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File metadata and controls

154 lines (114 loc) · 5.81 KB

Extending the API

To create a new api from this framework or modify an existing one, use the following classes from :any:`s100py.s1xx` as well as the ones in :any:`s100py.s100`.

  • S1xxObject for hdf5 groups with attributes, datasets and sub-groups.
  • S1xxDatasetBase for datasets (numpy arrays).
  • S1xxCollection for groups that have multiple occurrences using the S100 naming scheme (Group_NNN)

To make data members for one of the above classes, here is how to make a template in PyCharm to speed creation:

  • File-Settings-Editor-LiveTemplates
  • Create a new template (hit the plus button on the side) and name it S102 and give it a description paste in the code below (@property lines)
  • Click the Edit Variables and for $attr$ under expression put: snakeCase(SELECTION) at the bottom is a line that says "applicable in" and has a hyperlinked word (define or change) -- click that and select Python

To use, highlight the camel case S102 attribute name and press ctrl-alt-J (or ctrl-alt-T) and select your S102 from the list It will fill in the names and then put the cursor in the right place to specify the type

What it does:
  • take the selected text (name from the S102 doc) and:
  • make a read only property returning the S102 HDF5 attribute name
  • make a read/write property to contain the data
  • make a property to tell the type of the data
  • make a _create() function to make a default value for the attribute

Code to put in your live template

__$attr$_hdf_name__ = "$SELECTION$"  #: HDF5 naming

def $attr$(self) -> $type$:
    return self._attributes[self.__$attr$_hdf_name__]

def $attr$(self, val: $type$):
    self._attributes[self.__$attr$_hdf_name__] = val

def __$attr$_type__(self) -> Type[$type$]:
    return $type$

def $attr$_create(self):
    """ Creates a blank, empty or zero value for $attr$"""
    # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
    # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
    self.$attr$ = self.__$attr$_type__()
For enumeration data types use this template which is very similar
  • Again, click the Edit Variables and for $attr$ under expression put: snakeCase(SELECTION)
  • At the bottom is a line that says "applicable in" and has a hyperlinked word (define or change) -- click that and select Python
__$attr$_hdf_name__ = "$SELECTION$"  #: HDF5 naming

def $attr$(self) -> $type$:
    return self._attributes[self.__$attr$_hdf_name__]

def $attr$(self, val: Union[int, str, $type$]):
    self.set_enum_attribute(val, self.__$attr$_hdf_name__, self.__$attr$_type__)

def __$attr$_type__(self) -> Type[$type$]:
    return $type$

def $attr$_create(self):
    """ Creates a value using the first item in the enumeration of $attr$"""
    # Make the enum into a list and take the first value
    # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
    # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
    self.$attr$ = list(self.__$attr$_type__)[0]

This template makes an attribute but specifies the type as well before you run it. Put the HDF5 name from the S100+ spec first followed by an arrow (->) then the type.

Click the Edit Variables and:
  • for "type" under expression put: regularExpression(SELECTION, ".*->", "")
  • for "HDF5NAME" for expression put: regularExpression(SELECTION, "->.*", "")
  • for "attr" under expression put: snakeCase(regularExpression(SELECTION, "->.*", ""))
  • at the bottom is a line that says "applicable in" and has a hyperlinked word (define or change) -- click that and select Python
template variable dialog

Types can be basic python types or custom created classes.

Ex: eastBoundLongitude->float

__$attr$_hdf_name__ = return "$HDF5NAME$"  #: HDF5 naming

def $attr$(self) -> $type$:
    return self._attributes[self.__$attr$_hdf_name__]

def $attr$(self, val: $type$):
    self._attributes[self.__$attr$_hdf_name__] = val

def __$attr$_type__(self) -> Type[$type$]:
    return $type$

def $attr$_create(self):
    """ Creates a blank, empty or zero value for $attr$
    # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
    # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
    self.$attr$ = self.__$attr$_type__()

And finally a similar one for enumerations. Same syntax or HDF5 name followed by the Enumeration name.

Click the Edit Variables and:
  • for "type" under expression put: regularExpression(SELECTION, ".*->", "")
  • for "HDF5NAME" for expression put: regularExpression(SELECTION, "->.*", "")
  • for "attr" under expression put: snakeCase(regularExpression(SELECTION, "->.*", ""))
  • at the bottom is a line that says "applicable in" and has a hyperlinked word (define or change) -- click that and select Python

If you used the enumeration 'MONTY' from the sample api, this would look like dataName->MONTY

__$attr$_hdf_name__ = return "$HDF5NAME$"  #: HDF5 naming

def $attr$(self) -> $type$:
    return self._attributes[self.__$attr$_hdf_name__]

def $attr$(self, val: Union[int, str, $type$]):
    self.set_enum_attribute(val, self.__$attr$_hdf_name__, self.$attr$_type)

def __$attr$_type__(self) -> Type[$type$]:
    return $type$

def $attr$_create(self):
    """ Creates a blank, empty or zero value for $attr$
    # Make the enum into a list and take the first value
    # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
    # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
    self.$attr$ = list(self.__$attr$_type__)[0]