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Here you can find some useful examples demonstrating specific usages of AWS Local Step Functions.

  • abort-execution-without-throwing: Abort a running execution without throwing an error.
  • abort-execution: Abort a running execution.
  • aws-credentials-access-keys: Providing AWS credentials to run the Lambdas specified in Task states, by using an Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key.
  • aws-credentials-cognito: Providing AWS credentials to run the Lambdas specified in Task states, by using a Cognito Identity Pool.
  • check-for-execution-failure: Check if execution failed and catch error.
  • check-for-execution-timeout: Check if execution timed out because the execution ran longer than the seconds specified in the TimeoutSeconds field and catch error.
  • custom-context-object: Pass a mock Context Object to the execution.
  • disable-arn-validation: Disable ARN validation when instantiating a new StateMachine object.
  • disable-jsonpath-validation: Disable JSONPath validation when instantiating a new StateMachine object.
  • disable-state-machine-validation: Completely disable validation of the state machine definition when instantiating a new StateMachine object.
  • execution-event-logs: Pulling the log of events produced by an execution as it runs and printing them.
  • retry-interval-local-override: Override the pause duration of a Retry policy so that instead of pausing for the duration calculated by the IntervalSeconds, BackoffRate, MaxDelaySeconds, and JitterStrategy fields, it pauses for a specified number of milliseconds.
  • task-state-local-override: Override the default action for a Task state, so that instead of invoking the Lambda specified in the Resource field, it runs a local function. This allows running state machines completely locally.
  • wait-state-local-override: Override the wait duration of a Wait state so that instead of waiting the duration specified in the Seconds, Timestamp, SecondsPath, TimestampPath fields, it waits for a specified number of milliseconds.