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nickcafferry committed Sep 18, 2020
1 parent abf29d0 commit 240d197
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Showing 58 changed files with 31,068 additions and 0 deletions.
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.6/pymbd/
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
from .pymbd import *
from .lib import mbd as lib
from .lib import mbd_math as lib_math
from .lib import mbd_repulsion as lib_coul
177 changes: 177 additions & 0 deletions build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.6/pymbd/
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@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import json
import sys
import numpy as np

from .lib import mbd as _mbd
from .vdw_param import vdw_param as free_atom_db

from mpi4py import MPI
ntasks = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()
myid = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
except ImportError:
ntasks = 1
myid = 0

_mbd.my_task = myid
_mbd.n_tasks = ntasks

bohr = _mbd.bohr

def get_free_atom_data(species):
return list(map(
(at['alpha_0'], at['C6'], at['R_vdw']) for at in
[free_atom_db[sp] for sp in species]

def printout(s, each=False):
if each or myid == 0:

def printerr(s, each=False):
if each or myid == 0:

def get_damping(xc):
return dict(zip(['ts_d', 'ts_s_r', 'mbd_scs_a', 'mbd_ts_a',
'mbd_ts_erf_beta', 'mbd_ts_fermi_beta', 'mbd_rsscs_a',

def scale_hirsh(hirsh, alpha, C6, R_vdw):
hirsh = np.array(hirsh)
return [np.array(q)*hirsh**factor
for q, factor in zip([alpha, C6, R_vdw], [1, 2, 1/3])]

def mbd_rsscs(
coords, species, volumes, beta, lattice=None, k_grid=None, supercell=None, vacuum=None,
custom_params=None, get_spectrum=False
_mbd.param_vacuum_axis = [False]*3 if vacuum is None else vacuum
mode = 'P' if ntasks > 1 else ''
params = get_free_atom_data(species)
if custom_params:
for i, specie in enumerate(species):
if specie in custom_params:
for j, paramname in enumerate(['alpha_0', 'C6', 'R_vdw']):
params[j][i] = custom_params[specie][paramname]
alpha_0, C6, R_vdw = scale_hirsh(volumes, *params)
if lattice is not None:
mode += 'C'
alpha_scs_dyn = _mbd.run_scs(
mode, 'fermi,dip,gg', coords,
_mbd.alpha_dynamic_ts_all('C', _mbd.n_grid_omega, alpha_0, c6=C6),
r_vdw=R_vdw, beta=beta, a=6.
C6_scs = _mbd.get_c6_from_alpha(alpha_scs_dyn)
R_vdw_scs = R_vdw*(alpha_scs_dyn[0]/alpha_0)**(1/3)
if get_spectrum:
mode += 'EV'
if k_grid is not None:
mode = mode.replace('C', 'R')
k_grid = _mbd.make_k_grid(_mbd.make_g_grid(*k_grid), lattice)
ene, *spectrum = _mbd.get_reciprocal_mbd_energy(
mode, 'fermi,dip', coords,
_mbd.omega_eff(C6_scs, alpha_scs_dyn[0]),
r_vdw=R_vdw_scs, beta=beta, a=6.
elif supercell is not None:
ene, *spectrum = _mbd.get_supercell_mbd_energy(
mode, 'fermi,dip', coords,
_mbd.omega_eff(C6_scs, alpha_scs_dyn[0]),
r_vdw=R_vdw_scs, beta=beta, a=6.
ene, *spectrum = _mbd.get_single_mbd_energy(
mode, 'fermi,dip', coords,
_mbd.omega_eff(C6_scs, alpha_scs_dyn[0]),
r_vdw=R_vdw_scs, beta=beta, a=6.
if get_spectrum:
return (ene, *spectrum)
return ene

def mbd_rsscs_deriv(
coords, species, volumes, beta, lattice=None, k_grid=None, supercell=None,
forces = np.zeros(coords.shape)
for i_atom in range(coords.shape[0]):
for i_xyz in range(3):
ene = []
for step in [-1, 1]:
coords_diff = coords.copy()
coords_diff[i_atom, i_xyz] += step*delta
coords_diff, species, volumes, beta, lattice, k_grid, supercell
forces[i_atom, i_xyz] = -(ene[1]-ene[0])/(2*delta)
if lattice is None:
return forces
stress = np.zeros((3, 3))
for i_xyz in range(3):
for j_xyz in range(3):
ene = []
for step in [-1, 1]:
strain = np.eye(3)
strain[i_xyz, j_xyz] += step*delta
coords_diff =
lattice_diff =
coords_diff, species, volumes, beta, lattice_diff, k_grid, supercell
stress[i_xyz, j_xyz] = -(ene[1]-ene[0])/(2*delta)
return forces, stress

def mbd_coul(coords, species, volumes, beta, lattice=None, k_grid=None,
supercell=None, vacuum=None, custom_params=None):
mode = 'P'
_mbd.param_vacuum_axis = [False]*3 if vacuum is None else vacuum
mode = 'P' if ntasks > 1 else ''
params = get_free_atom_data(species)
alpha_0, C6, R_vdw = scale_hirsh(volumes, *params)
alpha_scs_dyn = _mbd.run_scs(
mode, 'fermi,dip,gg', coords,
_mbd.alpha_dynamic_ts_all('C', _mbd.n_grid_omega, alpha_0, c6=C6),
r_vdw=R_vdw, beta=beta, a=6.
C6_scs = _mbd.get_c6_from_alpha(alpha_scs_dyn)
R_vdw_scs = R_vdw*(alpha_scs_dyn[0]/alpha_0)**(1/3)
ene = _mbd.get_single_mbd_energy(
mode, 'fermi,dip', coords,
_mbd.omega_eff(C6_scs, alpha_scs_dyn[0]),
r_vdw=R_vdw_scs, beta=beta, a=6.
return ene

class ArrayEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
return obj.tolist()
except AttributeError:
return super().default(obj)
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.6/pymbd/
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy import sqrt
import unittest

import pymbd

class TestFreqGrid(unittest.TestCase):

for n in range(15, 40, 5):
def test(self, n=n):
grid1 = -pymbd.lib.gauss_legendre(n)[0]
grid2 = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(n)[0]
self.assertAlmostEqual(0, np.linalg.norm(grid1-grid2), 8)
if n > 25:
test = unittest.expectedFailure(test)
setattr(TestFreqGrid, 'test_frequency_grid_{}'.format(n), test)

class TestMBD(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):

def test_argon_dimer(self):
ene = pymbd.mbd_rsscs(
[[0, 0, 0], [4.0/pymbd.bohr, 0, 0]],
['Ar', 'Ar'],
[1., 1.],
self.assertAlmostEqual(ene, -0.0002462647623815428, 10)

def tearDown(self):

class TestCoulomb(unittest.TestCase):
def test_basic(self):
a = 1/sqrt(2)
C = np.array([
[ 0, 0, -a, 0, -a, 0], # noqa
[ 0, a, 0, a, 0, 0], # noqa
[-a, 0, 0, 0, 0, -a], # noqa
[ 0, 0, a, 0, -a, 0], # noqa
[ 0, -a, 0, a, 0, 0], # noqa
[-a, 0, 0, 0, 0, a], # noqa
], dtype=float)
coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1.1]]
n = len(coords)
e1, eatt, erep = pymbd.lib_coul.fullcoulomb(
C, coords, n*[1], n*[1], 3*n*[2], n*[2]
self.assertAlmostEqual(e1, -0.058346493647401076, 10)
self.assertAlmostEqual(eatt, 1.767623829681647, 10)
self.assertAlmostEqual(erep, 0.800186426943337, 10)
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.6/pymbd/
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@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.

vdw_param = {
"H": {"alpha_0": 4.5, "C6": 6.5, "R_vdw": 3.1},
"He": {"alpha_0": 1.38, "C6": 1.46, "R_vdw": 2.65},
"Li": {"alpha_0": 164.2, "C6": 1387., "R_vdw": 4.16},
"Be": {"alpha_0": 38., "C6": 214., "R_vdw": 4.17},
"B": {"alpha_0": 21., "C6": 99.5, "R_vdw": 3.89},
"C": {"alpha_0": 12., "C6": 46.6, "R_vdw": 3.59},
"N": {"alpha_0": 7.4, "C6": 24.2, "R_vdw": 3.34},
"O": {"alpha_0": 5.4, "C6": 15.6, "R_vdw": 3.19},
"F": {"alpha_0": 3.8, "C6": 9.52, "R_vdw": 3.04},
"Ne": {"alpha_0": 2.67, "C6": 6.38, "R_vdw": 2.91},
"Na": {"alpha_0": 13.6, "C6": 69.3, "R_vdw": 1.63},
"Mg": {"alpha_0": 71., "C6": 627., "R_vdw": 4.27},
"Al": {"alpha_0": 60., "C6": 528., "R_vdw": 4.33},
"Si": {"alpha_0": 37., "C6": 305., "R_vdw": 4.2},
"P": {"alpha_0": 25., "C6": 185., "R_vdw": 4.01},
"S": {"alpha_0": 19.6, "C6": 134., "R_vdw": 3.86},
"Cl": {"alpha_0": 15., "C6": 94.6, "R_vdw": 3.71},
"Ar": {"alpha_0": 11.1, "C6": 64.3, "R_vdw": 3.55},
"K": {"alpha_0": 292.9, "C6": 3897., "R_vdw": 3.71},
"Ca": {"alpha_0": 160., "C6": 2221., "R_vdw": 4.65},
"Sc": {"alpha_0": 120., "C6": 1383., "R_vdw": 4.59},
"Ti": {"alpha_0": 98., "C6": 1044., "R_vdw": 4.51},
"V": {"alpha_0": 84., "C6": 832., "R_vdw": 4.44},
"Cr": {"alpha_0": 78., "C6": 602., "R_vdw": 3.99},
"Mn": {"alpha_0": 63., "C6": 552., "R_vdw": 3.97},
"Fe": {"alpha_0": 56., "C6": 482., "R_vdw": 4.23},
"Co": {"alpha_0": 50., "C6": 408., "R_vdw": 4.18},
"Ni": {"alpha_0": 48., "C6": 373., "R_vdw": 3.82},
"Cu": {"alpha_0": 42., "C6": 253., "R_vdw": 3.76},
"Zn": {"alpha_0": 40., "C6": 284., "R_vdw": 4.02},
"Ga": {"alpha_0": 60., "C6": 498., "R_vdw": 4.19},
"Ge": {"alpha_0": 41., "C6": 354., "R_vdw": 4.2},
"As": {"alpha_0": 29., "C6": 246., "R_vdw": 4.11},
"Se": {"alpha_0": 25., "C6": 210., "R_vdw": 4.04},
"Br": {"alpha_0": 20., "C6": 162., "R_vdw": 3.93},
"Kr": {"alpha_0": 16.8, "C6": 129.6, "R_vdw": 3.82},
"Rb": {"alpha_0": 319.2, "C6": 4691., "R_vdw": 3.72},
"Sr": {"alpha_0": 199., "C6": 3170., "R_vdw": 4.54},
"Y": {"alpha_0": 126.7370, "C6": 1968.580, "R_vdw": 4.81510},
"Zr": {"alpha_0": 119.97, "C6": 1677.91, "R_vdw": 4.53},
"Nb": {"alpha_0": 101.603, "C6": 1263.61, "R_vdw": 4.2365},
"Mo": {"alpha_0": 88.4225785, "C6": 1028.73, "R_vdw": 4.099},
"Tc": {"alpha_0": 80.083, "C6": 1390.87, "R_vdw": 4.076},
"Ru": {"alpha_0": 65.8950, "C6": 609.754, "R_vdw": 3.99530},
"Rh": {"alpha_0": 56.1, "C6": 469.0, "R_vdw": 3.95},
"Pd": {"alpha_0": 23.68, "C6": 157.5, "R_vdw": 3.66},
"Ag": {"alpha_0": 50.6, "C6": 339., "R_vdw": 3.82},
"Cd": {"alpha_0": 39.7, "C6": 452.0, "R_vdw": 3.99},
"In": {"alpha_0": 70.22, "C6": 707.046, "R_vdw": 4.23198},
"Sn": {"alpha_0": 55.95, "C6": 587.417, "R_vdw": 4.303},
"Sb": {"alpha_0": 43.67197, "C6": 459.322, "R_vdw": 4.276},
"Te": {"alpha_0": 37.65, "C6": 396.0, "R_vdw": 4.22},
"I": {"alpha_0": 35., "C6": 385., "R_vdw": 4.17},
"Xe": {"alpha_0": 27.3, "C6": 285.9, "R_vdw": 4.08},
"Cs": {"alpha_0": 427.12, "C6": 6582.08, "R_vdw": 3.78},
"Ba": {"alpha_0": 275.0, "C6": 5727.0, "R_vdw": 4.77},
"Hf": {"alpha_0": 99.52, "C6": 1274.8, "R_vdw": 4.21},
"Ta": {"alpha_0": 82.53, "C6": 1019.92, "R_vdw": 4.15},
"W": {"alpha_0": 71.041, "C6": 847.93, "R_vdw": 4.08},
"Re": {"alpha_0": 63.04, "C6": 710.2, "R_vdw": 4.02},
"Os": {"alpha_0": 55.055, "C6": 596.67, "R_vdw": 3.84},
"Ir": {"alpha_0": 42.51, "C6": 359.1, "R_vdw": 4.00},
"Pt": {"alpha_0": 39.68, "C6": 347.1, "R_vdw": 3.92},
"Au": {"alpha_0": 36.5, "C6": 298.0, "R_vdw": 3.86},
"Hg": {"alpha_0": 33.9, "C6": 392.0, "R_vdw": 3.98},
"Tl": {"alpha_0": 69.92, "C6": 717.44, "R_vdw": 3.91},
"Pb": {"alpha_0": 61.8, "C6": 697.0, "R_vdw": 4.31},
"Bi": {"alpha_0": 49.02, "C6": 571.0, "R_vdw": 4.32},
"Po": {"alpha_0": 45.013, "C6": 530.92, "R_vdw": 4.097},
"At": {"alpha_0": 38.93, "C6": 457.53, "R_vdw": 4.07},
"Rn": {"alpha_0": 33.54, "C6": 390.63, "R_vdw": 4.23}
Binary file not shown.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.7/pymbd/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
from .pymbd import *
from .lib import mbd as lib
from .lib import mbd_math as lib_math
from .lib import mbd_repulsion as lib_coul

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