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50 lines (50 loc) · 1.93 KB

File metadata and controls

50 lines (50 loc) · 1.93 KB
  • Intro slide
  • Hello, World Example
    • Explain:
      • fn declaration
      • println is a macro
    • Format strings in println!
      • println("Hello, {}!", world);
      • also show {:?}
    • Move "world" into a local variable so we can change it
      • let name = "Rustacean"; println("Hello, {}!", name);
    • Abstract into a helper fn
      • fn greet(name: String) { println("Hello, {}!", name); }
      • What goes wrong?
        • Explain format!, show how you can use same helpers
        • Explain push_str and mutable local variables
          • let mut name = format!("fellow "); name.push_str("Rustacean");
    • Call helper fn twice
      • What goes wrong now?
  • Ownership slides
  • Borrowing slides
  • Borrowing example
    • Show that & and &mut cannot overlap
    • Time-limited
  • For loops
    • show that s has type String
  • Options and enums
    • explain about unwrap and how it is risky
    • show let x = None and unwrap
    • modify to some other example, like Shape / Square / Circle
  • Sequential search
    • 10 minutes, wonder about
  • Parallel search
    • note the use statement
    • let's look at these two curious clones:
      • we'll start with shopping_list
        • type of shopping_list is in fact a reference
        • threads can't close over a reference
          • try to remove the clone, see what happens
      • what about name?
        • name is needed because store is moved into
    • how do we parallelize?
      • we have to start ALL the threads before we join ANY of them
  • Shared memory exercise
    • Afterwards:
      • show how you can change so that we request an Vec<ShoppingList> instead of &Vec, note that in general if you will consume data, it's best to take it by value, and let the owner clone if they must
      • note that this applies equally well when using channels, and in fact a common pattern is to send an Arc<T> over a channel