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File metadata and controls

267 lines (173 loc) · 8.17 KB
.. py:module:: nimodinst

.. py:class:: Session(self, driver)

    Creates a handle to a list of installed devices supported by the
    specified driver. Call this method and pass in the name of an NI
    instrument driver, such as "NI-SCOPE". This method
    searches the system and constructs a list of all the installed devices
    that are supported by that driver, and then returns both a handle to
    this list and the number of devices found. The handle is used with other
    methods to query for properties such as device name and model, and to
    safely discard the list when finished. Note This handle reflects the
    system state when the handle is created (that is, when you call this
    method. If you remove devices from the system or rename them in
    Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), this handle may not refer to an
    accurate list of devices. You should destroy the handle using
    :py:meth:`nimodinst.Session._close_installed_devices_session` and create a new handle using
    this method.

    :param driver:

        A string specifying the driver whose supported devices you want to find.
        This string is not case-sensitive. Some examples are: NI-SCOPE niScope
        NI-FGEN niFgen NI-HSDIO niHSDIO NI-DMM niDMM NI-SWITCH niSwitch Note If
        you use the empty string for this parameter, NI-ModInst creates a list
        of all Modular Instruments devices installed in the system.

    :type driver: str

.. py:currentmodule:: nimodinst.Session

.. py:method:: close()

        Cleans up the NI-ModInst session created by a call to
        :py:meth:`nimodinst.Session._open_installed_devices_session`. Call this method when you are
        finished using the session handle and do not use this handle again.

        .. note:: This method is not needed when using the session context manager

.. py:attribute:: bus_number

    The bus on which the device has been enumerated.

    The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

        | Characteristic | Value     |
        | Datatype       | int       |
        | Permissions    | read only |

    .. tip::
        This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute:

            - C Attribute: **NIMODINST_ATTR_BUS_NUMBER**

.. py:attribute:: chassis_number

    The number of the chassis in which the device is installed. This property can only be queried for PXI devices installed in a chassis that has been properly identified in MAX.

    The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

        | Characteristic | Value     |
        | Datatype       | int       |
        | Permissions    | read only |

    .. tip::
        This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute:

            - C Attribute: **NIMODINST_ATTR_CHASSIS_NUMBER**

.. py:attribute:: device_model

    The model of the device (for example, NI PXI-5122)

    The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

        | Characteristic | Value     |
        | Datatype       | str       |
        | Permissions    | read only |

    .. tip::
        This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute:

            - C Attribute: **NIMODINST_ATTR_DEVICE_MODEL**

.. py:attribute:: device_name

    The name of the device, which can be used to open an instrument driver session for that device

    The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

        | Characteristic | Value     |
        | Datatype       | str       |
        | Permissions    | read only |

    .. tip::
        This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute:

            - C Attribute: **NIMODINST_ATTR_DEVICE_NAME**

.. py:attribute:: max_pciexpress_link_width


    The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

        | Characteristic | Value     |
        | Datatype       | int       |
        | Permissions    | read only |

    .. tip::
        This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute:


.. py:attribute:: pciexpress_link_width


    The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

        | Characteristic | Value     |
        | Datatype       | int       |
        | Permissions    | read only |

    .. tip::
        This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute:


.. py:attribute:: serial_number

    The serial number of the device

    The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

        | Characteristic | Value     |
        | Datatype       | str       |
        | Permissions    | read only |

    .. tip::
        This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute:

            - C Attribute: **NIMODINST_ATTR_SERIAL_NUMBER**

.. py:attribute:: slot_number

    The slot (for example, in a PXI chassis) in which the device is installed. This property can only be queried for PXI devices installed in a chassis that has been properly identified in MAX.

    The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

        | Characteristic | Value     |
        | Datatype       | int       |
        | Permissions    | read only |

    .. tip::
        This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute:

            - C Attribute: **NIMODINST_ATTR_SLOT_NUMBER**

.. py:attribute:: socket_number

    The socket number on which the device has been enumerated

    The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

        | Characteristic | Value     |
        | Datatype       | int       |
        | Permissions    | read only |

    .. tip::
        This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute:

            - C Attribute: **NIMODINST_ATTR_SOCKET_NUMBER**