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JavaScript Client Library

The built-in JavaScript Client Library lets you run a task, and let's you know when when it's complete using a callback or a promise. You can also use status callbacks to track or communicate task status, such as updating a gauge.


There are two ways to get the JS library:

  1. Include the script from your static files into an HTML template:

    {% load static %}
    {# ... #}
    <script src="{% static 'django-task-api.min.js' %}"></script>
  2. Install with npm. If you are using a build process for your front-end code, this is a good option:

    $ npm i --save django-task-api

Basic usage

Start tasks with the run() function. How you use this depends on how you installed the library. If you included django-task-api.min.js in your HTML template, you can access the library through the TaskAPI global variable:* ... */)

Or if you installed the library using npm, you can use import or require:

import tasks from 'django-task-api'
// Or
var tasks = require('django-task-api')* ... */)

The run() function takes two required inputs: the task name, and the task inputs. It also accepts an optional progress callback function.'my-task', {text: 'Hi'}, function(json) {
    console.log('Status: ' + json.status)

You can use run() with either a promise, or success and error callbacks to receive notification upon a completed task.

// Using promise
    .run('my-task', {text: 'Hi'})
    .then(function(json) { console.log('Success!' )})
    .catch(function(json) { console.log('Error.' )})

// Using callbacks'my-task', {text: 'Hi!'}, null, function(json) {
}, function(json) {


By default, the JS client will use /tasks/ as the base URL for the Django Task API. If you choose to publish the API at a different endpoint, you can change the JS client options to reflect this. For example, if you add the Django Task API urls under /task-api/, the full base URL will become /task-api/tasks:

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^task-api/', include('task_api.urls'))

Then you can set the baseURL option to match:

TaskAPI.options.baseURL = '/task-api/tasks/'* ... */)

Override CSRF names

Django's built-in CSRF protection is a valuable security tool. By default, the Djanto Task API JS library will work with the default CSRF cookie and header names. If you want to change either of those, you can update the JS library to match:

TaskAPI.options.csrfCookieName = 'csrf-tok'
TaskAPI.options.csrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRF'* ... */)