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React Templates

Our template offers a rich boilerplate to jump-start React-based application development with Create React App. The complete list of features included in this template is available on the Wiki.

Getting Started




  • With CLI tool

Start the CLI to generate the React application

npm install -g @nimblehq/react-template

nimble-react generate {application-name}
  • With npx
npx @nimblehq/react-template generate {application-name}

Template structure

This project uses Lerna to manage packages. The packages consist of:

  • The CLI tool facilitates the process of application generating
  • CRA template
├─ packages
│ ├─ cli-tool
│ └─ cra-template
├── .gitignore
├── package.json
└── template.json

Typescript is used by default for our React applications.

How to contribute

  • Install Lerna for accessing to the lerna CLI.

  • To contribute to the existing packages, simply navigate to the /packages folder and create a pull request to change them.


This project is Copyright (c) 2014 and onwards. It is free software and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.



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