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Creating & editing main pages

Nick Floyd edited this page May 24, 2016 · 2 revisions

"Main" pages could be things like Preface, Forewords, 'About' pages and so on. These pages are distinct from chapters in that they are the "meta book." This means that they frame the book in terms of expectations and information around the content creators.

  1. Add a file to the manuscript folder and name it PageName.txt where PageName is the name of the item you are adding using proper case for the file name. (i.e. when creating a forward page it would be named Foreword.txt)
  2. Add a title as the first line using a markdown H1. i.e # My awesome page title
  3. Add your content
  4. Add your new main page (once finished) to Book.txt, Sample.txt and Subset.txt - the "main" pages are generally found at the beginning of the book. Have a look at [the basic structure of this book] to help you determine where your new page should go.
  5. Submit a Pull Request