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Rejecting 1D Outliers

This page gives a full tutorial for using RCR to detect and reject outliers within one-dimensional datasets. Although this page avoids unnecessary statistical technicalities (see :ref:`papers`), a more bare-bones example is given on the main page, :ref:`index`.

To begin, consider some dataset of N measurements, made up of 1) samples from some contaminant distribution (outliers) and 2) samples from some underlying "true" uncontaminated distribution. RCR has various outlier rejection techniques that have each been chosen to work best for different shapes of these distributions. The table below illustrates this.

Table of Rejection Techniques

Best Rejection Technique Uncontaminated ("true") Distribution Contaminant Distribution
SS_MEDIAN_DL Symmetric Two-Sided/Symmetric
LS_MODE_68 Symmetric One-Sided
LS_MODE_DL Symmetric In-Between One- and Two-Sided
ES_MODE_DL Mildly Asymmetric/Very low N (Any)

(Note that an uncontaminated distribution labeled as "symmetric" means approximately Gaussian/normal, mildly peaked, or mildly flat-topped, meaning an exponential power distribution/generalized normal distribution with positive and negative kurtosis, respectively.)

For this tutorial, let's consider the case of both the uncontaminated and contaminated distributions being Gaussian/normal (so then, symmetric), both centered at \mu=0. Being outliers, we'll give the contaminated distribution a standard deviation of \sigma=5, and the uncontaminated distribution \sigma=1. Referring to the table above, this means that the rejection technique that we'll need to use is SS_MEDIAN_DL, which we will show how to do shortly. Let's arbitrarily choose N = 500 datapoints total, with a fraction of 50% contaminated. We can create the dataset in Python as follows:

import numpy as np

np.random.seed(18318) # get consistent random results

N = 500                  # total measurement count
frac_contaminated = 0.5  # fraction of sample that will be contaminated

# symmetric, uncontaminated distribution
mu = 0
sigma_uncontaminated = 1
uncontaminated_samples = np.random.normal(mu, sigma_uncontaminated,
    int(N * (1 - frac_contaminated)))

# symmetric, contaminated distribution
sigma_contaminated = 5
contaminated_samples = np.random.normal(mu, sigma_contaminated,
     int(N * frac_contaminated))

# combine to create overall dataset
data = np.concatenate((uncontaminated_samples, contaminated_samples))

To see what this dataset looks like, we'll plot it below (projected randomly along the y-axis for added visibility).

plot data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ax = plt.subplot(111)

ydata = np.random.uniform(0, 1, N) # project randomly into 2D for better visualization

ax.plot(contaminated_samples, ydata[:int(N * frac_contaminated)], "k.",
   label="Pre-RCR dataset", alpha=0.75, ms=4)
ax.plot(uncontaminated_samples, ydata[int(N * frac_contaminated):], "k.",
   alpha=0.75, ms=4)

plt.xlim(-15, 15)
plt.ylim(0, 1)

box = ax.get_position()
ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.65, box.height])
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))



Now, what do we do if we to estimate the \mu and \sigma of the underlying uncontaminated distribution? Without RCR, we get:

# get results pre-RCR
contaminated_mu = np.mean(data)
contaminated_sigma = np.std(data)
print(contaminated_mu, contaminated_sigma)


-0.3168378799621606 3.792535849537549

Unsurprisingly, the contaminants don't have a great effect on \mu, as both the contaminants and the true distribution have the same \mu=0. However, \sigma is grossly overestimated due to the contaminants, compared to the expected \sigma=1.

So, how can we use RCR? After importing rcr (see :ref:`install`), we initialize the RCR object with the desired rejection technique; in our case SS_MEDIAN_DL. Next, we perform the outlier rejection (the, recommended, bulk rejection variant; see :ref:`bulk`) using the performBulkRejection() method and the data (as well as optional weights for the data; see :ref:`weighting`), as follows:

# perform RCR
import rcr

# initialize RCR with rejection technique:
# (chosen from shape of uncontaminated + contaminated distribution)
r = rcr.RCR(rcr.SS_MEDIAN_DL)
r.performBulkRejection(data) # perform outlier rejection

Next, we can obtain the results of RCR with the result member of the RCR class. In our case, we're interested in the RCR-recovered values for \mu and \sigma of the underlying uncontaminated distribution:

# View results post-RCR
cleaned_mu =
cleaned_sigma = r.result.stDev
print(cleaned_mu, cleaned_sigma)


-0.1584668560834893 1.8260572902969874

Successfully, RCR managed to recover both a \mu and \sigma that are significantly closer to the true values of 0 and 1, respectively, both by a factor of about 2.

We can also access the subsets of rejected and nonrejected datapoints of the dataset, as well as the corresponding indices and flags thereof, from RCR.result. For example, we can plot the post-rejection dataset with:

# plot rejections
cleaned_data = r.result.cleanY

flags = r.result.flags
# list of booleans corresponding to the original dataset,
# true if the corresponding datapoint is not an outlier.

cleaned_data_indices = r.result.indices
# indices of data in original dataset that are not outliers

ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.plot(data[cleaned_data_indices], ydata[cleaned_data_indices], "b.",
     label="RCR-accepted points", alpha=0.75, ms=4)

plt.xlim(-15, 15)
plt.ylim(0, 1)

box = ax.get_position()
ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.65, box.height])
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))



In the next section, we'll explore how we can apply weights to datapoints to use with RCR.

Weighting Data

For both single-value/one-dimensional RCR, and the n-dimensional model-fitting/functional variant (see :ref:`functional`), numerical, non-negative weights can be optionally provided for each of the datapoints. However, what does it really mean to weight datapoints? If you have some datapoint y_n, giving it a weight of w_n=2 is simply analogous to counting it twice. Now, what's an example of where weighting can be useful?

Lets say that we'd like to perform RCR on the same dataset as above, except now we somehow know a priori that the true, uncontaminated datapoints should be normally/Gaussian-distributed (again with \mu=0 and \sigma=1). We can use this prior knowledge to perform a sort of Bayesian outlier rejection, by giving the datapoints weights that are proportional to the value of the known normal probability density function. In Python, we can do this simply as:

from scipy.stats import norm

# function to weight each datapoint according to the prior knowledge
def weight_data(datapoint):
   return norm.pdf(datapoint, loc=mu, scale=sigma_uncontaminated)

# create weights
weights = weight_data(data)

Next we can perform RCR and view the results as usual, only now providing the weights as the first argument of performBulkRejection():

# perform RCR; same rejection technique
r = rcr.RCR(rcr.SS_MEDIAN_DL)
r.performBulkRejection(weights, data) # perform outlier rejection, now with weights

# View results post-RCR
cleaned_mu =
cleaned_sigma = r.result.stDev
print(cleaned_mu, cleaned_sigma)


-0.05519770432617514 0.7825197746126461

This is much closer to the expected values of \mu=0 and \sigma=1 than what we got with the unweighted/equally-weighted dataset above (this time actually, \sigma was slightly under-estimated).

We can then plot the cleaned dataset/non-rejected data as usual:

# plot rejections
cleaned_data = r.result.cleanY
cleaned_data_indices = r.result.indices

ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.plot(data[cleaned_data_indices], ydata[cleaned_data_indices], "b.",
   label="RCR-accepted points,\nwith weights applied to data", alpha=0.75, ms=4)

plt.xlim(-15, 15)
plt.ylim(0, 1)

box = ax.get_position()
ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.65, box.height])
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))



As expected, the width of the cleaned dataset is noticeably smaller after applying weights.