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Jubian Backend API

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Hello, you've come to the right place. This is the backend API for Jubian. Currently, it's hosted on a Heroku Server running somewhere out there. Our backend is also a MongoDB NoSQL backend. But you don't need to worry about that. You're here for our API endpoints.

All HTTP requests are made to:

We can split endpoints into two general groups. Ones that:

  1. Don't require authentication
  2. Do require authentication

Don't Need JWT Authentication

User Authentication and Users

GET /users (for debugging ONLY)

Returns a json object containing an array of all the users in the database. This should generally be used for debugging and wouldn't appear in our actual code to ship.

    "users": [
            "_id": "5c1c195d2204d1001ea3e1ca",
            "username": "rob",
            "password": "password",
            "phone": "5555555555",
            "email": "",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "5c1c19a82204d1001ea3e1cb",
            "username": "ray",
            "password": "password",
            "phone": "5555555555",
            "email": "",
            "__v": 0

POST /login

Logs a user in a returns a JWT for authentication and sessions. See Section Do need JWT Authentication

Let's say I want to login as the user robert. In request body I send:

	"username": "robert",
	"password": "password"

And the API returns:

    "success": true,
    "userId": "5c1c195d2204d1001ea3e1ca",
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI1YzFjMTk1ZDIyMDRkMTAwMWVhM2UxY2EiLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InJvYmVydCIsImlhdCI6MTU0NTM0NTc0NSwiZXhwIjoxNTQ1NDMyMTQ1fQ.ahxyLGjx1fnGBxzVOZTbhbgoN2h1UzVOjK231j29nvU"
  • userId is the Id of the user in our database. If you look closely, the userId that's returned matches the one for robert from the /users endpoint
  • token is the JWT that's returned. We should save it because it's important for /Order and /userOrder endpoints later, so save it in AsyncStorage or LocalStorage. Here's the code that was used from the original mobile app:
    fetch('', {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
      body: JSON.stringify({
        username: this.state.username,
        password: this.state.password,
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((responseJson) => {
      /* do something with responseJson and go back to the Login view but
      * make sure to check for responseJson.success! */
      if (responseJson.success) {
        this.props.navigation.navigate('Drawer')//for debugging
      else {
        this.setState({message: `Error: ${responseJson.message}`})
    .catch((err) => {
      /* do something if there was an error with fetching */
      console.log('error', err)
      this.setState({message: err})

POST /register

Registers a new user. If the username already exists, returns an error.

The request body needs to be sent as json object in your fetch or ajax call! This is what a sample fetch call from the mobile app frontend looks like:

  register() {
    fetch('', {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
      body: JSON.stringify({
        username: this.state.username,
        password: this.state.password,
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((responseJson) => {
      /* do something with responseJson and go back to the Login view but
       * make sure to check for responseJson.success! */
       if(responseJson.success) {
       else {
         this.setState({message: `Error: ${responseJson.message}`})
    .catch((err) => {
      /* do something if there was an error with fetching */

The return json object looks like:

    "success": true,
    "message": "Successfully registered a new user: robert!"


GET /browse

Browses our aisles for food! We have these aisles: beverage, canned, dried, instant, meat, noodles, powder-mix, produce, seafood, spices, and snack.

Let's browse the meat aisle.

Since it's a GET request, we put the query in the URL.

Sample frontend code:

  browseAisle (aisle) {
    fetch('' + `?aisle=${aisle.toLowerCase()}`)
    .then((resp) => resp.json())
    .then(resp => {

GET returns:

    "items": [
            "_id": "5b6403649917880124e778b2",
            "name": "Sliced Pork Hock",
            "price": "$ 1.89 / Lb",
            "description": "Sliced pork hock is a good choice for a smoked meat or a stewed dish.",
            "imgURI": "",
            "aisle": "meat",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "5b6403649917880124e778b1",
            "name": "Pork Chine Bone",
            "price": "$ 0.99 / Lb",
            "description": "Roast pork chine bone well for a delicious, flavorful center dish for any dinner or festive occasion.",
            "imgURI": "",
            "aisle": "meat",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "5b6403649917880124e778b3",
            "name": "Stewing Chicken",
            "price": "$ 2.19 / Lb",
            "description": "This chicken is great for - you guessed it - stewing. Boil this chicken for a rich and savory chicken broth.",
            "imgURI": "",
            "aisle": "meat",
            "__v": 0

GET /searchItem

Similar to GET /browse, GET /searchItem returns the results of a query, but this endpoint matches for the query using regex.


    "items": [
            "_id": "5b6403639917880124e77872",
            "name": "Kimbo Chicken Broth",
            "price": "$ 0.99 / EA",
            "description": "Count on Kimbo Chicken Broth for all your soup and cooking needs. Exceptional, rich chicken taste guarantees the best outcome for whatever recipe you have on hand!",
            "imgURI": "",
            "aisle": "canned",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "5b6403649917880124e778b3",
            "name": "Stewing Chicken",
            "price": "$ 2.19 / Lb",
            "description": "This chicken is great for - you guessed it - stewing. Boil this chicken for a rich and savory chicken broth.",
            "imgURI": "",
            "aisle": "meat",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "5b6403649917880124e778b6",
            "name": "Chicken Leg Meat",
            "price": "$ 2.99 / Lb",
            "description": "Craving something braised and savory? Taiwanese cuisine often has braised chicken leg meat for a variety of dishes. Purchase some chicken leg meat today.",
            "imgURI": "",
            "aisle": "meat",
            "__v": 0

As you can see, there are all kinds of products returned that all have chicken in the name!

Payments and Stripe

POST /payments


POST /travelTime (experimental, do not use)

POST /driverRegistration

POST /driver/login

Logs a driver in.

Let's say I want to login as the driver ray. In request body I send:

	"username": "ray",
	"password": "ray"

And the API returns:

    "success": true,
    "driverInfo": {
        "_id": "5c40283d272d86503d7730e5",
        "username": "ray",
        "password": "ray",
        "__v": 0
  • _id is the Id of the user in our database.
            method: "POST",
            headers: {
                "Content-Type": "application/json",
            body: JSON.stringify({
                username: userValues.username,
                password: userValues.password
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(response => {
            console.log('response', response);
            if (response.success){
                    driverId: response.driverInfo._id,
                    name: response.driverInfo.username
            } else {
                dispatch(loginFailed('invalid user'));
        .catch(error => {
            // If any other error occurs

GET /driver/orders

Returns all orders that is has not been delivered.

An example response:

    "success": true,
    "orders": [
            "deliveryLogistics": {
                "date": "2019-02-17T17:42:08.868Z",
                "time": "17:00"
            "orderTime": "2019-02-17T17:47:33.123Z",
            "status": "ordered",
            "_id": "5c699e3c548a051bfa6d9ca9",
            "totalPrice": 15,
            "ZIP": "06269",
            "orderedBy": {
                "_id": "5c1c195d2204d1001ea3e1ca",
                "username": "robert",
                "password": "password",
                "phone": "5555555555",
                "email": "",
                "__v": 0
            "address": "2384 Alumni Dr, Storrs, CT",
            "phone": "1234567890",
            "geocode": {
                "lat": 41.80703,
                "lng": -72.25861
            "items": [
                    "_id": "5c699e3c548a051bfa6d9cab",
                    "name": "Asian Taste Jasmine Tea (20 Teabags)",
                    "count": 2,
                    "itemId": "5b6403639917880124e7786e"
            "__v": 0

POST /driver/order/update

Allows drivers to make changes to the status of the delivery.

There are three options for status: 1) "ordered" 2) "in delivery" 3) "delivered". The default option is "ordered".

For example, the request body would be:

	"orderId": "5c699e3c548a051bfa6d9ca9",
  "status": "delivered"

And the API returns:

  "success": true,
  order: {... order details ...}

Do Need JWT Authentication


GET /userOrder

POST /Order (note order is caps)

This route saves the user's order to the database.

The request model is as follows:

  totalPrice: Number, [required]
  orderedBy: User, [required]
  phone: String, [required]
  address: String, [required]
  ZIP:String, [required]
    date: Date, [required]
    time: String, [required, options are: ["17:00", "17:30", "18:00", "18:30", "19:00"]]
      name: String,
      count: Number,
      itemId: GroceryItemId
  status: String, [required, options are ["ordered", "in delivery", "delivered"]],

For example, the request body would be:

	"address": "917 Tower Ct Rd, Storrs, CT 06268",
  "userName": "ray", 
  "ZIP": 06269,
  "phone": 1234567890,
    {"name": "Yellow Bell Pepper, 1 Count", "count": 2, "itemId":"5b74a27b490fcc4ad80fbe8c"},{"name": "Organic Bunapi Mushroom, 1 Count", "count": 3, "itemId": "5b74a27b490fcc4ad80fbe87"},
  "totalPrice": 15.34,
  "deliveryLogistics": {
    "time": "18:00"

And the API returns:

    "success": true,
    "order": {
        "deliveryLogistics": {
            "date": "2019-02-17T17:42:08.868Z",
            "time": "18:00"
        "orderTime": "2019-02-17T17:47:33.123Z",
        "status": "ordered",
        "_id": "5c69bc57548a051bfa6d9caf",
        "totalPrice": 15.34,
        "ZIP": "06269",
        "orderedBy": "5c1c19a82204d1001ea3e1cb",
        "address": "917 Tower Ct Rd, Storrs, CT 06268",
        "phone": "1234567890",
        "geocode": {
            "lat": 41.81729,
            "lng": -72.26559
        "items": [
                "_id": "5c69bc57548a051bfa6d9cb2",
                "name": "Yellow Bell Pepper, 1 Count",
                "count": 2,
                "itemId": "5b74a27b490fcc4ad80fbe8c"
        "__v": 0