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Ninecat-ui Contribution Guide

Hi, nice to meet you! It's great that you can contribute code, welcome!

Pull Request Specification

  • Please fork a copy of your project first, do not build branches directly under the repository.

  • Commit information, refer to related commit records

  fix:fix bug
  style: format (changes that do not affect code execution)
  refactor:refactoring (ie code changes that are not new or bug fixes)
  test:increase test
  chore:changes in the build process or aids
  • Please rebase before submitting PR to ensure that the commit record is clean.

  • Make sure PR is committed to the dev branch, not the master branch.

  • If it is a bug fix, please provide a description in the PR.

Development Environment Setup

First you need Node.js 4+, yarn and npm 3+. Note: We use yarn to lock dependency versions, so please don't use npm install to install dependencies.

git clone

cd ninecat-ui


yarn start

Interview http://localhost:8081

Development Agreement

  • If you want to add new components, first create your component directory under the packages directory. The directory starts with n, you can refer to the existing component writing.

  • Then create your component document directory in the markdown directory of the doc directory. The directory starts with n, which contains two en-US and zh-CN directories. en-US is an English document, zh-CN is a Chinese document

  • In doc.config.js in the doc directory, add the path and name of the component, sub-layout, basic components, data components, and data entry components.

  • After developing your component, you need to add your unit tests in the test / specs folder.

unit test

You can run npm run test:unit,then you can get the test result.