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File metadata and controls

45 lines (40 loc) · 3.07 KB


An Assembly-like, "uwu" based interpreted language.

Commands take the form of: command [subcommand] [args...]

You can have comment lines by starting the line with (^o^).

You can create label lines (used by gowtu, subwutine, and wumpif) by starting the line with !.

Look at Examples directory for examples of all the features and commands.

Command List

  • awway <subcommand> Used for handling arrays.
    • cweate <size var> <array var> Creates an array of size size var in array var.
    • gewt <array var> <index var> <dest var> Retrieves a value from array var at index var and stores it in dest var.
    • pwut <src var> <array var> <index var> Puts src var into array var at index var.
  • fwile <subcommand> Used for file operations.
    • cwose <file ref var> Closes file stream.
    • nwext <file ref var> <dest var> Reads the next token from the file into dest var.
    • opwen <r|w> <file path var> <file ref var> Opens a file for reading (r) or writing (w) and stores reference in file ref var.
    • pwint <var> <file ref> Prints var to file ref stream.
  • gowtu <label> Transfers execution to target label.
  • inpwut <var> Reads a line from standard input and puts it into var.
  • owp <subcommand> Used for handling operations on variables.
    • awpend <src var> <dest var> Appends src onto the end of dest.
    • chrawrAt <str var> <index var> <dest var> Retrieves the character in str var at index var and places it in dest var.
    • cowpy <src var> <dest var> Copies value in src var and overwrites dest var.
    • dwiv <src var> <dest var> Divides dest var by src var and places the result in dest var.
    • muwlt <src var> <dest var> Multiplies dest var by src var and places the result in dest var.
    • pwus <src var> <dest var> Adds src var to dest var and places the result in dest var.
    • swub <src var> <dest var> Subtracts src var from dest var and places the result in dest var.
  • pwint <var> Outputs var to standard out.
  • subwutine <label> Moves execution to label with it's own local variable scope.
  • vwar <subcommand> Handles variable creation.
    • gwobaw <var> <value> Creates global variable var and places value in it. value can contain spaces.
    • wocaw <var> <value> Creates a local variable var and places value in it. This is only effective if you use subwutines.
  • wandom <subcommand> Handles random number.
    • sweed <seed var> Sets the seed to number stored in seed var.
    • gwet <max var> <dest var> Retrieves a random number between 0 (inclusive) and value stored in max var (exclusive) and puts it in dest var.
  • wetwurn Returns execution to the last place calling subwutine.
  • wumpif <subcommand> Jumps to other lables on a condition.
    • eqwal <var a> <var b> <label> Jumps to label if var a = var b.
    • gw8r <var a> <var b> <label> Jumps to label if var a > var b.
    • gw8rOrEqwal <var a> <var b> <label> Jumps to label if var a >= var b.
    • notEqwal <var a> <var b> <label> Jumps to label if var a != var b.