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148 lines (107 loc) · 4.35 KB

File metadata and controls

148 lines (107 loc) · 4.35 KB


Support cache video type when playing in Video component

  • Download and read video/ hls video from cache
  • Cache policy for video for number of video in file system
  • Cache policy for hls video
  • hls caching for dynamic url ( cloudfront)
  • Byte-Range Support for Segments
  • Pre caching for list/ while scrolling


with npm

npm install react-native-blob-util react-native-url-polyfill react-native-cache-video

with yarn

yarn add react-native-blob-util react-native-url-polyfill react-native-cache-video


Support play with react-native-video

You can run example folder. I give two case using with single video item for viewing in detail and using with list of video

Simple using without provider - don't care about your app memory

  • You can clear react-native-cache-video folder in your file system by access cacheManager.cacheFolder from useProxyCacheManager
  • This case does not support HLS caching, you need use with Provider
// your customize video component
import { useAsyncCache } from 'react-native-cache-video';

const { setVideoPlayUrlBy, cachedVideoUrl } = useAsyncCache();

React.useEffect(() => {
}, [setVideoPlayUrlBy, uri]);

<Video source={{ uri: cachedVideoUrl }} />;

Using with Provider - management your cache memory with custom policy

  • use useRef to create your policy for once time :const freePolicyRef = React.useRef(new FreePolicy()) or using global instance to ignore CacheManagerProvider re-enable memory policy for each time your UI re-render
import {
  LFUPolicy, // last frequency update policy
} from 'react-native-cache-video';
    // provide your component access Cache context
    <CacheManagerProvider cachePolicy={<your policy instance>}>
    {/* your component */}
import { useAsyncCache, HLS_CACHING_RESTART } from 'react-native-cache-video';

// your customize video component
const { setVideoPlayUrlBy, cachedVideoUrl } = useAsyncCache();

React.useEffect(() => {
  const listener = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener(
    (port: number) => {

  return () => {
}, [setVideoPlayUrlBy, uri]);

<Video source={{ uri: cachedVideoUrl }} />;

Flow Diagram

What I use in cache hook

graph TD
    A[CDN Video URL] --> B{valid url?}
    B -->|Yes| C{Is hls url?}
    B -->|No| L[End: clear video session]
    C -->|Yes| D[convert to local url]
    D --> E[End: play video via reverse proxy]
    C -->|No| F[Get cached file]
    F --> G{file existed?}
    G -->|Yes| H[End: play video via file system]
    G -->|No| I[End: play video via CDN]
    I --> J[End: caching video to file system]

How reverse proxy work

    participant VP as Video-Player
    participant RPS as Reverse-Proxy-Server
    participant CDN
    VP->>RPS: Request http://localhost/example.m3u8?__hls_origin_url=https://domain...
    RPS->>CDN: https://domain/example.m3u8
    Note over RPS,CDN: EXTM3U<br/>EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:10<br/>EXT-X-VERSION:3<br/>EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:0<br/>EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:VOD<br/>EXTINF:10,<br/>segment0.ts<br/>EXTINF:10,<br/>segment1.ts<br/>EXTINF:10,<br/>segment2.ts<br/>EXT-X-ENDLIST
    CDN->>RPS: send playlist to server
    RPS->>VP: Send playlist to player
    VP->>RPS: request http://localhost/segment0.ts?__hls_origin_url=https://domain...
    RPS->>CDN: https://domain/segment0.ts
    CDN->>RPS: segment0.ts
    RPS->>VP:  segment0.ts
    RPS->>RPS: caching segment0.ts

    VP->>RPS: http://localhost/segment0.ts?__hls_origin_url=https://domain...
    RPS->>VP: cached segment0.ts



See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.

Known Bugs and Future Fixes

  • Cancel mechanism when cache evict
  • crash when enter background suddenly

Here is a list of known bugs and issues that we plan to fix in the future:

We welcome contributions to help us fix these issues. Please check the open issues for more details.



Made with create-react-native-library