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Whatsapp Chat Analyzer

This app analyzes your Whatsapp chat to give you insights into your messaging behavior. Simply upload your chat file and let the app do the rest!


  1. Total messages: See how many messages you've sent and received in your chat.
  2. Total media shared: Find out how many photos, videos, and voice notes have been shared.
  3. Total words: Get a count of all the words used in the chat.
  4. Total links shared: See how many links have been shared in the chat.
  5. Timeline of messages: Visualize the number of messages sent on a monthly basis.
  6. Top 5 users: Discover who the most active users are in your chat.
  7. Percentage of contribution: Find out how much each participant has contributed to the chat.
  8. Emojis: See which emojis are used most frequently and visualize the data in a pie chart.

Libraries Used

  1. Streamlit: Used to create the web interface for the app.
  2. Pandas: Used for data manipulation and analysis.
  3. Urlextract: Used to extract URLs from messages.
  4. Emoji: Used to extract emojis from messages.
  5. Collections: Used for counting the frequency of emojis.
  6. Matplotlib.pyplot: Used for creating data visualizations.

How to Use

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the required libraries (listed in requirements.txt).
  3. Run the file.
  4. Upload your chat file.
  5. Wait for the analysis to complete.
  6. Explore the results!


Example Chat File

An example chat file is included in the repository (example_chat.txt) for testing purposes. Feel free to use this file to try out the app.


  1. The app only supports Whatsapp chat files in .txt format.
  2. The app may not be able to extract all links and emojis from messages.
  3. The app may not provide accurate stats with respec to total links shared.

Future Improvements

  1. Support for chat files in other formats.
  2. More detailed analysis of message content (e.g. sentiment analysis).
  3. Integration with messaging platforms to analyze chats in real-time.


  1. The idea for this app was inspired by the WhatsAnalyzer project.
  2. The emoji frequency counting code was adapted from this Stack Overflow post and youtube videos.


If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact me at


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