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SQL Server

dask-sql comes with a small test implementation for a SQL server. Instead of rebuilding a full ODBC driver, we re-use the presto wire protocol.


It is - so far - only a start of the development and missing important concepts, such as authentication.

You can test the sql presto server by running (after installation)


or by running these lines of code

from dask_sql import run_server


or directly with a created context


or by using the created docker image

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 nbraun/dask-sql

This will spin up a server on port 8080 (by default). The port and bind interfaces can be controlled with the --port and --host command line arguments (or options to :func:`~dask_sql.run_server`).

The running server looks similar to a normal presto database to any presto client and can therefore be used with any library, e.g. the presto CLI client or sqlalchemy via the PyHive package:

presto --server localhost:8080

Now you can fire simple SQL queries (as no data is loaded by default):

=> SELECT 1 + 1;
(1 row)

Or via sqlalchemy (after having installed PyHive):

from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
engine = create_engine('presto://localhost:8080/')

import pandas as pd
pd.read_sql_query("SELECT 1 + 1", con=engine)

Of course, it is also possible to call the usual CREATE TABLE commands.

Preregister your own data sources

The python function :func:`~dask_sql.run_server` accepts an already created :class:`~dask_sql.Context`. This means you can preload your data sources and register them with a context before starting your server. By this, your server will already have data to query:

from dask_sql import Context
c = Context()

# Then spin up the ``dask-sql`` server
from dask_sql import run_server

Run it in your own dask cluster

The SQL server implementation in dask-sql allows you to run a SQL server as a service connected to your dask cluster. This enables your users to run SQL command leveraging the full power of your dask cluster without the need to write python code and allows also the usage of different non-python tools (such as BI tools) as long as they can speak the presto protocol.

To run a standalone SQL server in your dask cluster, follow these three steps:

  1. Create a startup script to connect dask-sql to your cluster. There exist many different ways to connect to a dask cluster (e.g. direct access to the scheduler, dask gateway, ...). Choose the one suitable for your cluster and create a small startup script:

    # Connect to your cluster here, e.g.
    from dask.distributed import Client
    client = Client(scheduler_address)
    # Then spin up the ``dask-sql`` server
    from dask_sql import run_server
  2. Deploy this script to your cluster as a service. How you do this, depends on your cluster infrastructure (kubernetes, mesos, openshift, ...). For example you could create a docker image with a dockerfile similar to this:

    FROM nbraun/dask-sql
    COPY /opt/dask_sql/
    ENTRYPOINT [ "/opt/conda/bin/python", "/opt/dask_sql/" ]
  3. After your service is deployed, you can use it in your applications as a "normal" presto database.

The dask-sql SQL server was successfully tested with Apache Hue, Apache Superset and Metabase.

Running from a jupyter notebook

If you quickly want to bridge the gap between your jupyter notebook and a BI tool, you can run a temporary SQL server from your jupyter notebook.

# Create a Context and work with it
from dask_sql import Context
c = Context()


# Later create a temporary server

# Continue working

This allows you to access the same context with all its registered tables both in the jupyter notebook as well as by connecting to the SQL server started on port 8080 (e.g. with your BI tool).

Once you are done with the SQL server, you can close it with


Please note that this feature should not be used for productive SQL servers, but just for quick analyses via an external application.