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File metadata and controls

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Keyword Explanation
client A client requests services and information from the server. Typically, a client is a computer application, such as a web browser.
dependencies Dependencies are external code modules that are required to run your project.
endpoint The part of the URL which comes after /. For example: /chocolate is the "chocolate" endpoint.
express.static() The built-in Express middleware function that makes it possible to serve static assets.
get() The Express method used to set up a handler function in Express. Takes two parameters: the endpoint, and the handler function.
handler function A function that receives requests and tells the server how to respond to them.
method Method is another name for a function.
middleware A function (or functions) that are invoked by Express before your final request handler is executed. Middleware sits between a raw request and its final intended route.
module A module is a bit of reusable code, written by you or someone else, that can be imported into a Node.js project using require.
npm npm is a "package manager" for Node.js, meaning it allows you to easily install external modules (or chunks of code) published by others and use them in your project.
npm install [package-name] The terminal command used to install a package from npm.
package.json A package.json is the file used to store information about a Node.js project, such as its name and its dependencies. Read more here.
port A port is a number that serves as an endpoint, determining where you can access your web application.
request A request is the message sent via HTTP from the client to the server, asking for information.
require() Require is used in Node.js to import functionality from another file or an external module.
response A response is the data sent back to the client from the server after an HTTP request is made.
routing The definition of application endpoints and how they respond to client requests.
--save When added to the end of an npm install command, --save adds that npm package to the package.json file.
send() The Express method used to send information back to the client from the server. Updates the response object.
server A web server is a software application which handles HTTP requests sent by the client, like web browsers, and returns web pages and information in response.
static assets Files such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript documents or images that you want to appear in the browser.
use() The method that tells Express to use a certain piece of middleware.