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Releases: nielsfaber/scheduler-card


17 Nov 16:51
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  • Force time-picker css to always use LTR direction (thanks @shlomki !)
  • Show 'more info' dialog when clicking on icon next to a schedule in the list
  • Remove checking for supported_feature property for climate entities when determining supported actions for temperature regulation
  • Improved brazilian translation (thanks @gtjadsonsantos !)
  • Improve detection of customize actions for cases where service_data contains nested data
  • Fix missing text in confirmation dialog when deleting schedule
  • Fix capitalization of sunrise/sunset texts in german language


17 Sep 14:32
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  • Fixed a bug introduced in HA 2022.9 causing settings in the card to be reverted every few seconds while making changes.
  • Added Slovenian translation (thanks @Protoncek !)


21 Aug 10:51
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  • Fix issues with displaying translations for sunrise / sunset with offset time
  • Add support for button integration
  • Fix alignment issues with time picker in HA 2022.8
  • Update german translation (thanks @boarder876 !)
  • Fix an issue with displaying description for actions containing variables


21 Jun 04:26
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  • Fixed a bug in the time scheme editor causing potential browser freeze/crash (thanks @nobodyguy !)
  • Fixed issue with dropdown menu for selecting tags after changes in latest HA version
  • Fixed Brazilian translation (thanks @LeandroIssa !)

Improvements/new features:

  • Start the time picker on the current time instead of 12:00
  • Allow user to manually edit the hours/minutes in the time picker
  • Improve display of defective/corrupted schedules
  • Add support for processing multiple wildcards in action name
  • Added Finnish translation (thanks @RamikySPK !)
  • Add support for exclude_tags to exclude items with certain tag from the card
  • Automatically assign enabled / disabled tags to schedules based on their switch state
  • Show a dialog to ask user for re-enabling a disabled schedule after making changes to it


05 Mar 17:05
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This version contains changes which were made for compatibility with HA 2022.3. These changes are not backwards compatible with older HA versions, so only update the card in case you are running up-to-date HA version as well.


  • Updated several elements (textfields, dropdown lists, etc.) for compatibility with HA 2022.3. See more info here.
  • Fixed a bug causing changes in the time picker to be not stored correctly (switching sunrise/sunset, am/pm, ...)
  • Fixed a bug causing conditions which were manually assigned via textfield not to be displayed correctly


07 Feb 18:59
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  • fix support for group entities in conditions (bug introduced by v.2.3.1)
  • fix issue with saving schedule after deleting conditions (bug introduced by v.2.3.1)
  • Improve support for conditions for person entities (list zones)


28 Jan 19:09
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  • bug fix: eliminate duplicate 'turn on' action for dimmable light entities
  • bug fix: restore support for scene entities
  • bug fix: allow value '0' in numeric conditions (second fix attempt)
  • add support for numberentities (in actions + conditions)


25 Jan 20:03
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  • Allow sorting of schedules list by name/state (through sort_by parameter)
  • Made several improvements to built-in support for actions
  • Added set_fan_mode action for climate entities
  • Automatically turn on disabled schedule after editing if changes are made
  • Added support for calendar and number in conditions
  • Hide groups with only condition entities when defining new schedule


  • Fixed a bug causing conditions to be lost when adding extra timeslots to an existing schedule
  • Allow value '0' when creating a numeric condition
  • Fixed a bug causing header toggle to enable/disable schedules not in list


10 Dec 09:48
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Breaking changes

  • If a name is assigned to a schedule, it will now be used in the list overview of the card (can be changed via display_options)
  • Scheduler-component must be updated to v3.2.4 or higher for using the option 're-evaluate schedule when conditions change'

Other changes:

  • Improved the UI editor of the card (splitted in 2 tabs), added option to change the displayed properties in the overview page
  • Replaced the date-picker (for assigning date period) with a different version, which significantly reduces the size of the code
  • Improved timeslot editor
  • Add support for setting time based on sunrise/sunset in the timeslot editor (by clicking the markers)
  • Add support to re-trigger schedules when the conditions change
  • Improved support for water_heater and humidifier platforms
  • Fixed a bug in numeric slider related to fractional numbers


10 Nov 18:17
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  • Fixes icon buttons which disappeared in HA 2021.11 update.