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Prerequisites for all targets

Software requirements

  • git
  • Node.js (>=20, latest LTS release recommended)
  • GNU Make and GNU core utilities (see following)

Installing GNU Make and GNU core utilities

On Windows you can get these by installing the Chocolatey package manager and then running the following commands to install GNU Make and the GNU core utilities:

choco install make
choco install gnuwin32-coreutils.portable

For other platforms, see platform documentation for installing a compatible version of GNU make and GNU core utilities.

Fetching tooling dependencies

On all platforms run the following in the VireoSDK folder to install JavaScript-based tooling needed for the test infrastructure:

npm install

vireo.js target

Software requirements

  • Python (>= 3.12)
  • emsdk toolchain (see following)

Note: Windows 10 may include a a copy of python seen by running which python resulting in the path: C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\python.exe. Make sure to install a copy of python from

Installing the emsdk toolchain

The emsdk toolchain is used to cross-compile Vireo to Vireo.js to run in Node.js and web browser environments.

  1. Create a directory outside of the VireoSDK folder to store the emsdk toolchain binaries.

  2. Clone the juj/emsdk GitHub repository

  3. From the cloned emsdk repository run the following commands:

    emsdk install 2.0.23
    emsdk activate 2.0.23
    emcc -v # should match the sdk version

NOTE: The above commands only add emcc to the path for your current shell session. The emsdk tool provides the emsdk activate SOME_SDK_VERSION --global option but there is a known issue where using the --global flag hangs on Windows.

Instead it is recommended that in a new shell where you wish to build Vireo you run the emsdk_env.bat (Windows) or (Mac / Linux) from the emsdk folder to update your path variables for the shell session.

For more detailed information about emsdk see the juj/emsdk GitHub repository.

Building vireo.js

To create a default (release) build of vireo.js:

make js

The above default build of vireo.js is equivalent to:

make js BUILD=release

To create a debug build of vireo.js:

make js BUILD=debug

To create a profile build of vireo.js:

make js BUILD=profile

Notice that vireo.js is created in the dist folder based on the BUILD type. For example, a default vireo.js build equivalent to BUILD=release will be located at: dist/wasm32-unknown-emscripten/release/vireo.js

Vireo Windows Native target

Software requirements

  • Visual Studio 2022 with C++ support, specifically:
    • Windows 10 SDK (10.0.20348.0)
    • MSVC v141 - VS 2017 C++ x64/x86 build tools (v14.16)

Building Vireo Windows Native

  1. Open the Vireo_VS/VireoCommandLine.sln solution in Visual Studio
  2. Perform a Debug build

Notice the esh executable placed in the dist folder.

Vireo Linux Native target

Software requirements

  • GCC 4.9

Building Vireo Linux Native

From the root directory run the following:

make native

Notice the esh executable placed in the dist folder.

There is a flag you can pass to make to enable AddressSanitizer:

make native ASAN=1

Vireo MacOS Native target

Software requirements

  • XCode

Building Vireo MacOS Native

Open the Vireo_Xcode/VireoEggShell.xcodeproj

If you prefer to build from the command line, the instructions for building Vireo Linux Native will work on macOS as well.