minimum set of locales necessary for the optimal coverage of tests:

TODO: Where are these locales used?

make -C ../localedata objdir=`pwd` DESTDIR=/usr/pkg/glibc-2.28 \
    install-cs_CZ.UTF-8/UTF-8 \
    install-de_DE/ISO-8859-1 \
    install-de_DE@euro/ISO-8859-15 \
    install-de_DE.UTF-8/UTF-8 \
    install-en_GB.UTF-8/UTF-8 \
    install-en_HK/ISO-8859-1 \
    install-en_PH/ISO-8859-1 \
    install-en_US/ISO-8859-1 \
    install-en_US.UTF-8/UTF-8 \
    install-es_MX/ISO-8859-1 \
    install-fa_IR/UTF-8 \
    install-fr_FR/ISO-8859-1 \
    install-fr_FR@euro/ISO-8859-15 \
    install-fr_FR.UTF-8/UTF-8 \
    install-it_IT/ISO-8859-1 \
    install-it_IT.UTF-8/UTF-8 \
    install-ja_JP.EUC-JP/EUC-JP \
    install-ru_RU.KOI8-R/KOI8-R \
    install-ru_RU.UTF-8/UTF-8 \
    install-tr_TR.UTF-8/UTF-8 \

In addition, install the locale for your own country, language and character set.

make -C ../localedata objdir=`pwd` DESTDIR=/usr/pkg/glibc-2.28 install-ja_JP.UTF-8/UTF-8

The /etc/nsswitch.conf file needs to be created because the Glibc defaults do not work well in a networked environment.

Create a new file /etc/nsswitch.conf by running the following:

cat >/usr/pkg/glibc-2.28/etc/nsswitch.conf << 'EOS'
passwd: files
group: files
shadow: files

hosts: files dns
networks: files

protocols: files
services: files
ethers: files
rpc: files

Strip the debugging information. Valgrind and gdb need the debugging information for some libraries, therefore keep them in separated files.

strip-pkg \
    --keep-debug "ld-*.so" \
    --keep-debug "libc-*.so" \
    --keep-debug "libpthread-*.so" \
    --keep-debug "libthread_db-*.so" \

Purging unneeded files:

rm -fv /usr/pkg/glibc-2.28/usr/share/info/dir
rm -fv /usr/pkg/glibc-2.28/etc/

Compress man and info pages:

compressdoc /usr/pkg/glibc-2.28

Install the package:

cp -rsv /usr/pkg/glibc-2.28/* /

Rebuild dynamic linker cache


Glibc-2.28 (32bit libraries)

cd ..
mkdir -v build32
cd       build32

Specify configuration parameters:

cat <<'EOS' > configparms

Prepare Glibc for compilation:

GLIBC_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g -fdebug-prefix-map=$(cd .. && pwd)=."
CC="gcc -m32 -isystem /usr/lib/gcc/$(../scripts/config.guess)/$(gcc --version | sed -n 's/^gcc (.*) \([[:digit:].]*\)/\1/p')/include -isystem /usr/include" \
CXX="g++ -m32"                                         \
CFLAGS=$GLIBC_CFLAGS                                   \
CXXFLAGS=$GLIBC_CFLAGS                                 \
../configure --prefix=/usr                             \
             --host=$(linux32 ../scripts/config.guess) \
             --disable-werror                          \
             --enable-kernel=3.2                       \
             --enable-stack-protector=strong           \
             --enable-stackguard-randomization         \
             --enable-bind-now                         \
             --enable-static-pie                       \
             --libdir=/usr/lib32                       \

Compile libraries with fortify disabled:

echo "build-programs=no" >> configparms
LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS/,-z,now/} make

Re-enable fortify for programs:

sed -i "/build-programs=/s/no/yes/" configparms
echo "CPPFLAGS-config += -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" >> configparms

Compile programs:


Package 32bit glibc:

make DESTDIR=/usr/pkg/lib32-glibc-2.28 install

Remove unneeded files:

rm -rfv /usr/pkg/lib32-glibc-2.28/{etc,usr/{bin,share},var}
find /usr/pkg/lib32-glibc-2.28/usr/include -type f -not -name '*-32.h' -print -delete

Strip the debug information:

strip-pkg \
    --keep-debug "ld-*.so" \
    --keep-debug "libc-*.so" \
    --keep-debug "libpthread-*.so" \
    --keep-debug "libthread_db-*.so" \

Symlink /usr/lib32/locale to /usr/lib/locale:

ln -sv ../lib/locale /usr/pkg/lib32-glibc-2.28/usr/lib32/locale

Make the dynamic linker accessible with a standard path.

ln -sv ../lib32/ /usr/pkg/lib32-glibc-2.28/usr/lib/

Create a symlink for LSB compliance.

ln -sv ../lib32/ /usr/pkg/lib32-glibc-2.28/usr/lib/

Install the package:

cp -rsv /usr/pkg/lib32-glibc-2.28/* /

Rebuild dynamic linker cache


Time Zone Data (2018e)

Package the time zone data with the following:

cd /var/tmp
mkdir -v tzdata
cd tzdata
tar -xf /sources/tzdata2018e.tar.gz

mkdir -pv $ZONEINFO/{posix,right}

for tz in etcetera southamerica northamerica europe africa antarctica  \
          asia australasia backward pacificnew systemv; do
    zic -L /dev/null   -d $ZONEINFO       -y "sh" ${tz}
    zic -L /dev/null   -d $ZONEINFO/posix -y "sh" ${tz}
    zic -L leapseconds -d $ZONEINFO/right -y "sh" ${tz}

zic -d $ZONEINFO -p America/New_York
unset tz ZONEINFO

Install the package:

cp -rsv /usr/pkg/tzdata-2018e/* /

Then set the time zone to JST by running:

ln -sv /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo /etc/localtime

Adjusting the Toolchain

Now that the final C libraries have been installed, it is time to adjust the toolchain so that it will link any newly compiled program against these new libraries.

First, backup the /tools linker, and replace it with the adjusted linker we made in chapter 5. We'll also create a link to its counterpart in /tools/$(uname -m)-pc-linux-gnu/bin:

mv -v /tools/bin/{ld,ld-old}
mv -v /tools/$(uname -m)-pc-linux-gnu/bin/{ld,ld-old}
mv -v /tools/bin/{ld-new,ld}
ln -sv /tools/bin/ld /tools/$(uname -m)-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld

Next, amend the GCC specs file so that it points to the new dynamic linker. Simply deleting all instances of “/tools” should leave us with the correct path to the dynamic linker. Also adjust the specs file so that GCC knows where to find the correct headers and Glibc start files. A sed command accomplishes this:

gcc -dumpspecs | sed -e 's@/tools@@g'                   \
    -e '/\*startfile_prefix_spec:/{n;s@.*@/usr/lib/ @}' \
    -e '/\*cpp:/{n;s@$@ -isystem /usr/include@}' >      \
    `dirname $(gcc --print-libgcc-file-name)`/specs

It is a good idea to visually inspect the specs file to verify the intended change was actually made.

It is imperative at this point to ensure that the basic functions (compiling and linking) of the adjusted toolchain are working as expected. To do this, perform the following sanity checks:

cd /tmp
echo 'int main(){}' > dummy.c
cc -no-pie -fno-PIE dummy.c -v -Wl,--verbose &> dummy.log
readelf -l a.out | grep ': /lib'

There should be no errors, and the output of the last command will be (allowing for platform-specific differences in dynamic linker name):

[Requesting program interpreter: /lib64/]

Note that on 64-bit systems /usr/lib is the location of our dynamic linker, but is accessed via a symbolic link in /lib64.

Now make sure that we're setup to use the correct start files:

grep -o '/usr/lib.*/crt[1in].*succeeded' dummy.log

The output of the last command should be:

/usr/lib/../lib/crt1.o succeeded
/usr/lib/../lib/crti.o succeeded
/usr/lib/../lib/crtn.o succeeded

Verify that the compiler is searching for the correct header files:

grep -B1 '^ /usr/include' dummy.log

This command should return the following output:

#include <...> search starts here:

Next, verify that the new linker is being used with the correct search paths:

grep 'SEARCH.*/usr/lib' dummy.log |sed 's|; |\n|g' | grep -v "-pc-linux-gnu"

The output of the last command should be:


Next make sure that we're using the correct libc:

grep "/lib.*/ " dummy.log

The output of the last command should be:

attempt to open /usr/lib/ succeeded

Lastly, make sure GCC is using the correct dynamic linker:

grep found dummy.log

The output of the last command should be (allowing for platform-specific differences in dynamic linker name):

found at /usr/lib/

If the output does not appear as shown above or is not received at all, then something is seriously wrong. Investigate and retrace the steps to find out where the problem is and correct it. The most likely reason is that something went wrong with the specs file adjustment. Any issues will need to be resolved before continuing with the process.

TODO: description

cc -m32 -no-pie -fno-PIE dummy.c -v -Wl,--verbose &> dummy.log
readelf -l a.out | grep ': /lib'

There should be no errors, and the output of the last command will be (allowing for platform-specific differences in dynamic linker name):

[Requesting program interpreter: /lib/]

Now make sure that we're setup to use the correct start files:

grep -o '/usr/lib.*/crt[1in].*succeeded' dummy.log

The output of the last command should be:

/usr/lib/../lib32/crt1.o succeeded
/usr/lib/../lib32/crti.o succeeded
/usr/lib/../lib32/crtn.o succeeded

Verify that the compiler is searching for the correct header files:

grep -B1 '^ /usr/include' dummy.log

This command should return the following output:

#include <...> search starts here:

Next, verify that the new linker is being used with the correct search paths:

grep 'SEARCH.*/usr/lib' dummy.log |sed 's|; |\n|g' | grep -v "-pc-linux-gnu"

The output of the last command should be:


Next make sure that we're using the correct libc:

grep "/lib.*/ " dummy.log

The output of the last command should be:

attempt to open /usr/lib32/ succeeded

Lastly, make sure GCC is using the correct dynamic linker:

grep found dummy.log

The output of the last command should be (allowing for platform-specific differences in dynamic linker name):

found at /usr/lib32/

Once everything is working correctly, clean up the test files:

rm -v dummy.c a.out dummy.log


Prepare Zlib for compilation:

cd /var/tmp
tar -xf /sources/zlib-1.2.11.tar.xz
cd zlib-1.2.11
./configure --prefix=/usr

Compile the package:


To test the results, issue:

make check

Package zlib:

make DESTDIR=/usr/pkg/zlib-1.2.11 install

Strip the debug information:

strip-pkg /usr/pkg/zlib-1.2.11

Compress man and info pages:

compressdoc /usr/pkg/zlib-1.2.11

Install the package:

cp -rsv /usr/pkg/zlib-1.2.11/* /

Rebuild dynamic linker cache



Prepare File for compilation:

cd /var/tmp
tar -xf /sources/file-5.34.tar.gz
cd file-5.34
./configure --prefix=/usr

Compile the package:


To test the results, issue:

make check

Package file:

make DESTDIR=/usr/pkg/file-5.34 install

Strip the debug information:

strip-pkg /usr/pkg/file-5.34

Compress man and info pages:

compressdoc /usr/pkg/file-5.34

Purging unneeded files:

find /usr/pkg/file-5.34/usr/lib -name "*.la" -delete -printf "removed '%p'\n"

Install the package:

cp -rsv /usr/pkg/file-5.34/* /

Rebuild dynamic linker cache



Prepare Readline for compilation:

cd /var/tmp
tar -xf /sources/readline-7.0.tar.gz
cd readline-7.0
./configure --prefix=/usr    \
            --disable-static \

Compile the package:

make SHLIB_LIBS="-L/tools/lib -lncursesw"

The meaning of the make option:

SHLIB_LIBS="-L/tools/lib -lncursesw"

This option forces Readline to link against the libncursesw library.

This package does not come with a test suite.

Package readline:

make DESTDIR=/usr/pkg/readline-7.0 SHLIB_LIBS="-L/tools/lib -lncurses" install

If desired, install the documentation:

install -v -m644 doc/*.{ps,pdf,html,dvi} /usr/pkg/readline-7.0/usr/share/doc/readline-7.0
gzip -n -9 /usr/pkg/readline-7.0/usr/share/doc/readline-7.0/*.{ps,pdf,html,dvi}

Strip the debug information:

strip-pkg /usr/pkg/readline-7.0

Purging unneeded files:

rm -fv /usr/pkg/readline-7.0/usr/share/info/dir

Compress man and info pages:

compressdoc /usr/pkg/readline-7.0

Install the package:

cp -rsv /usr/pkg/readline-7.0/* /

Rebuild dynamic linker cache



Extract source code:

cd /var/tmp
tar -xf /sources/m4-1.4.18.tar.xz
cd m4-1.4.18

First, make some fixes required by glibc-2.28:

sed -i 's/IO_ftrylockfile/IO_EOF_SEEN/' lib/*.c
echo "#define _IO_IN_BACKUP 0x100" >> lib/stdio-impl.h

Prepare M4 for compilation:

./configure --prefix=/usr

Compile the package:


To test the results, issue:

make check

Package M4:

make DESTDIR=/usr/pkg/m4-1.4.18 install

Strip the debug information:

strip-pkg /usr/pkg/m4-1.4.18

Purging unneeded files:

rm -fv /usr/pkg/m4-1.4.18/usr/share/info/dir

Compress man and info pages:

compressdoc /usr/pkg/m4-1.4.18

Install the package:

cp -rsv /usr/pkg/m4-1.4.18/* /


Extract source code:

cd /var/tmp
tar -xf /sources/bc-1.07.1.tar.gz
cd bc-1.07.1

First, change an internal script to use sed instead of ed:

cat > bc/fix-libmath_h << "EOF"
#! /bin/bash
sed -e '1   s/^/{"/' \
    -e     's/$/",/' \
    -e '2,$ s/^/"/'  \
    -e   '$ d'       \
    -i libmath.h

sed -e '$ s/$/0}/' \
    -i libmath.h

Create temporary symbolic links so the package can find the readline library and confirm that its required libncurses library is available. Even though the libraries are in /tools/lib at this point, the system will use /usr/lib at the end of this chapter.

ln -sv /tools/lib/ /usr/lib/
ln -sfv /usr/lib/

Fix an issue in configure due to missing files in the early stages of LFS:

sed -i -e '/flex/s/as_fn_error/: ;; # &/' configure

Prepare Bc for compilation:

./configure --prefix=/usr           \
            --with-readline         \
            --mandir=/usr/share/man \

The meaning of the configure options:


This option tells Bc to use the readline library that is already installed on the system rather than using its own readline version.

Compile the package:


To test bc, run the commands below. There is quite a bit of output, so you may want to redirect it to a file. There are a very small percentage of tests (10 of 12,144) that will indicate a round off error at the last digit.

echo "quit" | ./bc/bc -l Test/checklib.b

Package bc:

make DESTDIR=/usr/pkg/bc-1.107.1 install

Strip the debug information:

strip-pkg /usr/pkg/bc-1.107.1

Purging unneeded files:

rm -fv /usr/pkg/bc-1.107.1/usr/share/info/dir

Compress man and info pages:

compressdoc /usr/pkg/bc-1.107.1

Install the package:

cp -rsv /usr/pkg/bc-1.107.1/* /


Verify that the PTYs are working properly inside the chroot environment by performing a simple test:

expect -c "spawn ls"

This command should output the following:

spawn ls

If, instead, the output includes the message below, then the environment is not set up for proper PTY operation. This issue needs to be resolved before running the test suites for Binutils and GCC:

The system has no more ptys.
Ask your system administrator to create more.

Extract source code:

cd /var/tmp
tar -xf /sources/binutils-2.31.1.tar.xz
cd binutils-2.31.1

TODO: explanation

find . -name configure | xargs sed -i.bak "s/ac_cpp='\$CPP \$CPPFLAGS'/ac_cpp='\$CPP \$CPPFLAGS -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE'/"

The Binutils documentation recommends building Binutils in a dedicated build directory:

mkdir -v build
cd       build

Prepare Binutils for compilation:

../configure --prefix=/usr       \
             --enable-gold       \
             --enable-ld=default \
             --enable-plugins    \
             --enable-shared     \
             --disable-werror    \
             --enable-64-bit-bfd \

The meaning of the configure parameters:


Build the gold linker and install it as (along side the default linker).


Build the original bdf linker and install it as both ld (the default linker) and ld.bfd.


Enables plugin support for the linker.


Enables 64-bit support (on hosts with narrower word sizes). May not be needed on 64-bit systems, but does no harm.


Use the installed zlib library rather than building the included version.

Compile the package:

make tooldir=/usr

The meaning of the make parameter:


Normally, the tooldir (the directory where the executables will ultimately be located) is set to $(exec_prefix)/$(target_alias). For example, x86_64 machines would expand that to /usr/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu. Because this is a custom system, this target-specific directory in /usr is not required. $(exec_prefix)/$(target_alias) would be used if the system was used to cross-compile (for example, compiling a package on an Intel machine that generates code that can be executed on PowerPC machines).

Important: The test suite for Binutils in this section is considered critical. Do not skip it under any circumstances.

Hardening flags and GCC configured with --enable-default-pie breaks the test suite.

Remove hardening flags and disable PIE with:

find . -name Makefile -exec sed -i.bak \
                                -e 's/^\(\(C\|CXX\)FLAGS\(_FOR_\(BUILD\|TARGET\)\)\? =\).*/\1 -g/' \
                                -e 's/^\(CPPFLAGS\(_FOR_\(BUILD\|TARGET\)\)\? =\).*/\1/' \
                                -e "/LDFLAGS\(_FOR_\(BUILD\|TARGET\)\)\? =/s/$LDFLAGS$//" \
                                -e 's/^\(CC\|CXX\) = .*/& -fno-PIE -no-pie/' \
                                {} \;
find . -name Makefile -exec touch -r {}.bak {} \;

Test the results:

MAKEFLAGS= LDFLAGS= make -k check

TODO: meaning of MAKEFLAGS=

TODO: meaning of LDFLAGS=

TODO: メモリが少ないとPLTなんとかのテストが失敗する

Package binutils:

make DESTDIR=/usr/pkg/binutils-2.31.1 tooldir=/usr install

Strip the debug information:

strip-pkg /usr/pkg/binutils-2.31.1

Purging unneeded files:

rm -fv /usr/pkg/binutils-2.31.1/usr/share/info/dir
find /usr/pkg/binutils-2.31.1/usr/lib -name "*.la" -delete -printf "removed '%p'\n"

Compress man and info pages:

compressdoc /usr/pkg/binutils-2.31.1

Install the package:

cp -rsv /usr/pkg/binutils-2.31.1/* /

Rebuild dynamic linker cache:




If you are building for 32-bit x86, but you have a CPU which is capable of running 64-bit code and you have specified CFLAGS in the environment, the configure script will attempt to configure for 64-bits and fail. Avoid this by invoking the configure command below with

ABI=32 ./configure ...


The default settings of GMP produce libraries optimized for the host processor. If libraries suitable for processors less capable than the host's CPU are desired, generic libraries can be created by running the following:

cp -v configfsf.guess config.guess
cp -v configfsf.sub   config.sub

Prepare GMP for compilation:

tar -xf /sources/gmp-6.1.2.tar.xz
cd gmp-6.1.2
./configure --prefix=/usr    \
            --enable-cxx     \
            --disable-static \

The meaning of the new configure options:


This parameter enables C++ support


This variable specifies the correct place for the documentation.

Compile the package and generate the HTML documentation:

make html


The test suite for GMP in this section is considered critical. Do not skip it under any circumstances.

Test the results:

make check 2>&1 | tee gmp-check-log

Ensure that all 190 tests in the test suite passed. Check the results by issuing the following command:

awk '/# PASS:/{total+=$3} ; END{print total}' gmp-check-log

Package GMP and its documentation:

make DESTDIR=/usr/pkg/gmp-6.1.2 install install-html

Strip the debug information:

strip-pkg /usr/pkg/gmp-6.1.2

Purging unneeded files:

rm -fv /usr/pkg/gmp-6.1.2/usr/share/info/dir
find /usr/pkg/gmp-6.1.2/usr/lib -name "*.la" -delete -printf "removed '%p'\n"

Compress man and info pages:

compressdoc /usr/pkg/gmp-6.1.2

Install the package:

cp -rsv /usr/pkg/gmp-6.1.2/* /

Rebuild dynamic linker cache:



Prepare MPFR for compilation:

cd /var/tmp
tar -xf /sources/mpfr-4.0.1.tar.xz
cd mpfr-4.0.1
./configure --prefix=/usr        \
            --disable-static     \
            --enable-thread-safe \

Compile the package and generate the HTML documentation:

make html


The test suite for MPFR in this section is considered critical. Do not skip it under any circumstances.

Test the results and ensure that all tests passed:

make check

Package MPFR and its documentation:

make DESTDIR=/usr/pkg/mpfr-4.0.1 install install-html

Purging unneeded files:

rm -fv /usr/pkg/mpfr-4.0.1/usr/share/info/dir
find /usr/pkg/mpfr-4.0.1/usr/lib -name "*.la" -delete -printf "removed '%p'\n"

Strip the debug information:

strip-pkg /usr/pkg/mpfr-4.0.1

Compress man and info pages:

compressdoc /usr/pkg/mpfr-4.0.1

Install the package:

cp -rsv /usr/pkg/mpfr-4.0.1/* /

Rebuild dynamic linker cache:
