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This is the official codebase for the paper Instance--Specific Augmentation: Capturing Local Invariances.

InstaAug is a method for automatically learning input-specific augmentations from data. This is achieved by introducing an augmentation module that maps an input to a distribution over transformations. As a plug-in module, InstaAug can effeciently work with supervised and unsupervised models to learn and apply input-specific augmentations.


The main package is InstaAug_module and please train the model through scripts/train.

  --config_path: config path for the task and dataset 
  --Li_config_path: config path for InstaAug module
  --dataplace: data folder
  --saveplace: model save place 
  --gpu: gpu to use
  --info: checkpoint and log suffix to distinguish between experiments
  --from_scratch: binary flag indicating whether to train from scratch or to load checkpoints

We show how to apply InstaAug to various tasks in examples. Please use the following commands to reproduce the results in the paper.

Rotation on Mario-Iggy

Change to the mixmo folder:

cd examples/mixmo-pytorch; mkdir model_rotation;

Train the model:

python -m scripts.train --config_path config/marioiggy/exp_tinyimagenet_res18_1net_standard_bar1_test.yaml --dataplace $DATAPLACE --saveplace model_rotation --gpu 0 --info rotation --from_scratch --Li_config_path ../../InstaAug_module/configs/config_rotation_supervised.yaml

Cropping on Tiny-Imagenet

Change to the mixmo folder:

cd examples/mixmo-pytorch; mkdir model_crop;

First per-train the model with no augmentation:

python -m scripts.train --config_path config/tiny/exp_tinyimagenet_res18_1net_standard_bar1_test_pretrain.yaml --dataplace $DATAPLACE --saveplace model_crop/ --gpu 0 --info memory --from_scratch --max_tolerance 10

Then train with InstaAug:

python -m scripts.train --config_path config/tiny/exp_tinyimagenet_res18_1net_standard_bar1_test.yaml --dataplace $DATAPLACE --saveplace model_crop/ --gpu 0 --Li_config_path ../../InstaAug_module/configs/config_crop_supervised.yaml --max_tolerance 30 --max_no_decrease 50 --checkpoint model_crop/exp_tinyimagenet_res18_1net_standard_bar1_test_pretrainmemory/checkpoint_epoch_010.ckpt --resume_classifier_only --info crop

Color-jittering on RawFooT

Change to the mixmo folder:

cd examples/mixmo-pytorch; mkdir model_color;

Train the model:

python -m scripts.train --config_path config/rawfoot/exp_tinyimagenet_res18_1net_standard_bar1_test_pretrain.yaml --dataplace $DATAPLACE --saveplace model_color/ --gpu 0 --info color --from_scratch --Li_config_path ../../InstaAug_module/configs/config_color_jittering_supervised.yaml

Contrastive learning on Tiny-Imagenet

Change to the self-supervised folder:

cd examples/self-supervised; cp -r $DATAPLACE/tinyimagenet200 datasets;

Train the model:

python -m train --dataset tiny_in --epoch 500 --lr 2e-3 --emb 128 --method contrastive --model_folder model/test --Li_config_path ../../InstaAug_module/configs/config_crop_contrastive.yaml --eval_every 50 --crop_s0 1.0 --crop_s1 1.0 --crop_r0 1.0 --crop_r1 1.0 --wandb_name crop --entropy_weights 0.003 --num_workers 4 --target_entropy 3.7

Data source

Please cite original papers when using these datasets.


If you find this code useful, please cite our paper.

  title={Learning Instance-Specific Data Augmentations},
  author={Miao, Ning and Mathieu, Emile and Dubois, Yann and Rainforth, Tom and Teh, Yee Whye and Foster, Adam and Kim, Hyunjik},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.00051},


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