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The Repository of Thingsboard convertors for Integrations

Add new converters

The Repository contains decoders for different device integrations.

Users can contribute by adding their own version of the decoder for a specific device.

To add a decoder, submit a fork pull request to this repository.

Files and Directories

Each device in the Converters Repository consists of several JSON files:

There are next file in the Convertors Repository (format only json) for one Device

  • config is mandatory
  • uplink is mandatory
  • uplink(downlink)/metadata is optional
  • downlink is optional

All files and directories must have lowercase titles. The "the name of device with version" as directory is a distinct value for every unique device listed in the devices directory.

  1. config.json Contains information about the device (devices/"the name of device with version"/config.json)
  2. uplink/decoder.json Decodes uplink messages from the device (devices/"the name of device with version"/uplink/decoder.json)
  3. uplink/payload.json Contains sample payload data for uplink messages (devices/"the name of device with version"/uplink/payload.json)
  4. uplink/result.json Contains the expected result after decoding uplink messages (devices/"the name of device with version"/uplink/result.json)
  5. uplink/metadata.json Contains sample metadata for uplink messages (devices/"the name of device with version"/uplink/metadata.json)
  6. downlink/decoder.json for downlink of a single device (devices/"the name of device with version"/downlink/decoder.json)
  7. downlink/payload.json for downplink of a single device (devices/"the name of device with version"/downlink/payload.json)
  8. downlink/result.json for downlink of a single device (devices/"the name of device with version"/downlink/result.json)
  9. downlink/metadata.json Contains sample metadata for downlink messages (devices/"the name of device with version"/downlinkk/metadata.json)
Converters Repository for devices
└── devices
   └── <device_name_version_scriptLang>
       ├── config.json
       ├── uplink
       │   ├── decoder.json
       │   ├── payload.json
       │   ├── metadata.json  (optional)
       │   └── result.json
       └── downlink (optional)
           ├── decoder.json
           ├── payload.json
           ├── metadata.json  (optional)
           └── result.json


Contains fields such as scriptLang, name, version, and manufacturer.

NOTE "scriptLang" can be set: "javaScript" or "tbel" Example:

  "scriptLang": "tbel",
  "name": "device-A",
  "version": "12.01",
  "manufacturer": "My_manufacturer"


Contains sample payload data for testing the decoder.

After Test the converter in "ThingsBoard Pe" and successfully Save, copy-paste value from Paylod and saving its to file payload.json.


  "devName": "devA",
  "param1": 1,
  "param2": "test"


Contains sample metadata for testing the decoder.

NOTE "metadata.json" is optional. Only if metadata is used in the decoder.

After Test the converter in "ThingsBoard Pe" and successfully Save, copy-paste key and value from Metadata and saving its to file metadata.json.


  "topic": "1/22/12.01/12"


Decodes messages from the device and contains the decoding logic.

After saved converter in "ThingsBoard Pe" execute operation "Export converter" and result (file) change the filename to "decoder" with the extension "json".


  "name": "uplinkConverterTest",
  "type": "UPLINK",
  "debugMode": true,
  "configuration": {
    "scriptLang": "TBEL",
    "decoder": "// Decode an uplink message from a buffer\n// payload - array of bytes\n// metadata - key/value object\n\n/** Decoder **/\n\n// decode payload to string\nvar payloadStr = decodeToString(payload);\n\n// decode payload to JSON\n// var data = decodeToJson(payload);\n\nvar deviceName = 'Device A';\nvar deviceType = 'thermostat';\nvar customerName = 'Customer C';\nvar groupName = 'thermostat devices';\nvar manufacturer = 'Example corporation';\n// use assetName and assetType instead of deviceName and deviceType\n// to automatically create assets instead of devices.\n// var assetName = 'Asset A';\n// var assetType = 'building';\n\n// Result object with device/asset attributes/telemetry data\nvar result = {\n// Use deviceName and deviceType or assetName and assetType, but not both.\n   deviceName: deviceName,\n   deviceType: deviceType,\n// assetName: assetName,\n// assetType: assetType,\n// customerName: customerName,\n   groupName: groupName,\n   attributes: {\n       model: 'Model A',\n       serialNumber: 'SN111',\n       integrationName: metadata['integrationName'],\n       manufacturer: manufacturer\n   },\n   telemetry: {\n       temperature: 42,\n       humidity: 80,\n       rawData: payloadStr\n   }\n};\n\n/** Helper functions **/\n\nfunction decodeToString(payload) {\n   return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, payload);\n}\n\nfunction decodeToJson(payload) {\n   // covert payload to string.\n   var str = decodeToString(payload);\n\n   // parse string to JSON\n   var data = JSON.parse(str);\n   return data;\n}\n\nreturn result;",
    "tbelDecoder": "// Decode an uplink message from a buffer\n// payload - array of bytes\n// metadata - key/value object\n\n/** Decoder **/\n\n// decode payload to string\nvar payloadStr = decodeToString(payload);\n\n// decode payload to JSON\n// var data = decodeToJson(payload);\n\nvar deviceName = 'Device A';\nvar deviceType = 'thermostat';\nvar customerName = 'Customer C';\nvar groupName = 'thermostat devices';\nvar manufacturer = 'Example corporation';\nvar ver = metadata.topic.split(\"/\")[2];\n// use assetName and assetType instead of deviceName and deviceType\n// to automatically create assets instead of devices.\n// var assetName = 'Asset A';\n// var assetType = 'building';\n\n// Result object with device/asset attributes/telemetry data\nvar result = {\n// Use deviceName and deviceType or assetName and assetType, but not both.\n   deviceName: deviceName,\n   deviceType: deviceType,\n// assetName: assetName,\n// assetType: assetType,\n// customerName: customerName,\n   groupName: groupName,\n   attributes: {\n       model: 'Model A',\n       serialNumber: 'SN111',\n       integrationName: metadata['integrationName'],\n       manufacturer: manufacturer,\n       ver: ver\n   },\n   telemetry: {\n       temperature: 42,\n       humidity: 80,\n       rawData: payloadStr\n   }\n};\n\n/** Helper functions 'decodeToString' and 'decodeToJson' are already built-in **/\n\nreturn result;",
    "encoder": null,
    "tbelEncoder": null,
    "updateOnlyKeys": [
  "additionalInfo": {
    "description": "device-A ver: 12.01"
  "edgeTemplate": false


Contains the expected result after decoding the messages.

After Test the converter in "ThingsBoard Pe" and successfully Save, copy-paste value from Output and saving its to file result.json.


  "deviceName": "Device A",
  "deviceType": "thermostat",
  "groupName": "thermostat devices",
  "attributes": {
    "model": "Model A",
    "serialNumber": "SN111",
    "integrationName": "Test integration",
    "manufacturer": "Example corporation",
    "ver": "12.01"
  "telemetry": {
    "temperature": 42,
    "humidity": 80,
    "rawData": "{\n    \"devName\": \"devA\",\n    \"param1\": 1,\n    \"param2\": \"test\"\n}"


No description, website, or topics provided.






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