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Simple, lightweight, no-nonsense React hook for form validation.

Why using use-form versus more complex libraries, such as react-hook-form or formik?

  • use-form is simple: you will get all the benefits of production-ready form validation, using code patterns you already know, without the need to dive into deep documentation.
  • use-form is lightweight: it is a tiny library (8kB, 3kB gzipped), with only 1 dependency (lodash.isempty) and a minimal API that gives you all that you need.
  • use-form is fast: it re-renders your component only when you need to.
  • use-form is un-opinionated: it integrates seamlessly with robust UI libraries such as material-ui (with their error, valid or helperText props), but also with native HTML input tags.
  • use-form is typechecked: it reduces errors by always enforcing only the right types.

In one word:

  • use-form is no-nonsense: it is safe, easy to use, and easy to understand.


Using npm:

npm i --save @nononsense/use-form

Using yarn:

yarn add @nononsense/use-form

Basic Usage

import React from 'react'
import useForm from '@nononsense/use-form'

const options = {
  onSubmit: data => console.log(data),
  requireds: ['firstName', 'email']

const MyComponent = () => {
  const {
  } = useForm(options)

  return (
    <button onClick={handleSubmit}>Submit</button>

Advanced Usage

Standard validation

Some fields are natively validated against standard validation rules. The fields with the following name will be validated:

  • phone
  • email
  • password
  • confirmPassword

These rules can be found in /src/validation.js, and can be overriden with customValidation (see below).

Custom Validation

Simple validation field:

const options = {
  onSubmit: data => console.log('submitted:', data),
  requireds: ['firstName', 'email'],
  customValidation: {
    firstName: {
      test: value => value.length > 1,
      error: 'First name must be at least 2 characters long'
  // By default, validation will be triggered on blur, but you can also trigger it on change:
  validateOnChange: true

const MyComponent = () => {
  const {
  } = useForm(options)

  return (

      // Make sure to give the same field name as in customValidation:

      // If you want to trigger validation on blur (default), use `handleBlur`:

      // If you set the `validateOnChange` option to `true`:
      // (If you don't, you don't even have to use onChange at all!)

      // Input style can be modified according to validation:
        color: errors.firstName
          ? 'red'
          : valids.firstName
            ? 'green'
            : 'black'

    // Errors can be displayed via the errors object:
    {errors.firstName && <div style={{ color: red }}>{errors.firstName}</div>}

    // handleSubmit will check all fields for validation,
    // and won't trigger onSubmit if errors are detected.
    <button onClick={handleSubmit}>Submit</button>

Enforcing rules depending on other form values

You can pass values as argument to options, so form values can be used in the tests:

const options = (values) => {
  customValidation: {
    firstName: {
      test: value => value !== values.lastName,
      error: 'First name must not be the same as last name'

// ...inside the component:
const { values } = useForm(options(values))

or declare options directly within your component:

// ...inside the component:
{ values } = useForm({
  customValidation: {
    firstName: {
      test: value => value !== values.lastName,       // Will work too!
      error: 'First name must not be the same as last name'

Enforcing multiple rules in the same field

const { values, handleErrors } = useForm({
  customValidation: {
    firstName: {
      test: value => {
        if (value === values.lastName) {
            firstName: 'First name must not be the same as last name'
          return false // Don't forget to return false if test does not pass:
        } else if (value.length < 2) {
            firstName: 'First name must be at least 2 characters long'
          return false
        } else return true
      } // No error message needed, because it's handled by the test function

Overriding standard validation:

In customValidation, you can pass a field name used in standardValidation to override its test rules. Let's try with email:

const options = {
  customValidation: {
    email: {
      test: value => value.includes('@'),
      error: 'Email must be valid'

Key listeners

onKeyDown can be used to trigger a function when a key is pressed, or override the default behavior of handleSubmit when pressing Enter:

const options = {
  onKeyDown: (e) => {
    if (e.key === 'Enter') {
      console.log('Enter pressed!')

API Reference


useForm accepts a limited number of options to customize its behavior:

  • onSubmit - Callback function to be called when form is submitted.
  • defaultValues - Object of field names and their corresponding default values.
  • formName - A unique formName is required if two instances (or more) of useForm are concurrently mounted.
  • requireds - Array of field names that are required. Note that the required HTML attribute is ignored.
  • customValidation- Object of names and their corresponding validation test and optional error message if the test fails. These rules can override the default validation rules. See below for examples.
  • bypassValidation - Array of field names that will not be tested against validation rules. Note that if required fields are passed, they remain required.
  • onKeyDown - Function that will be passed to useForm's internal key event listener. If left undefined, handleSubmit will be triggered when pressing Enter.
  • disableKeyListener - Boolean to disable the key listener. If true, will also disable the function passed to onKeyDown.
  • validateDefaultValuesOnMount - Boolean to validate default values when component is mounted.
  • validateOnChange - Array of field names to validate when they are changed, not only on blur.
  • validateOnBlur - Array of field names to validate when they are blurred. If provided, will override default behaviour and disable validation on blur for all fields, except those provided.
  • validateOnSubmit - Array of field names to validate when form is submitted. If provided, will override default behaviour and disable validation on submit for all fields, except those provided.
  • rerenderOnValidation - Boolean to rerender the component when any field is validated. Defaults to true.
  • rerenderOnChange - Boolean to rerender the component when form is changed. Defaults to false.
  • rerenderOnSubmit - Boolean to rerender the component when form is submitted. Defaults to true.
  • disableRerenders - Array of field names that, if changed or validated, won't trigger a rerender.
  • resetOnUnmount - Boolean to reset values, errors and valids when component is unmounted. Defaults to true. If set to false, please make sure to give a unique formName to each instance of useForm.

Returned values

The hook returns an object of properties to be used in your component:

  • values - Object of field names and their current values.
  • errors - Object of field names and their current error message. If no error property is present for a given field, this field will be considered valid.
  • valids - Object of field names and a boolean stating if this field is currently valid or not.
  • validate - Function that will validate fields against all the validation rules. It will trigger both handleValids & handleErrors (unless silent is set to true), and will return a boolean stating if the field is valid or not. Prototype: (name, field, silent) => boolean
  • validateAll - Function that will validate all fields against validation rules. Will trigger handleValids & handleErrors to add/remove error messages & validity, and return a boolean stating if all fields are valid or not.
  • validation - Object of field names and the corresponding validation test(s) that will be enforced. This includes customValidation & standardValidation.
  • handleSubmit - Function that takes a submit event as argument and calls onSubmit if validateAll returns true.
  • handleChange - Function that takes a change event as argument and updates the values object.
  • handleBlur - Function that takes a blur event as argument and applies validate on the event target.
  • handleChangeCheckbox - Function that takes a change event from a checkbox input as argument and updates the values object.
  • handleFileUpload - Function that takes a change event from a file upload as argument and updates the values object.
  • handleErrors - Function to manually set the errors object.
  • handleValids - Function to manually set the valids object.
  • setValues - Function to manually set the values object (without triggering any validation or rerender).
  • rerender - Function to manually trigger a rerender.


The package's default export is the useForm hook. It also exports named exports:

import useForm, { standardValidation, forms, setForms } from '@nononsense/use-form'
  • standardValidation - Function that takes a form's name as argument and returns the standard validation rules & error messages for this form.
  • forms - The state of all forms used across all instances of useForm, which includes { values, valids, errors } for each form name.
  • setForms - Function to directly mutate the forms state if needed.


No-nonsense React hook for form validation







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