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CPS - also known as Continuation-Passing Style - for Nim.

People watching the Nim community have likely heard the term "CPS" over the last few months. It seems there is some confusion about CPS. Specifically, what CPS is, what it is not, what it can do and what it can not do.

This short writeup attempts to answer the above questions and describes a few technicalities involved with CPS, and how this could fit in the Nim ecosystem.

NB: This document uses the term CPS for the programming style using continuations, and Nim-CPS when referring to the particular implementation that is currently under development.

TL;DR -- minute summary

Nim-CPS is a macro that transforms procedures. This transformation takes a single function definition as input via a pragma, and produces the following outputs:

  • a continuation type, typically an object, which contains a function pointer and any local variables from the original function

  • a new continuation leg function for each list of statements between control-flow changes in the original procedure; these leg functions are modified to use the continuation fields in lieu of local variables, and at exit of each leg, the function pointer in the continuation is updated to point to the next leg in the control-flow path

  • a new convenience function having the same signature as the original function, which instantiates a new instance of the continuation type

The stack is not needed after this transformation, which allows for some interesting possibilities:

  • Transformed functions may now be interrupted, either cooperatively or pre-emptively, at each continuation leg.

  • Continuation legs may be called in arbitrary order, or not at all.

  • Some or all of the continuation legs may be run in different threads.

Note that may was often used; this is where new libraries may provide additional functionality:

  • Interrupting and resuming function execution, while running another function, is the basis of yield (coroutines! iterators! generators!), or one can wait for I/O to become available (async I/O!).

  • Varying the invocation order of continuation legs allows you to build custom control-flow primitives (goto! exceptions!) without needing support from the language.

  • Moving continuation legs that are known to block (calculations, DNS lookups, etc.) to another thread while keeping the main program responsive (background processing!).

  • [TODO talk about Nim's threading support]

Nim-CPS is not:

  • an alternative implementation of async. As a matter of fact, Nim-CPS does not know anything about sockets, I/O, system calls, etc. That said, it is perfectly possible to implement something like async using CPS as a building block

  • [TODO What more is Nim-CPS not]

What Is This and Why Should I Care?


Control-flow on the Stack

Computer programs written in procedural programming languages are typically composed of functions calling other functions, making up a kind of tree-shaped form.

As an example of this control-flow, consider the following Nim program:

proc func3() =
  echo "three"

proc func2() =
  echo "two"

proc func1() =
  echo "one"

proc main() =
  echo "entry"
  echo "exit"


This is a rendering of that program's control-flow to show the tree structure:

 ----[main..] - - [..main..] - - - - - - - - - - [..main]---> end
            |     ^        |                     ^
            v     |        v                     |
            [func1] - - -  [func2..] - - [..func2]
                                   |     ^
                                   v     |

As control-flow is introduced, the tree -- also known as a stack -- grows and shrinks; it must do so in order to keep track of variables the programmer defined and the functions the programmer called so that it can resume control-flow when those functions complete.

Stack Growth

When a function calls another function, it will store the return address on the stack; when the called function is done, the program will continue the calling function from that return address.

This way of programming is structured and easy to reason about, but the consequence is that there is only "one way" your program can flow: it goes into functions, and only leaves them when they return. When your function calls another function, the stack grows, consuming a limited memory resource that is often inaccessible and of little use to the new function context.

If your program decides that it doesn't need some memory it consumed on the stack in a parent function context, there's no easy way to recover that resource. You might imagine that this is particularly problematic with recursive functions, and you have perhaps run into a stack overflow error in these cases.

Enter CPS

A different approach to control-flow is Continuation-Passing Style, or CPS. CPS sounds a bit abstract if you're not knee-deep in computer science, but the concept is actually very simple and as the name implies, it is merely a style of programming control-flow which you can trivially adopt in almost any program.

This document will demonstrate both how to write or modify programs using CPS, and why you might want to do so in your own programs. We use Nim in the examples, but CPS is applicable to almost any language with functions.

A little history of CPS

First, CPS is nothing new; in the Lisp world people have been doing CPS since the '70s, and in some languages (mainly those of the functional-programming style) CPS is a common programming paradigm.

Simplifying Control-flow with CPS

Using CPS, a completed function will not return to its caller using the return address on the stack; instead it will directly call another function and execution will continue from there.

Let's rewrite our example in CPS.

proc func3() =
  echo "three"

proc func2() =
  echo "two"

proc func1() =
  echo "one"

proc main() =
  echo "entry"
  echo "exit"


Now let's see what our tree looks like.

 ----[main]                             [main] ---> end
          |                             ^
          v                             |
          [func1]                 [func1]
                |                 ^
                v                 |
                [func2]     [func2]
                      |     ^
                      v     |

There's Just One Problem

This is silly! After leaving each of these functions, main, func1, func2, and even func3, we never return to the caller's function context, yet we still pay the penalty of having visited in the first place.

However, when you think about it, the program is already simpler to follow and we've managed to constrain this problem of optimizing or eliminating stack growth to a single scenario: a function call at the tail of another function.

Tail-Call Optimization

Indeed, gcc and clang may be able to recognize that control-flow need never revisit the calling function and thus unwind the stack before making the function call at the tail. This is appropriately-termed Tail-Call Optimization or Tail-Call Elimination.

Unfortunately, this optimization is not guaranteed by Nim, and as a result, we need to address stack growth directly in Nim.

Enter the Trampoline

What we really want is to run the first function, then run the next function, then run the next function, and so on until there are no more functions to run.

To achieve this, we have each function in the chain tell the program where to go next using a simple loop that executes each function until the chain is terminated.

proc done(): auto =
  return done

proc func3(): auto =
  echo "three"
  return done

proc func2(): auto =
  echo "two"
  return func3

proc func1(): auto =
  echo "one"
  return func2

proc main() =
  echo "entry"
  var next = func1
  while next != done:
    next = next()
  echo "exit"


Now our stack tree looks like this:

 ----[main]     [main]     [main]     [main] ---> end
          |     ^    |     ^    |     ^
          v     |    v     |    v     |
          [func1]    [func2]    [func3]

Perfect! We performed the same control-flow with no inefficient stack growth.

You Call That 'Simple'?

Hang in there; it's going to get worse before it gets better. 😁

Let's modify our original program to add some more complexity.

import times

proc spin() =
  if getTime().toUnix mod 2 == 0:
    echo "come back later"
    echo "okay, it's time"

proc main() =
  echo "entry"
  echo "exit"


Now the program prints come back later until the epoch time is odd, at which point it prints okay, it's time and then completes, printing exit. This is a very elegant control-flow design, but there's a bug in this program because sometimes we spin so much that we exhaust the stack just by bookkeeping the entry and exit of the spin procedure.

Let's see how this is solved in CPS.

import times

proc okay(): auto =
  echo "okay, it's time"

proc spin(): auto =
  if getTime().toUnix mod 2 == 0:
    echo "come back later"

proc main() =
  echo "entry"
  var next = spin
  while next != okay:
    next = next()
  echo "exit"


Actually, that wasn't so bad. In fact, it's similar in size to the original version, but the version using CPS doesn't suffer the stack-overflow bug.

Hopefully, you can start to see some advantages to this method of structuring control-flow, but perhaps you've also noticed a new issue, which brings us to...

Local Variables

Remember when I said things would get worse before they get better? This is that. 😈 But trust me, if you can get through this little section, you're home free.

First, let's introduce some local state in our program.

import times, strutils

proc spin() =
  var now = getTime()
  if now.toUnix mod 2 == 0:
    echo "come back later"
    echo "okay, it's $#" % [$now]

proc main() =
  echo "entry"
  echo "exit"


Our CPS version of the previous program does the okay... echo in a separate function, but that's going to be a problem here because that function doesn't have access to the now variable. We cannot supply it as an argument to the okay procedure because changing the signature of the procedure from that of spin will cause it to be unusable in our trampoline.

We could change both signatures thusly:

proc spin(now: Time)
proc okay(now: Time)

But this will clearly be burdensome as the complexity of our program grows.

A more general solution is to share variables of the functions throughout the CPS call chain; each procedure can receive the same object as input and mutate that environment before directing the trampoline to the next function in the chain.

We begin our OddTimer object definition with the next function target for the trampoline, and then we add the now variable to the environment.

import times, strutils

type OddTimer = ref object
  next: proc (c: OddTimer): OddTimer
  now: Time

proc okay(c: OddTimer): OddTimer =
  echo "okay, it's $#" % [$]
  return nil

proc spin(c: OddTimer): OddTimer = = getTime()
  if mod 2 == 0:
    echo "come back later"
  else: = okay
  return c

proc main() =
  echo "entry"
  var c = OddTimer(next: spin)
  while c != nil:
    c =
  echo "exit"


You probably noticed that we're using a ref object to hold these values; this neatly moves the allocations with a longer lifetime from the stack to the heap.

But You Said It Would Be Simple!

Use of CPS in procedural code is rare for the reasons you've seen in these examples: it may be easier to reason about the functions in your program individually, but harder to digest a greater perspective that shows the more complex control-flow path.

What you really want is to write your program so it is easiest to read, and then pass it off to an accountant who will rewrite it for maximum efficiency, using CPS.

This is where we segue into Nim's metaprogramming contribution...


A little history of Nim-CPS

Somewhere in the summer of '20, a few people started to think about what an implementation of CPS could bring to Nim, and what this would look like. First inspiration for in implementation was suggested by @Araq, who pointed to a paper describing a rudimentary CPS implementation for the C language.

Using the algorithms in this paper as inspiration, a first implementation of Nim-CPS was built using Nim's powerful metaprogramming. This allowed CPS to be available as a library only, without needing support from the compiler or the language.

Nim-CPS repository on GitHub

What Nim-CPS can do for you, today

The repository links to a series of examples @Zevv prepared to showcase CPS

The repository also includes a walkthrough that shows the implementation of GOTO from scratch using CPS.

The future of Nim-CPS

Your contribution here!