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You're not funny, but AI is! GigglyGram is a messaging app that uses generative AI to turn you into a witty conversationalist with clever comebacks and amusing memes.


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You're not funny, but AI is! GigglyGram is a messaging app that uses generative AI to turn you into a witty conversationalist with clever comebacks and amusing memes.

How It Works

I built a quick-and-dirty proof of concept Android messaging app with the help of the MIT App Inventor. This app can receive text messages, and take some actions based upon them.

There is a "Make Me Funny" button that feeds the text of the most recently received message into an open source Large Language Model (LLM), along with some instructions telling it to provide a funny response to the message. The LLM is packaged up as a llamafile, and I specifically used the seven billion parameter Mistral-7B-Instruct model. This runs on an NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier Development Kit, and is accessed by a simple web API written in Python.

There is also a "Meme" button that leverages the same web API to send a prompt to a Stable Diffusion 2.1 image generation model running on the Jetson. The prompt asks the model to generate a funny meme based on the latest text message received.


Check out the demonstration video.

A message was received:

A suggested response was generated by the LLM:

The meme was generated by Stable Diffusion 2.1:

An example meme generated during testing:

Bill of Materials

  • 1 x NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier Development Kit

About the Author

Nick A. Bild, MS


You're not funny, but AI is! GigglyGram is a messaging app that uses generative AI to turn you into a witty conversationalist with clever comebacks and amusing memes.






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