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Setting up a model

We are going to implement a simple linear decay equation:

$$\frac{dT}{dt} = - a \cdot T + F$$

Where T is the temperature in Kelvin, a > 0 is the linear constant and F the forcing parameter.

To set up the model, some straight-forward steps are necessary. First, import the numericalmodel module:

import numericalmodel

Creating a model

First initialize an object of NumericalModel:

model = numericalmodel.numericalmodel.NumericalModel()

We may tell the model to start from time 0:

model.initial_time = 0

Defining variables, parameters and forcing

The StateVariable, Parameter, and ForcingValue classes all derive from InterfaceValue, which is a convenient class for time/value management. It also provides interpolation (InterfaceValue.__call__). An InterfaceValue has a (sensibly unique) id for it to be referencable in a SetOfInterfaceValues.

For convenience, let's import everything from the interfaces submodule:

from numericalmodel.interfaces import *

Let's define our state variable. For the simple case of the linear decay equation, our only state variable is the temperature T:

temperature = StateVariable( id = "T", name = "temperature", unit = "K" )

Providing a name and a unit documents your model on the fly.


All classes in numericalmodel are subclasses of ReprObject. This makes them have a proper __repr__ method to provide an as-exact-as-possible representation. So at any time you might do a print(repr(temperature)) or just temperature<ENTER> in an interactive python session to see a representation of this object:


time_function = numericalmodel.utils.utcnow, values = array([], dtype=float64), name = 'temperature', times = array([], dtype=float64), unit = 'K', id = 'T', interpolation = 'zero' )

The others - a and F - are created similarly:

parameter = Parameter( id = "a", name = "linear parameter", unit = "1/s" )
forcing = ForcingValue( id = "F", name = "forcing parameter", unit = "K/s" )

Now we add them to the model:

model.variables  = SetOfStateVariables( [ temperature ] )
model.parameters = SetOfParameters(     [ parameter ]   )
model.forcing    = SetOfForcingValues(  [ forcing ]     )


A lot of objects in numericalmodel also have a sensible __str__ method, which enables them to print a summary of themselves. For example, if we do a print(model):

### "numerical model"
### - a numerical model -
###  version 0.0.1

by: anonymous

a numerical model

This is a numerical model.

### Model data ###

initial time: 1490648927.012074

### Variables ###


--- T [K] ---currently: ? [K] interpolation: zero 0 total recorded values

### Parameters ###

"linear parameter"

--- a [1/s] ---currently: ? [1/s] interpolation: linear 0 total recorded values

### Forcing ###

"forcing parameter"

--- F [K/s] ---currently: ? [K/s] interpolation: linear 0 total recorded values

### Schemes ###



When an InterfaceValue's value is set, a corresponding time is determined to record it. The default is to use the return value of the InterfaceValue.time_function, which in turn defaults to the current utc timestamp. When the model was told to use temperature, parameter and forcing, it automatically set the InterfaceValue.time_function to its internal model_time. That's why it makes sense to define initial values after adding the InterfaceValue s to the model.

Now that we have defined our model and added the variables, parameters and forcing, we may set initial values:

temperature.value = 20 + 273.15
parameter.value   = 0.1
forcing.value     = 28


We could also have made use of SetOfInterfaceValues' handy indexing features and have said:

model.variables["T"].value = 20 + 273.15 model.parameters["a"].value = 0.1 model.forcing["F"].value = 28

Defining equations

We proceed by defining our equation. In our case, we do this by subclassing PrognosticEquation, since the linear decay equation is a prognostic equation:

class LinearDecayEquation(numericalmodel.equations.PrognosticEquation):
    Class for the linear decay equation
    def linear_factor(self, time = None ):
        # take the "a" parameter from the input, interpolate it to the given
        # "time" and return the negative value
        return - self.input["a"](time)

    def independent_addend(self, time = None ):
        # take the "F" forcing parameter from the input, interpolate it to
        # the given "time" and return it
        return self.input["F"](time)

    def nonlinear_addend(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return 0 # nonlinear addend is always zero (LINEAR decay equation)

Now we initialize an object of this class:

decay_equation = LinearDecayEquation( 
    variable = temperature,
    input = SetOfInterfaceValues( [parameter, forcing] ),

We can now calculate the derivative of the equation with the derivative method:

>>> decay_equation.derivative()

Choosing numerical schemes

Alright, we have all input we need and an equation. Now everything that's missing is a numerical scheme to solve the equation. numericalmodel ships with the most common numerical schemes. They reside in the submodule numericalmodel.numericalschemes. For convenience, we import everything from there:

from numericalmodel.numericalschemes import *

For a linear decay equation whose parameters are independent of time, the EulerImplicit scheme is a good choice:

implicit_scheme = numericalmodel.numericalschemes.EulerImplicit( 
    equation = decay_equation

We may now add the scheme to the model:

model.numericalschemes = SetOfNumericalSchemes( [ implicit_scheme ] )

That's it! The model is ready to run!

Running the model

Running the model is as easy as telling it a final time:

model.integrate( final_time = model.model_time + 60 )

Model results

The model results are written directly into the StateVariable's cache. You may either access the values directly via the values property (a numpy.ndarray) or interpolated via the InterfaceValue.__call__ method.

One may plot the results with matplotlib.pyplot:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot( temperature.times, temperature.values, 
    linewidth = 2,
    label =,
plt.xlabel( "time [seconds]" )
plt.ylabel( "{} [{}]".format(, temperature.unit ) )

The linear decay model results

The linear decay model results

The full code can be found in the examples section.