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96 lines (63 loc) · 3.03 KB

File metadata and controls

96 lines (63 loc) · 3.03 KB


This version introduces the parallel activity. The parallel activity allows to execute in the same time many activities.

Breaking Changes

  • The getStatePath method in the WorkflowMachineSnapshot class is deleted. Please use the tryGetStatePath method or the getStatePaths method instead.


This version adds a possibility to stop a workflow machine. To stop a workflow machine, you should call the tryStop() method of the WorkflowMachineInterpreter class.


This version adds a new feature to the fork activity. Now it's possible to skip all branches. The handler of the fork activity should return a value returned by the skip() function.

createForkActivity<BranchedStep, TestGlobalState>('if', {
  init: () => ({ /* ... */ }),
  handler: async (step, globalState, activityState) => {
    // ...
    return skip();


This version simplifies error handling:

  • The getSnapshot() method now returns an instance of the WorkflowMachineSnapshot class, which includes three new methods: isFinished(), isFailed(), and isInterrupted(). Additionally, you can retrieve the id of the last executing step by calling the tryGetCurrentStepId() method.
  • The unhandledError property of the snapshot class is always an instance of the MachineUnhandledError class.


Updated the sequential-workflow-model dependency to the version 0.2.0.


The LoopActivityEventHandler can return void or Promise now.


This version adds a new feature to the break activity. Now it is possible to break a parent loop without specifying the name of the loop. The previous approach is still supported.

createBreakActivity<BreakStep>('break', {
  loopName: (step) => -1,
  // ...


This version changes the syntax of all create*Activity functions. The first argument is the step type, the second argument is the configuration.

// Old syntax
const fooActivity = createAtomActivity<FooStep, MyGlobalState, FooStateState>({
  stepType: 'foo',
  init: /* ... */,
  handler: /* ... */

// New syntax
const fooActivity = createAtomActivity<FooStep, MyGlobalState, FooStateState>('foo', {
  init: /* ... */,
  handler: /* ... */

Additionally this version introduces the createAtomActivityFromHandler function. It allows to create an activity by very short syntax. This function creates an activity without the activity state.

const fooActivity = createAtomActivityFromHandler<FooStep, MyGlobalState>('foo', async (step, globalState) => {
  // handler


Breaking Changes

The activity state initializer has one new argument. The order of arguments is not backward compatible. The first argument is a step, the second argument is a global state.


Added two new activities: LoopActivity and BreakActivity.


Changed bundle format of the sequential-workflow-machine package to: UMD, ESM and CommonJS.


First release! 🎉