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A programming language for drunk coders



This tutorial is not for beginners at programming because it is very difficult to understand.


There are many ways to install FreakC, you can:

  1. Clone FreakC from Github using:

    git clone

  2. Install here.

Cli's usage

In the "FreakC" folder, open cmd and type this command to compile and run the code:

freakc file_name


freakc "Examples/HelloWorld.fclang"

If you want to compile the code only, type:

freakc file_name --compile

If you want to compile the code and show the compiled code, type:

freakc file_name --candr

To show the current version of the devkit, type:

freakc --version

To create a new FreakC project quickly, you can type:

freakc project_name --create

Notice that it will generate a file with a Hello World example in it, if you just want to create an empty file, type:

freakc project_name --create --empty 

To show all options and usage, type:

freakc --help

To show all options and usage (with a dumb ascii art), type:


Interactive shell

To open interactive shell, type:

freakc --shell
::Or fcshell

You can type in whatever you want, it will be stored in "tar.fclang". You can type in any of these commands to execute tasks:

  • StartFuckin[cli] - Runs all the codes written
  • StopFuckin[cli] - Delete tar.fclang and exit
  • WipeAss[cli] - Resets codes
  • Shit[cli] - Clear console
  • Print text with Swear[fnc]

    To print out a string or text, you use:

    Swear[fnc] string

    or you can prints text using:

    SwearLine[fnc] string

    The differences between Swear[fnc] and SwearLine[fnc] is that Swear[fnc] prints out normal text, if there are no text printed out, there might be some errors. But SwearLine[fnc] prints out a space then a text, if nothing is printed out, it will add a new line.

    Store Data with Swear[fnc]

    You can actually store data to a file by using:

    Swear[fnc] data>>file

    Special characters

    Unlike any characters, "!" requires "^", for example:

    ::This would causes no errors
    Swear[fnc] @#/
    ::This would cause error ("!" will not be shown)
    Swear[fnc] !
    ::Correct codes:
    Swear[fnc] ^!

    The reason for this is that FreakC has: SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION which causes "!" to not be used properly.

    A brief note

    If you're asking yourself, what are the reasons for the holy existence of "[fnc]". Well, it's completely useless, but I added it just to make coders waste some time :)

    Unicode characters

    To start using Unicode character, type:

    FuckUnicode[fnc] >nul

    So now you can use Unicode characters:

    FuckUnicode[fnc] >nul
    Swear[fnc] ă ê ©
    :: Would print out "ă ê ©"

    Prints out command's text

    If you type:

    Swear[fnc] Swear[fnc]

    It won't print out "Swear[fnc]", but it will print out "echo", because FreakC will compiles any statement/command without caring if it's a used data or not. So to actually print out "Swear[fnc]", you will need to add "^" in any place of the command. Example:

    Swear[fnc] S^wear[fnc]
    :: This will print out "Swear[fnc]"

    First note

    To pause in FreakC, please type in:


    You will see this command underneath, but you should you this command to pause your program.

    Variables and data types

    Data types

    There are three data types in FreakC: integer, string.


    To declare a variable, you use:

    PoopString[fnc] variable_name=string_value


    PoopString[fnc] "variable_name=string_value"

    To do math equations, you use:

    PoopInt[fnc] variable_name=equation

    Note that PoopInt[fnc] will always round up number, to do equation or to declare a variable as a float, do:

    :: Import float
    Fuck[fnc] float
    PoopFloat[fnc] "variable_name" "equation"

    To declare a variable as an array, you use:

    data_type arr[array_index]=


    PoopString[fnc] arr[0]=Hello
    PoopInt[fnc] arr[1]=100

    Note: There is no real Array in FreakC, the reason for naming arr[index] is to run for loops easier for all those "fake elements of a fake Array".

    To declare a variable from user's input, you use:

    PoopInput[fnc] variable_name=

    Note: If you do this, it will prints out "Enter name:" right next to the input

    PoopInput[fnc] variable_name=Enter name:


    You can do Math equations with FreakC like this:

    PoopInt[fnc] result=1+1+2+4

    If you do this, variable "result" will be "Hel + lo"

    PoopString[fnc] result=Hel + lo

    Math operators

  • () - grouping
  • ! ~ - - unary operators
  • * / % - arithmetic operators
  • + - - arithmetic operators
  • << >> - logical shift
  • & - bitwise and
  • ^ - bitwise exclusive or
  • | - bitwise or
  • = *= /= %= += -= - assignment
  • &= ^= |= <<= >>= , - expression separator
  • ++ -- - plus/minus 1
  • Some Math commands

    Make a number squared

    SquareMyBois[fnc] variable_without_%%

    Make a number cubed

    CubeMyBois[fnc] variable_without_%%

    Print out an equation:

    FuckUp[fnc] equation

    Assign the result of an equation to %fhsolved%

    FuckUpLess[fnc] equation

    Merge strings

    To merge strings, do this:

    PoopString[fnc] str1=Hello
    PoopString[fnc] str2=World
    PoopString[fnc] str=%str1% %str2%

    So the value of %str% is "Hello World"

    Don't merge string like this:

    PoopString[fnc] str1=Hello
    PoopString[fnc] str2=World
    PoopString[fnc] str=%str1% + %str2%

    This time, the value will be "Hello + World"

    Use variables in different commands

    You can use variables in FreakC commands as %variable_name%

    For example, to print out a variable, you can do this:

    PoopString[fnc] result=Hello World^!
    Swear[fnc] %result%

    But, to print out an element of an array, you use:

    PoopString[fnc] a[0]=Hello
    Swear[fnc] %a[0]%

    To print out every element of an array, you can write something like this:

    PoopInt[fnc] a[0]=100
    PoopInt[fnc] a[1]=35
    PoopInt[fnc] a[2]=20
    LoopStuffs[fnc] %%n in (0,1,2) do ( 
    	Swear[fnc] ^!a[%%n]^! 

    Actually, there is a whole another way to create an array:

    PoopString[fnc] arr=1 2 3 4 5
    ScanLetters[fnc] %%i in (%arr%) do (
    	::Print out every elements
    	Swear[fnc] %%i

    Local and global variables

    You can declare a global variable by just using all the ways mentioned recently.

    To declare a variable locally, you will need to use:

    PoopInt[fnc] ans=100

    OpenHouse[fnc] and CloseHouse[fnc] helps create a local environment.

    In Batch, to use variable in for loops, or enables command prosessor's extensions, you would need:


    You can also do that with OpenHouse[fnc]


    Note: DELAYEDEXPANSION is already enabled in FreakC. So you wouldn't need to enable it actually.

    Special variables

  • %numpiss% - A variable with the value as random numbers from 1 to 9
  • %numpuke% - A variable with the value as random numbers from 1 to 99
  • %numpoop% - A variable with the value as random numbers from 1 to 999
  • %numdiarrhea% - A variable with the value as random numbers from 1 to 9999
  • %numbutt% - A variable with the value as random numbers from 1 to 99999
  • %time% - A variable with the value as the current timer
  • %date% - A variable with the value as the current date
  • %cd% - A variable with the value as the current directory
  • %errorlevel% - A variable with the value as the current Batch errorlevel value
  • %cmdextversion% - A variable with the value as the current Command Processor Extensions version number
  • %cmdcmdline% - A variable with the value as the original command line that invoked the Command Processor
  • %path% - A variable with the value as all environment variables
  • %highestnumanodenumber% - A variable with the value as the highest NUMA node number on this machine
  • There are a lot of special variables left, but you might not find uses for them

    Implementations on variables

  • %variable_name:~0,-2% - would extract all but the last 2 characters of the variable
  • %variable_name:~-5% - would extract the last 5 characters of the variable
  • %variable_name:~5% - would remove the first 5 characters of the variable
  • %variable_name:str1=str2% - would replace str1 with str2
  • %PATH:~10,5% - would expand the PATH environment variable, and then use only the 5 characters that begin at the 11th (offset 10) character of the expanded result. If the length is not specified, then it defaults to the remainder of the variable value. If either number (offset or length) is negative, then the number used is the length of the environment variable value added to the offset or length specified/li>

    Another way to declare variables

  • Shit[typ] - Declare a variable as a string
  • Puke[typ] - Declare a variable as an integer
  • Cum[typ] - Create a function/label
  • Piss[typ] - Declare a variable from user's input
  • Jelly[typ] - Declare a variable as a float
  • And if you're asking yourself why add more dumb commands like this, well, because FreakC's bs.

    Embed FreakC commands to variables

    In Batch, you can do this to print out Hello:

    set stuff=echo Hello

    In FreakC, if you do this, you would get errors

    PoopString[fnc] stuff=Swear[fnc] Hello

    You should type:

    PoopString[fnc] stuff= Swear[fnc] Hello


    There are variables that you CAN NOT USE like: %a%, %printString%, %fccompile%, %fccompilename%, %fcread%.

    Also, spaces in FreakC is extremely important, so if you declare a variable like this:

    PoopInt[fnc] abc = 100

    It will declare the "abc " variable, so if you prints it out like this, it will not work

    Swear[fnc] %abc%

    You will have to code like this:

    Swear[fnc] %abc %

    Then, it will prints out " 100"

    Other thing that you should notice is that

    PoopString[fnc] text

    would return any variable begins with "text"


    Single-line comment:

    :: Comment

    Another way:

    rem comment

    Multi-line comment:

    [cmt] comment

    To write a comment that won't show up in the compiled codes, use:

    [hcmt] comment

    Labels and Goto statement

    Labels helps you to jump to a state or pass parameters to execute tasks (somewhat procedural programming).

    To create a label/procedure, you use:

    PoopFnc[fnc] label_name

    To jump to a label, you use:

    EatFnc[fnc] label_name

    To call a label/procedure, you use:

    GrabFnc[fnc] :label_name


    LickFnc[fnc] label_name

    GrabFnc[fnc] can also targets file, while LickFnc[fnc] can only targets label/function. For example, you can execute files like this:

    GrabFnc[fnc] file_name

    Differences between EatFnc[fnc] and GrabFnc[fnc]

    EatFnc[fnc] jumps to a function and will not execute the previous code while GrabFnc[fnc] use code from the function but still execute the previous code.

    Also, GrabFnc[fnc] also supports parameters, which helps you a lot of time.

    For examples, this code will print the sum of two parameters:

    GrabFnc[fnc] :plus 1 2
    PoopFnc[fnc] plus
    PoopInt[fnc] ans=%~1 + %~2
    Swear[fnc] %ans%

    Note: Parameters in FreakC are %~1, %~2,...


    To restart the program, you can type:

    EatFnc[fnc] FreakCCompiled

    It is because the compiled code of FreakC is in a main label/procedure "FreakCCompiled"

    This code would still work eventhough it contains special character

    PoopFnc[fnc] dsasd$ 123213 323
    EatFnc[fnc] dsasd$ 123213 323

    Object Oriented Programming

    There is no such thing as "OOP on FreakC", but you can fake one, like this:

    ::Call the function "Car" with parameters to declares elements
    GrabFnc[fnc] :Car "supercar" "20" "special"
    ::Would print out the element "gas" of "supercar"
    Swear[fnc] %supercar.gas%
    ::Would create a function called "Car", then pass all the parameters to the new variables.
    PoopFnc[fnc] Car 
    DoIfFalse[fnc] "%~1" == "" DoIfFalse[fnc] "%~2" == "" DoIfFalse[fnc] "%~3" == "" ( 
    	PoopString[fnc] %~1.gas=%~2
    	PoopString[fnc] %~1.model=%~3
    Die[fnc] /b 0

    If statements

    To use if statement, type:

    DoIf[fnc] condition command_to_execute


    PoopInt[fnc] abc=100
    DoIf[fnc] %abc% == 100 (
    	Swear[fnc] abc is equal to 100

    You can actually use a Batch command in DoIf[fnc]. Example:

    PoopInt[fnc] abc=20
    DoIf[fnc] %abc% == 20 (
    	echo abc is equal to 100

    All the comparison operators:

  • "==" - Equal
  • "EQU" - Equal
  • "NEQ" - Not equal
  • "LSS" - Less than
  • "LEQ" - Less than or equal
  • "GTE" - Greater than
  • "GEQ" - Greater than or equal
  • Other kinds or if statements:

    Execute if a file exists

    DoIfExist[fnc] file_name (

    Execute if a variable is defined

    DoIfDefined[fnc] variable_name (

    Execute if a condition is false

    DoIfFalse[fnc] condtition (


    DoIf[fnc] condition (
    ) OrNot[fnc] (


    To use if not for DoIfDefined[fnc] or DoIfExist[fnc], you can do this:

    DoIfNotExist[fnc] file (
    DoIfNotDefined[fnc] file (

    Pressing keys with respond

    To receive keys pressed, add:

    TapSomeSht[fnc] key

    For examples, if you want the users to press one in "wsad", type:

    TapSomeSht[fnc] wsad

    To perform any actions, you will need to use a special if statement:

    DoIfTap[fnc] position_of_key_in_TapSomeSht[fnc]


    TapSomeSht[fnc] wsad
    DoIfTap[fnc] 4 (
    	Swear[fnc] You pressed "D"
    DoIfTap[fnc] 3 (
    	Swear[fnc] You pressed "A"
    DoIfTap[fnc] 2 (
    	Swear[fnc] You pressed "S"
    DoIfTap[fnc] 1 (
    	Swear[fnc] You pressed "W"

    If not for tapping

    You can use:


    to use if not.

    Instant condition checking

    You can type this to check if the condition is true or false instantly:

    TryMeBtch[fnc] condition

    Then, it will prints out "Yes" if true, "No" if false.

    For example, this will prints out "Yes"

    TryMeBtch[fnc] "hello" == "hello"

    You can also do this:

    TryMeHoe[fnc] condition

    It will assign 'Yes' or 'No' to %tmhres%.


    For loops

    Loops from m to n

    LoopStuffs[fnc] %%parameters in (start,step,end) do (

    Loops through files rooted in a folder

    ScanOrgans[fnc] drive/directory %%parameters in (file) do (

    Loops through strings or strings in a file

    ScanLetters[fnc] drive/directory %%parameters in (string/file) do (

    Loops through a file

    ScanDiaries[fnc] %%parameters in (set) do (

    Loops through a folder

    ScanDir[fnc] %%parameters in (folder) do (

    While loops

    While loops can be created using:

    WhileSuck[fnc] condition

    Of course, the loops will run when the condition is still true, stop when false.

    Do-While loop

    UntilStale[fnc] condition

    Differences between While and Do-While

    While loop is executed only when given condition is true. Whereas, do-while loop is executed for first time irrespective of the condition. After executing while loop for first time, then condition is checked.

    Notes when using while loops

    This will be wrong:

    WhileSuck[fnc] condition
    WhileSuck[fnc] condition

    (Same with Do-While)

    The better way for loops

    You can use somewhat "recursion" like this:

    PoopInt[fnc] i=start_number
    PoopFnc[fnc] loop
    DoIf[fnc] %i% == end_number EatFnc[fnc] nextcode
    PoopInt[fnc] i++
    EatFnc[fnc] loop
    PoopFnc[fnc] nextcode

    For example, this program will print all the number from 0 to 10 then print out "Done!":

    PoopInt[fnc] i=0
    PoopFnc[fnc] loop
    Swear[fnc] %i%
    DoIf[fnc] %i% == 10 EatFnc[fnc] nextcode
    PoopInt[fnc] i++
    EatFnc[fnc] loop
    PoopFnc[fnc] nextcode
    Swear[fnc] Done^!

    Import pre-built libraries

    To import a pre-built library, use:

    Fuck[fnc] lib_name

    All libraries:

  • float - Used to declare variables as float. Usage: PoopFloat[fnc] "variable_name" "value".
  • arrayfunc - Includes functions to work with list.
  • Using arrayfunc

    Fuck[fnc] arrayfunc
    :: Find sum of list
    CountBitches[fnc] "variable_name" "list"
    :: Find maximum of list
    Bitchiest[fnc] "variable_name" "list"
    :: Find minimum of list
    Horniest[fnc] "variable_name" "list"
    :: Example:
    Bitchiest[fnc] "max_num" "2 3 1 8 5"
    :: This will prints out "8"
    Swear[fnc] %max_num%


    All the functions above only works with list with all integers. String or floats will cause errors.

    Use Batch in FreakC

    Unlike all the previous release, now FreakC support writing Batch without any other commands. So you can actually learn Batch and write Batch codes in FreakC.

    Is adding Batch to FreakC will kill the usages of FreakC ?

    Well, I would say it will and won't at the same time. What I mean is that if there is Batch in FreakC, you would definitely write Batch rather than FreakC, but actually, FreakC codes are just compiled to Batch anyway. The only key feature of FreakC is being an esolang with funny and dirty syntax, that's why people would want to use it. FreakC doesn't improve Batch, it's just a funny version of it.

    Nul in FreakC

    It's just like nul in Batch, so if you want to make your console not print out any process, you can do it like this:

    Command >nul

    To hide errors, you can do this:

    Command >nul 2>nul

    Creating and Inserting modules

    You can create a module file using:


    Note: The "Cancer[fnc]" command needs to stay at the top of the file.

    Then, include it in the main file using:

    InsertShits[fnc] module_name.bat
    ::Note: You have to replace .fclang with .bat

    Then, compile the module file first, then compile the main file at the end.


    Create a file called "module.fclang" with:

    Swear[fnc] World

    Create a file called "program.fclang" with:

    Swear[fnc] Hello
    InsertShits[fnc] module.bat

    In the command window, type:

    freakc module --compile
    freakc program

    It will prints out:


    If you are a C++ dev, this would be an equivalent to "#include".

    Better way

    If you don't want to merge all the codes into one file (as FreakC uses a lot of labels), you can simply:

    1. Create a module file with Cancer[fnc] on top of all the codes and add Die[fnc] /b in the bottom.
    2. Create a main file, but rather than using InsertShits[fnc], you can use normal GrabFnc[fnc] to access a file as a procedure.
    3. Compile the module file first, then compile and run the main file.

    A demo can be found here.

    Find strings in a file


    FindShits[fnc] [/V] [/C] [/N] [/I] [/OFF[LINE]] "string" [[drive:][path]filename[ ...]]
    /V         Displays all lines NOT containing the specified string.
    /C         Displays only the count of lines containing the string.
    /N         Displays line numbers with the displayed lines.
    /I         Ignores the case of characters when searching for the string.
    /OFF[LINE] Do not skip files with offline attribute set.
    "string"   Specifies the text string to find.
    [drive:][path]filename Specifies a file or files to search.
    If a path is not specified, FIND searches the text typed at the prompt or piped from another command.
    If a path is not specified, FIND searches the text typed at the prompt or piped from another command.


    FindTrash[fnc] [/B] [/E] [/L] [/R] [/S] [/I] [/X] [/V] [/N] [/M] [/O] [/P] [/F:file]
        [/C:string] [/G:file] [/D:dir list] [/A:color attributes] [/OFF[LINE]]
        strings [[drive:][path]filename[ ...]]
    /B         Matches pattern if at the beginning of a line.
    /E         Matches pattern if at the end of a line.
    /L         Uses search strings literally.
    /R         Uses search strings as regular expressions.
    /S         Searches for matching files in the current directory and all subdirectories.
    /I         Specifies that the search is not to be case-sensitive.
    /X         Prints lines that match exactly.
    /V         Prints only lines that do not contain a match.
    /N         Prints the line number before each line that matches. 
    /M         Prints only the filename if a file contains a match.
    /O         Prints character offset before each matching line.
    /P         Skip files with non-printable characters.
    /OFF[LINE] Do not skip files with offline attribute set.
    /A:attr    Specifies color attribute with two hex digits. See "color /?"
    /F:file    Reads file list from the specified file(/ stands for console).
    /C:string  Uses specified string as a literal search string.	
    /G:file    Gets search strings from the specified file(/ stands for console).
    /D:dir     Search a semicolon delimited list of directories
    strings    Text to be searched for.
    [drive:][path]filename Specifies a file or files to search.
    Use spaces to separate multiple search strings unless the argument is prefixed with /C.  
    For example, 'FINDSTR "hello there" x.y' searches for "hello" or "there" in file x.y.  
    'FINDSTR /C:"hello there" x.y' searches for "hello there" in file x.y.
    Regular expression quick reference:
    .        Wildcard: any character
    *        Repeat: zero or more occurrences of previous character or class
    ^        Line position: beginning of line
    $        Line position: end of line
    [class]  Character class: any one character in set
    [^class] Inverse class: any one character not in set
    [x-y]    Range: any characters within the specified range
    \x       Escape: literal use of metacharacter x
    \<xyz    Word position: beginning of word
    xyz\>    Word position: end of word

    (Copied from the documentation of Batch)

    Other useful commands

    Exit the program


    Shutdown system

    ::Add /t time and /c "comment" to set the time to shutdown and leave a comment before shutdown

    Restart system

    ::Add /t time and /c "comment" to set the time to shutdown and leave a comment before restart

    Create a folder

    PukeDir[fnc] folder_name

    Access a folder

    EatDir[fnc] folder_name

    Access a drive

    EatDrive[fnc] drive_name

    Read a file

    StealDiary[fnc] file_name

    Clear the screen




    Delete a file


    Delete a folder

    TrashDir[fnc] folder_name

    Check if a number is odd or is even

    OddOrEven[fnc] number

    Change color, a pair of hex code is a color code

    ChangeColor[fnc] hex_code
  • 0 = Black
  • 1 = Blue
  • 2 = Green
  • 3 = Aqua
  • 4 = Red
  • 5 = Purple
  • 6 = Yellow
  • 7 = White
  • 8 = Gray
  • 9 = Light Blue
  • A = Light Green
  • B = Light Aqua
  • C = Light Red
  • D = Light Purple
  • E = Light Yellow
  • F = Bright White
  • Change the title of the program

    ChangeName[fnc] title_name

    Change console's size

    ChangeSize[fnc] size_number
    ChangeSize[fnc] con cols=columns_or_width lines=lines_or_height

    Rename a file

    RenameFile[fnc] file_name

    Move a file to the new path

    MoveFile[fnc] file_name new_path

    Copy a file to the new path

    CopyFile[fnc] file_name new_path

    Open a file or a website url (would open cmd if nothing is opened)

    PlayFile[fnc] file

    Timeout for a specific time

    WaitForBus[fnc] time_as_second

    Restart the program or loop the program endlessly


    Shows date


    Shows time


    Shows all files in the current directory


    Show command prompt content


    This would be useful for debugging.

    Hide command prompt content


    Note: All the command prompt content is hiden by default

    Prompt for date to change date


    Note: Administrator is required to run the command

    Prompt for time to change time


    Open powershell


    Note: Administrator is required to run the command

    Disable prebuilt variables

    You can disable numpoop, numpiss, numpuke,... by putting this block of code on top of your program:


    Meme and J4F commands

    Patrick functions

    You can prints out a quote of patrick from the huge collection of... 3 quotes that FreakC comes with :))

    ::Is mayonnaise an instrument ?
    Patrick[meme] 1
    ::Roses are blue, violets are red, I have to go to the bathroom.
    Patrick[meme] 2
    ::I can't see my forehead.
    Patrick[meme] 3
    ::The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.
    Patrick[meme] 4
    ::Once upon a time there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end!
    Patrick[meme] 5
    ::I wumbo, you wumbo, he she we wumbo.
    Patrick[meme] 6
    ::Two words, SpongeBob. Na. Chos.
    Patrick[meme] 7

    And yes, no more [fnc], there is [meme] now =D

    Dani functions

    You can prints out Dani's quotes :))

    ::Not as thicc as your mom.
    Dani[meme] mom
    ::Prints "Wow that was really cool." endlessly
    Dani[meme] cool
    ::Freak you billy.
    Dani[meme] billy

    SpongeBob functions

    You can also do SpongeBob stuffs

    ::echo Ravioli, ravioli, give me formuoli.
    SpongeBob[meme] 1

    Rick Ashley the legend

    :: Pops a window that rickrolls you :D


    Collections of stupid quotes

    ::Prints out Hello, World
    ::Prints out Grab me a drink, mate
    ::Prints out I Love You
    ::Prints out Are ya winning son ?
    ::Prints out Hi mate
    ::Prints out Damn boi... Damn boi... Damn boi he thicc boia, that's a thicc ass boi.

    And again, yes, there is also [str] just for varieties =D

    Prints out random numbers continously (like in the Matrix)


    Java and JSON supports :))

    Just for surprising elements, just try it on your own =D


    Equivalent with Batch

  • Swear[fnc] - echo
  • SwearLine[fnc] - echo.
  • PoopInt[fnc] - set /a
  • PoopString[fnc] - set
  • PoopInput[fnc] - set /p
  • PoopFnc[fnc] - :label
  • GrabFnc[fnc] - goto
  • Shit[typ] - set
  • Puke[typ] - set /a
  • Cum[typ] - :label
  • Piss[typ] - set /p
  • LoopStuffs[fnc] - for /l
  • ScanOrgans[fnc] - for /r
  • ScanLetters[fnc] - for /f
  • ScanDiaries[fnc] - for
  • ScanDir[fnc] - for /d
  • DoIf[fnc] - if
  • DoIfExist[fnc] - if exist
  • DoIfDefined[fnc] - if defined
  • DoIfFalse[fnc] - if not
  • DoIfNotExist[fnc] - if not exist
  • DoIfNotDefined[fnc] - if not defined
  • DoIfTap[fnc] - if errorlevel
  • DoIfNotTap[fnc] - if not errorlevel
  • TapSomeSht[fnc] - choice /c: /n
  • OrNot[fnc] - else
  • GotoToilet[fnc] - pause
  • Die[fnc] - exit
  • ShutdownSystem[fnc] - shutdown -s
  • RestartSystem[fnc] - shutdown -r
  • PukeDir[fnc] - md
  • EatDir[fnc]
  • EatDrive[fnc] - drive:
  • StealDiary[fnc] - type
  • GrabFnc[fnc] - call
  • Forget[fnc] - cls
  • Trash[fnc] - del
  • TrashDir[fnc] - rmdir
  • ChangeColor[fnc] - color
  • ChangeName[fnc] - title
  • ChangeSize[fnc] - mode
  • RenameFile[fnc] - ren
  • MoveFile[fnc] - move
  • CopyFile[fnc] - copy
  • PlayFile[fnc] - start
  • WaitForBus[fnc] - timeout
  • SeeDate[fnc] - date /t
  • SeeTime[fnc] - time /t
  • MyMemory[fnc] - dir
  • EnableCoolStuff[fnc] - @echo off
  • DisableCoolStuff[fnc] - @echo on
  • BuyCalender[fnc] - date
  • BuyClock[fnc] - time
  • OpenHouse[fnc] - setlocal
  • CloseHouse[fnc] - endlocal
  • FindTrash[fnc] - findstr
  • FindShits[fnc] - find
  • Notes

    Please do not put these commands in the same line as the others:

  • TapSomeSht[fnc]
  • TryMeBtch[fnc]
  • EatDrive[fnc]
  • OddOrEven[fnc]
  • For example, this would cause error:

    DoIf[fnc] %b% == %c% OddOrEven[fnc] 1

    You should have it like this:

    DoIf[fnc] %b% == %c% (
    	OddOrEven[fnc] 1

    But with normal commands like Swear[fnc], you can use it however you want.

    Also, FreakC is case-sensitive, so you need to be strict with your code.

    Most of the commands are just modified Batch commands, so you can actually apply Batch logic in it.