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A. Normal installation

Before building the source package, make sure following libraries are installed:

  Ubuntu/Debian install RedHat/CentOS install
openssl apt-get install libssl-dev yum install libssl-dev
zlib apt-get install zlib1g-dev yum install zlib-devel
readline apt-get install libreadline6-dev yum install readline-devel

Then download source package from the Download page and extract it.

Finally, build and install using ./configure && make && sudo make install:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Above commands install Fluent to $prefix and Ruby to $prefix/lib/fluent/ruby.

Next step: :ref:`install/confirm`

B. Gem installation

If you have installed Ruby >= 1.9.2, you can use RubyGems to download and install Fluent.

You can confirm installed Ruby's version as following:

$ ruby --version
ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revision 30909) [x86_64-darwin10.6.0]

If it says ruby 1.9.2 or above, use gem command to install fluent:

$ sudo gem install fluent

Next step: :ref:`install/confirm`

C. Latest repository installation

To install the latest development version from the source repository, prepare Ruby >= 1.9.2 and run following commands:

$ git clone
$ cd fluent
$ rake
$ gem install pkg/fluent-*.gem

Next step: :ref:`install/confirm`

Confirm installation

To confirm installation, run following commands:

$ fluentd --setup ./fluent
$ fluentd -c fluentd/fluent.conf -vv &&
$ echo '{"json":"message"}' | fluent-cat debug.test

The last command sends fluentd a message '{"json":"message"}' with "debug.test" tag. If the installation was successful, fluentd will output following message:

2011-07-10 16:49:50 +0900 debug.test: {"json":"message"}


Once you installed, you can update to the latest version using following command:

$ sudo fluent-gem install fluent

Next step: :ref:`config`

Next step: :ref:`devel`