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Lex is a console line execution module. Works out of the box for any React project, taking care of all your development needs. No need to install unit testing, transpilers, compilers, or even development servers. Install Lex globally and let go of all the grunt work, allowing you focus on coding your app.

Lex eliminates this hassle. With the most common enterprise configurations used, developers can simply run and go. Lex uses the following libraries to assist in development.


See Lex documentation site for full details.


Lex is installed globally using npm.

npm install -g @nlabs/lex

lex compile -c ./webpack.config.js

Quick Start

// Install a skeleton app with the ArkhamJS framework
$ npm install -g @nlabs/lex
$ lex init myApp -i
$ cd myApp

// Run the dev server
$ lex dev -o


  • configFiles - (optional) - Array of configuration files to load. Defaults to ['package.json', 'lex.config.js'].
  • entryHTML - (optional) Path to the HTML file to use as the entry point for the app.
  • entryJs - (optional) Path to the JS file to use as the entry point for the app.
  • esbuild - (optional) Options to pass to esbuild.
  • env - (optional) Environment variables to pass to the app.
  • gitUrl - (optional) The URL to the git repository.
  • jest - (optional) Options to pass to Jest.
  • libraryName - (optional) The name of the library.
  • libraryTarget - (optional) The target for the library.
  • outputFile - (optional) Path to the output file.
  • outputFullPath - (optional) The full path to the output file.
  • outputHash - (optional) Whether to add a hash to the output file.
  • outputPath - (optional) Path to the output directory.
  • packageManager - (optional) Manager to use for node modules Options: 'npm', 'yarn'. Default: 'npm'.
  • preset - (optional) Preset to use for the project Options: web, node, lambda, mobile. Default: web.
  • sourceFullPath - (optional) Path to the source files.
  • sourcePath - (optional) Path to the source files.
  • targetEnvironment - (optional) 'node' | 'web';
  • useGraphQl - (optional) Whether to use GraphQL.
  • useTypescript - (optional) Use Typescript for the project. Default: false.
  • webpack - (optional) Options to pass to Webpack.


Command Line Interface DevOps Tool






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